A vent stretched throughout to air the basement.

I can connect you to all the rooms and see how the rooms are from the gold net skimmer.

I can't move on without crawling on all fours because of quite a bit, but I guess it's a lot more comfortable than a normal mansion attic.

"Toka, don't you mind?

I'm following you. Talk to Toka, whisper.

If I don't lose a lot of volume, my voice is going to sound like it.

"What's Killier, your dislike for tiny things, huh?"

"No. It's just a whim. It's nothing else."

"Then don't worry unnecessarily. You know the physique of Atashi. Speaking of which, I don't know if Killier's big ass is loose in front of me."

"You're gonna kick it?

"Joke, joke. I don't want to relieve you of your nervousness."

No, I seriously thought I'd put a shoe-back butch on my face.

Our leaders told us where the minister is.

Apparently, there's a guy somewhere in the compartment where they're experimenting with artificial bravery.

I was told the approximate location of the compartment, and now I'm moving towards it.

(I would have been more comfortable if the leader had come too)

That guy, he had other business, so he jumped out of the room at a tremendous rate as soon as we finished talking.

Give us the magic key to open the door.

Magic key, even when I say key, it looks like a nasty card.

There's magic in this, and when you put it on a white plate, it seems the door opens.

(Door won't open because I can't find it)

You'd be interested if Melo found out.

... Melo, what are you doing these days, Beato?

○ ○ ○

"Sister Beat, what are you doing so late?

Mr. Mello asked me if I could make accessories for him.

Handmade hair decorations for Mr. Killier.

It's still far from complete.

"... eh"

Unlike Mr. Killier, it's not about heart.

Write sarah on parchment and tell them what you want to say.

"Until Mr. Killier comes back, I want to stay."

It's time for bed.

Grandma fell asleep, too.

Even Mr. Melo is a pajama, but I'm still wearing it.

"Kirie, are you worried about your sister?


There's that too.

If anything happens, I'll be full of insecurities just because I thought so.

But that's not all.

Mr. Killier will not be without me. If I were you when I came back, I'd be annoyed. "

Besides, he said he was treating injuries.

If you come back with a huge injury, as usual, I need to heal you right away.

"Love, right..."

"... Huh!

It's love!

"... All right, I'm up with you. When Toka returns, she'll listen to you and ask questions."

Mr. Melo also sat next to me and began to see the work.

After all, are you worried about Mr. Toka?

(Mr. Killier, please come back safely)

I pray to Mr. Killier himself because Kamisama is not a bit of an atheist.

Please, come back alive, as usual...

○ ○ ○

Well, it's time for the leader to teach me, the artificial brave experimental compartment.

Slowly from here, let's take a peek at the gold net to see what's going on in the room.

... but you're just a room with no one.

There was nobody on just the lights, or the room where the paperwork was just stored.

"... Hey, Toka. You're pretty sure it's around here, right? We're not in the wrong place, are we?

"This number on the duct, E-25. E represents the experimental compartment of the artificial brave, so you're pretty sure."

Yeah, am I wrong?

I got a little nervous because there's not too many of them.

We're interrupting the experiment because there's an intruder, I guess.

Relying on the numbers inscribed on the ducts, turn around the incoming ducts and repeat looking inside from the gold net.

And E-50.

The moment I glanced at the room this number showed, I breathed.

"... was there"

With a voice turned down to the extreme, add a hand gesture and let Toka know.

Find a target to kill.

"With the intruder, it would be him anyway...... Experimental animals can't escape, because this is what they do when they study demons..."

Little fat middle-aged man crunching himself in a beautiful way while spreading his paperwork against his desk.

Former Minister of the Kingdom of Deltirado, Gustav Maximilian.

I gave Caron an order to attack my village, one of the haters.

"Killier, calm down. Calm down and go."

"I know..."

Thank you for your concern.

Well, I'm calm.

Okay, let's check the room first.

