The Tale of the Teapot Hero’s Revenge

23 Incomprehensible Operation

Beat with his neck hanging and a stra that looks boring as ever.

Seems like it's just me and Joana who know what it means.

"Get Mr. Cain's daughter back and assassinate Tario."

"No, you don't. Operation is only a recapture."

Retrieval, I would emphasize.

Why is that?

Assassination, but not good?

"Right now, the front line is calm for the first time. The Demons have a defensive battle going on, they're not aggressive. The kingdom lacks a brave man, and he's glued."

"You don't know much about fronts, forces, me like that, do you? So don't come with the pin."

"... that's you. Because of this, I'll tell you what."

I was kind of looked at with pity.

Anyway, I'm an unknown country girl.

"First of all, this body of the Kingdom of Deltirade is in the central part of the continent"

In the middle of the map, a leader pointed to an area full of mountains.

"From here on the east side, it is now Kingdom territory, but until more than a decade ago there were many small countries. Our country, Stige, is here."

East pepper, around facing the ocean.

Oh, well, that's Stige.

The leaders', Mr. Caron's hometown.

"So, the north side of the kingdom. I can't even get my hands on this place in the kingdom. It's Paradise territory, a religious power led by Leeche, the Virgin of the Empireo Church."

Virgin Reacher, or a name I've heard before.

Looking at Beat's face for a moment, he looks kind of rushed again this time.

Feels like it has something to do with this.

... No, no, I'm not interested.

Because I'm not interested in other people.

"Paradise is neutral, not on the side of the Demons, not on the side of the kingdom. But with great military power and religious authority. In the double sense of the word, I can't help Burtoghu."

That tyrant has no idea.

So, I flattened the east side and went west because they're blocking the north side.

How far do you want territory, are you out of your mind?

"Remaining West Side. It is inhabited by an unbelievable race, subhumans."

It's an image full of western, mountains and forests and nature, but what do you do with a place like that as territory, you're out of your mind?

Oh, is that crazy?

I'm talking about elves, dwarves, half-fishes.

"Heh, half-fish man..."

Hard to imagine.

Does it feel like your feet have grown on the fish, or...

... Well no, now I'm concentrating on talking.

"At its core are the nations inhabited by demons, those who have tougher flesh than humans, specializing in magic. It's Corcute."

Oh, I've heard that.

Grandpa Kenny told me.

Corcute doesn't want war, he says the kingdom is waging war unilaterally.

"I hear Seitam, king of demons, is an elderly and warm figure. They're also hurting my chest in the war."

Well, there must be a lot of sacrifices on the subhuman side.

Really, as long as Burtoghu dies, it'll all work out, it'll fit round and you'll be at peace.

He's the one who shouldn't be alive, he is.

"Here's the thing. And the city of Fregenta, where the target is. This is the front line against the Demons."

"You're going to the front line."

"Oh, it's a dangerous mission. Will you still do that?

"... okay, but the leader is the one? I'm a trump card, right?

I'm sorry to say this, but isn't this operation mostly personal?

He's kind of not a leader.

... Could there be any other purpose?

"This operation was set up with me and Joana. Ask him for more information."

Oh well.

After I buried Mr. Cain, I was setting up an operation with Mr. Joana.

Is that why it was so late?

"First of all, this operation can only move a minimal number of people. If we make a lot of moves, they'll detect us, and it doesn't necessarily mean there's no one else inside that guy, does it?

"Yeah, you are."

You can't say enough that someone with the same situation as Mr. Cain isn't here.

... Leader from earlier, I don't laugh at all.

It's like, it's like me.

"That's why we need to crack a credible, powerful war force that we will never betray."

"Some hands ask Reid, but he's the brainchild of the resistance alongside Joana. If you two get together and stay away for a long time, we can't afford an operation in between."

"Joana's coming too."

"Yeah, looks like I'm trusted, too"

"Oh, you'll never betray me. I'm sure that's why I left it to you. this great responsibility (...)."

"Oh, what an honor."

Yeah, I knew I wasn't convinced, but there's something about this.

And Joana, the leader trusts me.

I wonder if you know.

You know, Joana's identity, what she usually does.

"That's why. A combination of Killier and Joana to recapture Mr. Cain's daughter. It's about two weeks each way to Fregenta, be well prepared --"

"...... Huh!!!

As soon as the days popped out of the leader's mouth, Beat rose to great momentum.

What's the matter, the hell?

Run a pen on paper...?

'I'm coming too!

No, that's impotent.

"Oh, that's good. Beatto will come with you."

"Joana, are you insane?

"Sanity and sanity. It's not going to be more fun with me. Besides, I was originally going to take non-combatants, and one more won't change. You can use healing magic to keep your feet together."

"So, but..."

"Kirier can't sleep without Beato, either, can she?

"Hey, how do you know!!

"Oh, it's the first time. Kirie's face turns red."

... Enough said.

If Joana says there's no problem, there's really no problem.

Later, my face didn't turn red.


Beato, you look so happy, but I don't know, it's dangerous.

You know, this kid's smart.

"Ha... By the way, what do you mean, you're going to bring non-combatants?

"The city of Fregenta, I've been there a few times, too. I don't really have a lot of land to explore. I've been looking for someone from inside the resistance, and they're gone, and I'm thinking about hiring someone because this is the time. I can't trust you, but I can't help it."

"I'm from Fregenta......?

Face to face with Beato.

Because I totally knew it.

I'm sure that girl can trust you.

"Joana, I have an idea. She's from Fregenta, and she doesn't seem like a spy in the kingdom or anything."

○ ○ ○

Outside the armoury store, it's all night already.

I came as far as the inn where Joana and I were taught one hand to take notes.

South side of Wangdu, "Red Horseshoe Pavilion" on a street lined with cheap lodging.

Definitely, right here.

"Here, you have that girl.... but it's a lame place to stay."

"Don't tell him. He didn't seem to have much money."

Sure, it would be cheap here, but it really just feels like a rainstorm.

There's no light leaking out the window, it's cracked, and there's a hole in the wall by the way.

"Let's go and ask, in the room where Melo is staying"

"... did you call someone?

... Something, I heard Melo.

Not from inside the inn, but from where Walla was laid like a horse cabin.

"It's unusual for you to run errands..."

Walla moved raggedly and a purple-haired girl crawled from inside.

"Ahhh! Aren't you my brother who helped me yesterday! What's the matter? Are you still in trouble?

"Hey, why were you sleeping in the stable?

"Because this is the room you're staying in, right?

"What about rice?

"Walla is so handsome, I'm surprised!

"... aren't you in trouble?

"You're not in trouble, are you?

Oh, well, I'm not in any trouble.

I guess this kid's the type who won't ask for help until he dies.

"And anyway, this kid, you can't leave him like this. Kirie, let's take you home for a second."

"Right, we'll talk about it after--"

A chill runs on his spine.

The next moment I felt like killing myself, three men with daggers came at us from the alley.