As a result of the leaders' discussions, the departure for the Holy Land was postponed by one day.

Plus, it's dangerous to act in small numbers, so no going out or shopping while staying in Pireapolis.

That's why I'm going to be buying and saving up the stuff I need in this town today.

The members of the buyout are, first of all, Mr. Laman, a big body.

The person in charge selects luggage, medicines and ingredients.

"Nice, that lake. I want to swim..."

Looks like this guy's wondering if a lake in the middle of town would do it.

I've been talking about it a lot since just now.

"Rather, Mr. Fishman, you don't have to be in the water to be fine. It was kind of a surprise, sss."

Next, Mr. Quina.

The person in charge is clothes and groceries.

This kid was surprisingly strong over there.

Then me.

The person in charge is the luggage holder and everyone's caution stick.

And more than I am,

"... Huh!

Naturally, Beato is following me.

He nods cocky and seems to agree with Mr. Quina's image of fishmongers.

And one last thing.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Riff. It's uncomfortable."

"Mmm, this is what the old ladies were like. That's why it's so nice of you."

Elf girl, Riff.

I've been totally hooked up since that incident last night.

Still holding hands with me, Nico, smiling and walking.

"Even if you're a fisherman, you breathe in the air. It's almost no different than any other subhuman or human."

"I always lived in the water, and I imagined my house in the sea."

"... eh... eh"

"He said he would drown like that... There's a town by the sea, and we all live there. Because fishmongers refuse to interact with other species, is it easy to get weird images..."

Mr. Laman is in a cultural shock at the gap between the image and reality of the fisherman.

I'm sorry, Mr. Raman.

I've always had a good image of the Bears, too.

"Hey, I feel sorry for you..."

"No, it's fine... I hope you bring back the right knowledge of the fishermen..."

"Knowledge is good, but let's bring back the supplies we need. Where do we start?

Enter the conversation and revise the story to the topic of shopping.

I'm not Gala as a compiler, but Mr. Raman doesn't seem to be any more annoying.

I think I'm just gonna end up walking around chatting like this.

"The food is bulky and heavy. Let's start with groceries."

"You're Givens' turn! Let me make this clear and select you, sss!

All right, policy decision.

We walked out to the shoppers ahead of Quina, who was clear.

△ ▽ △

Killiers, you're really good people.

He picked up a strange jiven that was going down the mountain road, and he couldn't remember anything, but he was so intimate (Shinmi).

To be honest, at first, Mr. Killier, I thought it was going to be a little scary...

I've always looked scared, and I thought you were a man.

But now I know exactly what I'm talking about.

"Hey, you little faggot."

"Which one? Really. This hair decoration, it might look good on Riff."

"... eh"

"Do you think Beato would, too?

"...,... eh"

There's no way Mr. Riff is scared of someone who's so attached to you and trusted you wholeheartedly by Mr. Beato.

He's really sweet.

... No, Mr. Beat's array is through trust, suss.

I still hug the arms of those who aren't properly connected to Riff, and I keep my body close to me as I please, sss.

Mr. Killier, you really don't realize how he feels, do you?

"Then I'll buy it for you... There's a lot going on, Riff, but which color do you want?


In the grocery store, Riff, who chooses flower hair decorations, and Killier, who crouches down and gazes at it.

You're such a jerk.

It's like a real sister...

"Riff, smile like you're having so much fun... Good..."

"Wow, Mr. Raman, you're crying, suss!?

I'm in tears like a waterfall. I was accidentally jerked off by Mr. Raman, sss.

Why is this man crying in a royal manner with his arms around him?

"That makes me cry. Come on... 'Cause that kid, he's been looking dark on his own ever since the leader protected him...?

"Alone......, sss?

"Yes...... Losing my parents in the war, being put in an orphanage run by the Order and sold off as an experimental entity...... Well, that kid's heart would've been a mess by now. I wake up every night and cry, and I feel a little calm when I see Mr. Kuma's stuffed animal as a present..."


Unexpectedly, I lost my word, sss.

I can't believe that little girl had such a past...

"So smile like that, laugh like fun...... eh, fuzz!

I know what's going on, but that's what sucks about the picture.

A big fishman is crying over three girls...

"And for now, Mr. Laman. I'm sorry to interrupt, and I'll buy the stuff I need in the Givens right now, sss."

"Oh, wow, right, gush. I'm sorry I took so long to worry my leader."

"Ssss. Mr. Laman has medication, and Givens has bandages and towels."

"Ho, roger!

Mr. Laman is on the run, around a line of dried lizards and roots.

The product lined up in that corner, it looks different and emits different smells, but is it okay?

Well, I'll leave that to the medication experts.

Well, Given needs to hurry too...

"... that's it"

Grab a bandage and a towel in the basket to check for buying.

...... yeah, perfect ssss!

It doesn't do much good. Yeah, if I can support you guys with these tokos--

"Do you have a minute?


So, who's suddenly...

Flirting, there's a knight of a woman in armor.

Long blonde hair, that face with the rigid eyes, looks familiar somewhere......

"Oh, you know, Given..., I've seen you somewhere...?

"... you just stay put. He's the one with the errand, not you."

I don't know what that means, sss.

What the hell did this guy say...

"So just let me talk to you for a second."

"Oh, um..."

Scary, creepy, I don't know why.

Without being able to move a step due to fear, this man's index finger slowly approached Given's forehead, his fingertips lightly tonned, and touched.

"... that?

Given, what have you been up to?

This is a grocery store, a basket with plenty of bandages and towels in your hand.

Er..., I only came shopping with Killiers, split with Raman, packed the bandages and towels in the basket, and then...


Then again, I really can't remember sss......

"Mr. Quina, there he is! What have you been doing?

"Ah, Mr. Killier, and all of you..."

I twisted my head and was desperately trying to remember, and everyone I was coming with came running towards Givens, sss.

With a very worrying look.

"No more..., I'm not even coming back, so I was worried?

"Huh...? Given, have you been gone that long?

"Come on, Quina, aren't you tired? Drink a special stamina drink and you'll be fine."

"Yes, no, don't hesitate, sss..."

I don't know what's in there, it...

Anyway, apparently, Given, you've been blurry for quite some time.

Kind of creepy, sss.

"It hurts me to be rejected that far...... Looks like you already have what you need, and let's just pay for it and go next."

"Ssss. Ingredients next..."

I wanted to help you guys, but you made me worry about waste...

Still, I'm a little worried about Givens to blur that far....

Yeah, I'm sure there's too much going on, and you're just tired.