Only one Gustav inside.

What's in the room is first of all a table that looks like a hospital help desk, where people are likely to sleep.

And then there are shelves with lots of little balls, I guess, courageous balls (gift spheres).

What else is a shelf with a file shelf or something that looks like a medical device that I'm not sure about?

It's the entrance and exit that will be the escape route, but there's one door that will lead you down the hall.

Then there's the big glass window. There's this big space, and there's the door that leads to it.

It's an angular problem, though some places are invisible from here.

And well, I checked a lot, but there's only one thing that matters.

He's alone in this room right now.

"... Toka, just wait here"

"Understood…. I'll follow you if anything happens..."

Remove the gold net so that it does not make any noise and place it on the wax.

If you turn him into a magma and fly him, you can kill him in one shot.

If you kill me lightly, I won't stop thinking about it.

I need to suffer, suffer, suffer out, let plenty of hell fall back on you before I kill you.

"I'm coming."

Jump from the duct hole in the ceiling to the room.

Now, what do you want me to do first?

Crush your vocal cords so you don't make a scene...... Oh, and you can't hear the scream.

Then block your mouth with something while you're surprised at my appearance--.

"... this was an unexpected prey on Ami."

Oh, I'm not surprised to see me...?

Looks rather happy.

Well, no.

Landing lightly and in a straight line towards Gustav --.

"... Huh!?


An awesome killer pierced my spine.

"Yeah, unexpected. But I'm glad I didn't expect that."

"I agree. I think I can taste the best thrill."

Turn around, I was there with the Silver-haired Demon Clan slaughtered.

A side-by-side slash was unleashed, wielding a lightly contradicted single-edged sword.

Dodge it with a back rotation, pull out the bright red swordbreakers, and hang out with each other.

"Brave...! I missed you and I just wanted to kill you...... ugh!

"It's an odd encounter. I wanted to kill you, too."

I tried to say that in the buying words to the selling words, but now he doesn't want to see me.

Shit, why is he in this room?

I should have confirmed that there was only a minister.

Were you hiding out of sight from the vent?

"What were you doing in the minister's room?"

"… [Airmen] 's user is Blum. If he's here, he's in an artificial brave experiment section, no matter what his thoughts are. That's what I thought and I was tensioning--"

Bella, Bella, while we were talking, a toca jumped out of the hole in the ceiling.

I produce a gauntlet with sand iron on my back and I get hit by Levia as it is.

"Oh, shit, you got killed, Blum."

But before the rehearsal (wrench) punch arrived, something pink stuck in from the side clashed.


Toka's tiny body swept away and butched a large window.



"What if people are worried?

I followed the blowing toca with my eyes, that instant of suki.

A strong spinning kick kicked my stomach.


To much shock, my body was blown away and out the broken window of the toca, into a wide open space.

Shit, what kind of idiot power is that?

Rotate and structure in the air and land lightly.

He's down. Make sure Toka's safe.

"Toka, are you okay?

"I can handle it..."

Good, looks like he's not hurt either.

I jumped up well.

This space is covered with a hallway and a thin green wall.

The height to the ceiling, I guess, is about twenty people lined up vertically.

The size is about as large as the square in front of the castle in Wangdu.

So, the ground is bumpy sandy.

I wonder if it's a space to fight something.

"Even so, he's now, what the...?

"I don't know, but apparently there's plenty of them"

Disgusting monster like a meat chunk of drool that swept away the toca.

That guy came through the window, and about ten of them sprung up from under the ground.

Can you stain the ground like that? Was it hissing on the room skimmer?

"Hey, have you ever seen such a monster? It looks a little far from the monster I imagine."

"Unfortunately, you've never seen or heard of it."

"Naturally. There are no monsters like this in nature."

The Lord of the Voice is Gustav.

He wants a broken window out of the safe room.

"No, it's not even a monster, exactly. They're all failures in experiments to create the artificial brave."