After two days of preparation, the grinder subjugation team departed from the city of Tria.
Temporarily hired mercenaries from behind the troops.
Marquis Tria has deployed two companies in the operation. This is about one-third of the total number of troops in Tria's army, and shows how seriously the Marquis is taking this situation.
In fact, however, it was the generals in charge of the tribal army who suggested urgent action and devoted this amount of force. The sparse Thorian lord Frederick is by no means an incompetent politician, but there is a bit more to the military. Therefore, when such a situation occurred, the response was left to the generals.
The general appointed one of the company commanders as commander, and formed a squad of four spearmen, two heavies, and three bowmen, to which veteran soldiers were assigned as squad leaders. The grinder subjugation squad consists of thirty-eight corps composed of thirty-eight corps composed of territories and nine mercenaries.
Two platoon commanders and eight platoon leaders from the territory participate in the defeat squad. One of his platoon leaders, Decken, was authorized to command five squads. Riding on a horse, he spoke sideways to Decken, where he headed the march's leadership.
"Decken platoon leader. I'm honored to be with you."
The voice comes from a horse running in parallel with the deck.
"Druise platoon commander. This is the first time you're fighting with you."
"Yes, I'm reassured that Captain Decken, who boasts Tria's best sword, is here."
The Tribal Army has the right to mount more than the platoon commander. Druise is also a platoon leader, so he is riding in the lead group in this way.
At the head were the commander commander, another commander commander, and two platoon commanders in addition to Decken and Druisse. Originally Decken and Druisse are on an equal footing. Druise, however, had just been promoted from squadron two months ago, and is the youngest of his platoons, and is humble in dealing with decken and other platoonmen.
"If you fight with such soldiers, there will be only one unit of monsters."
Deckens and the military do not know much about grinders. It is unusual for grinders originally inhabiting the Canobis Mountains far west to appear on grasslands around Tria.
Even among mercenaries traveling through unexplored territories, few people like the Canobis Mountains. Inevitably, few people have ever engaged a grinder.
The tribal army also has documents stating the existence of grinders. However, there was no concrete description other than being a powerful monster.
"Oh, yes. With this strength, it would be a trivial opponent, such as a grinder. Some mercenaries have complained that they should not spare their troops, but this is an exciting story. That would be too much for the demon opponent. ''
Because the grinder's strength is not clear, the generals are defeating excessive force.
As such, it is not wrong on a military service. However, when it comes to decking, feelings of dissatisfaction like not being so cautious cannot be suppressed. With such money, I thought that it would be much more beneficial to improve the army of the territorial army.
"It's not at all. There are rewards just for following me, but there are times when I can not understand myself, such as stinging up the formation of the territory.
"I don't expect it to be a mercenary force, of course. It's good if you work as a searcher at best."
It's hard to convince a Decken individual to beat such a reward.
But from a territorial point of view, there is another way of thinking.
Eating mercenaries is tricky. Originally, it has stronger power than ordinary people, so once the tag comes off, it quickly turns into a robbery, bandit, or a violent device of the back society. To prevent such a situation, giving mercenaries a good job and giving them alms will result in lower security.
That kind of person just needs to get rid of the city. I don't say it, but Decken always thought so.
Decken remembered a mercenary woman who confronted him about ten days ago. He was a savage mercenary who was strong but did not know any respect and honor. Heavenly Colors Alice Blue's hair is beautiful, and his eyes are impressive, but he cannot be forgiven for his disrespect for the lords and their own troops.
She sought to beat the woman's feelings and tried to get her hands together and lost. The general was embarrassed and embarrassed before the lord, let alone. In the first place, the battle was to regain the honor of the company commander who was defeated by challenging the woman, but the result showed that Decken himself received more disgrace than the company commander.
Decken, who was called the best occupant of the army, fell to the ground quickly after losing to a mercenary woman. There's nothing sneering at the table, but I don't know what's being said behind the scenes. Dark It may be that you have been ordered to defeat this time, and that you have been stigmatized by spears. In any case, you have to earn credit for defeating the grinder.
"I don't need the power of mercenaries"
Muttering a scorpion with no one, Decken clasped the reins of the horse.