The Tale of the Teapot Hero’s Revenge

135 Army of the Deceased

"Ugh... uhh"

I manage to push and kill the screams that came out at the appearance of the ghost soldiers, who are too vague.

Because I don't want to expose myself to pity in front of the princess...

"Hiya, what the hell is that?!? No, it's frightening. It's frightening."

Lord Beaute's too much wandering has instead calmed me down.

I'm crying frightened in tears, but can we fight at this rate?

... No, if you're worried about people.



The great army of the deceased who appeared in the misty meadows.

I don't know the exact number, but it's big enough to fill my vision.

Even though Luise alone is loaded heavily, what is volume pressing on this...!

"You look surprised. Necromancy. I have a lot of troublesome restrictions, but if you decide, it's intense."


"Oh, you look like you'd love to hear it. But unfortunately, we're not talking about weaknesses like you'd expect."

Mmm, was it on your face...

Indeed, I thought that if I could hear the weaknesses, I would find a breakthrough.

I really don't like poker faces or keeping my emotions off the table.

I sometimes envy the faceless expression of Lord Brave.

"The only person I can call in this sorcery is the one I killed myself. On top of that, it unleashes its magic, but at the end of the day, it passes away flying into the afterlife. Besides, it took a while to activate."

The person you killed yourself, or...

Did the massacre of such non-combatants just now also mean replenishment?

Whatever the reason, you can never forgive such an act.

"I killed three thousand kingdom soldiers on the front line myself, and I'm going to use them for you. Don't let them kill you, thankfully! Him, the deceased!

"Ugh, here he comes!!

I'm sure he's here, Lord Beaute.

All the victims are coming to me, aren't they?

"You frightened lady, your opponent is this me!!

And to Lord Beaute, Luise herself is slaughtered with a blade.

I guess you decided that the number of the deceased couldn't put her to rest.

"That's great! I don't want to be that frightened."

"You're so scared to do it. You'll be killed by me soon, and you'll be one of the dead!

"I want to. I'm sorry, Beh!

Conversely, he said that I was an opponent enough to kill in numbers.

... regrettably, you're right.

I can't see the movement of the two people who started the meeting.

Dimensions are different.

(... No, if you're depressed!

What am I supposed to do now!

It will protect the princess from the impending deceased!

Shivering princess behind me, no matter what, until this life runs out!

"... come, the deceased! As long as this Elia Ulysses is around, the princess will touch one finger!

Cut the tanka and excite yourself, cutting into the herd of the deceased.

Scary, you can't win, you can't protect, push that weak sound into the bottom of your heart.

Because my venerable knight would definitely behave that way.

△ ▽ △

(Good luck, Elia!

Elia facing the frightening ghosts.

I'd like to give you a hand, too.

"Look, look, can you afford to care about that one!? Lady!

"It's possible, Obasan!

Louise's opponent and full of hands.

If I get a little distracted, they'll do it.

"Aunt...... Huh! Ha, you're a mouthless kid!

"Did you get angry when they poked you with a picture star? Puppy."

"... good courage. I'm gonna blow your whole body out!

I'm pretending I'm fine, but I wonder if I'm really getting cocky.

The attack just got more intense, and I'm not going to have a ski, though.

You were just a snake.

I've put the magic of ice together in my sword to make it look like it's hard, and I've had a series of sharp pokes.

You're fast enough to see many swords, but if you're in a speed battle, you can't lose.

Activate Qi (Renki)/Moon Shadow Leg (Getsaykak) to speed up.

Finally, the punching of a series of punches has turned swift.

"This...... Huh!

Oh, I wonder if you can just stay calm.

I twisted my body wide and covered my poke.

Now's your big chance!

"Fuck you!!

A massive poke that sticks out.

Cut off the timing of the attack, scurry, and circle around back.

Spin the momentum too, slash it on your back!

The opponent is out of shape at the front, and if this is the case --.

"... Nah"

A sword swept out, cutting the sky.

Luise did not kill the momentum that thrust him, but instead used him to invert his body as he fell in.

Shit, my offense was completely read!

"Now it's time to eat, Gail Slash!

Slash the windy sword diagonally up as you turn around and fall in.

The blade of vacuum flies.

After I waved my sword, my body was galloping empty.

I can't defend myself.

I'm gonna fall in the back.


You can't do it, can you?

The front of my body was slashed by a nanome.

"... whoa!

Hey, I'm offering you something important, you Obasan!

Nah, I don't know if I can even afford to joke...

"Holy crap!

I only took a direct hit, but it's a deep feeling wound there.

He's bleeding a lot, and I'm sure he won't be able to fight long.

We have to decide once and for all in a short showdown.

"Ha, you were just a lady at the tip of your mouth. Stay put."

"Who is this......! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

It hurts. I gamble, I jump up a little.

If this happens, I'll have to use it here, the depths of my defined Qi (Renki) moves.

The depths defined by each user in a number of exercised qi (wrench) moves.

My prowess is a technique that enhances the quickness that is a flavor to the extreme!

"Deep Righteous/Tsunami Moon Body (Shouhuurogeshin)!

Activate your body's joints, moving parts, and muscles to the extreme.

I can't stop what's happened to me.

"I'm not using Qi (Renki). You can't catch me anymore! Shit!"

Kick the ground, directly next to Louise.

One more kick and go around behind your back.

"Nah..., fast --"

You looked like I was gone.

Honestly, myself, I'm too fast to brace my vision, I don't have much control.


Revenge just now, slashing on the back!


"Gu! Behind you!

Luise, who was slashed in the back, pretends back and waves her sword, but it's about time.

That'll stop the fly.

Slash deep into your arms as you slip straight through the sides.


I even wanted to disconnect it, but I can't control it that far, and Zeitak, why don't you tell me?

Next time, crisp todome, let's say.

He takes his heart, turns his cuttoe, and sticks out his sword.

That's it!


All right, I'm done --.

"Gotcha, little lady"

...... lying.

Even though I did stab him in the chest.

Why is he alive?

Why are you grabbing my wrist?


Louise's mouth ripped to her cheeks and she smiled disgustingly.

Then, the skin on his face dissolves in the drool and turns into the face of a rotten corpse.



How could you!?

You switched with a deceased soldier?


"Phantom of the Necrophantom. Dark magic that shows hallucinations to the target. The downside is that it only works for about a second for some powerful opponent."

Louise's voice from behind.

Shit, if you don't pull him off quickly, they'll do it!

"Whoa, it's too late. Todome's blow has been unleashed forever."

There was a shadow around me.

As big things fall, the shadows get darker and darker.

If you look up, a pillar of rock falls against me from the mist.

"The [devil's sword] gigantic edge of dirt. You're so crushed, little lady."