"I'm home now, Master Soma"

"Thank you, Ares"

Cleric Soma twisted his men (tools) who finished "The Last Push" with a white grin.

"Let the stranger of nothing imitate the scourge and blur from the enemy the way this one knows where Master Beat is. Now they will never doubt Master Reacher."

Keep your enemies away from the truth.

This one hand, for that matter.

Compared to reducing the risk of operational failure, such as the life of one unknown combatant, it is not worth a single piece of copper coin for Soma.

"Come on, it was the last time I looked at you with a brave man, but how was it? Any objections to getting her killed by someone else?

"There is no such thing. Everything about me exists for the great purpose of Master Soma, Master Reacher."

"Great...... Now let us risk our lives to hold Master Leeche and the Archbishop's escort together."

"Ha ha."

After a moment of courtesy, Ares leaves Soma's private room.

'Adjustment' is a success, Ares doesn't see any previous madness.

It is a perfect mental state as a faithful moving hand sesame.

"I didn't think it would work this far... From her now on, madness, vengeance, everything was lost."

After the battle with the brave Killier, the experimental site was blown up by Gustav and turned into a mountain of Galechi.

During the work of extinguishing and removing the fire, Levia was found alive in a dying state.

Having lost her life at the end of her treatment, she seeks further strength.

I don't care anymore, such as Tartus, my lord.

Only one thing, if only Killier the Brave could be killed.

"As a result of administering 'Over Three Nights' in response to that request, what was born was a bucket dominated by madness. It's useless."

All my thoughts on my sister and the purpose of resurrecting [Divine Speed] 's brave men to avenge me have vanished.

There's only one thing left, my hatred for the brave Killier.

"But I do! I gave him plenty of psycho-manipulative drugs and he turned out to be a great hand sesame! Plus, I wanted to get the overwhelming strength of being an artificial brave man!

Both items I and II, the Artificial Brave had an unusual obsession with Empireo and betrayed the Order.

In that regard too, psychiatric manipulation by drugs was useful to the denomination.

"Ha ha ha...! Come on, only the end of the brave remains. You know what I mean, Berna?

Shut up the laughter, and Soma shudders.

to a blue-haired woman in a sister who was hiding behind her back.

"... Yes"

Beato's nanny (uba) Berna gives a puppet-like look and turns back an emotional response.

It's as if you haven't let it hold its own will or something.

"Great. As an assassin against the brave, no one has a better chance of winning than you... You expect that, don't you?

I need Beato to help me put on a robe and hood for the churchgoers from the usual outfit of hot pants and shirts.

And then there's the veil that hides the mouth.

That's the same gear you had the last time you infiltrated.

"That's it, and..."

If you hide your sword on the back of a loose robe, pilgrims, or denominational officials, no matter where you look from.

I can walk him on a grand path and enter the Great Temple directly in front of him.

"I don't know, Beat. Are you crazy?

"... Huh!

Kokukoku, I've nodded so many times.

It's not weird, does that mean, or does it mean something else?

Either way, my eyes went to Beato's little cute lips and my face got hot again.

"... uh, good if it's not weird"

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

I'm only a winning bluff, and now I'm focused on the mission.

"It's time. Say hello to everyone, then I'll be there."

"... eh"

Beato guts his hands in front of his chest.

You're rooting for me.

"Yeah, I'm hanging in there. I'm definitely coming back to find out what's behind this."

Yes, this fight is all for this kid.

I will fight for this child to live happily ever after.

When I got ready and went back to the ground floor with Beato, Melo first showered me with a tremendous nigga face.

"Hmm...... Sisters, what were you two doing alone until evening...?

"What... Preparation, and then there's the story, and so on..."

I can usually answer you on a poker face, but I suck at that.

Remember nature, your face gets hot.

"Oh...? Oh, no? No way, sister, really...?

"Because there's nothing"

Melo wants to stick her neck in if she does a lot of things......

I know you're curious...

"Leader, I'm coming"

"Whoa, I got it. I hope so."

"I'll take care of it. I'm good at infiltrating and investigating.... because he was planted."

... At a time like this, I remember.

Joana's guy, I wonder if he's still suffering under the ground.


"... nothing"

The leader knows him well, too, but you don't have to just remember him.

I can't believe Joana was a traitor, because if the leader found out, he'd be shocked.

"Well, it's about time --"

"Uh, wait, wait! Ma, I made it...!

I'm coming, I tried to say, and Mr. Dobby and Mr. Raman came down from upstairs.

Speaking of which, you haven't seen this guy since just now.

"What have you been up to, Raman?"

"It's a blend, Mr. Tsubaki! I was making a special secret medicine out of the ingredients that Mr. Claire gave me. So......, yes this"

Mr. Laman gave me a small bag.

If you untie the hippo, there's a colorful pill and a piece of paper inside.

"This is the secret medicine......?

"I also fumbled the guy I made in the town of South Pilea and kept a few of them in. Because it has been colored so that it is easy to see the difference in type. Each effect is as stated in the note"

Open the note and look through gently.

I see, this is amazing.

It's everything from poisoning to restoring health and blocking the wound.

"Thank you, Mr. Raman. This is so helpful."

"Right? Come on, it'll help, won't it?

Thumbs up and laughs, Mr. Raman.

From behind, the fishmonger's children turned up.


Was this child also with Mr. Laman?

"Um, sister...... And this..."

This child has also offered a small wrap.

"I made it, medicine..."

"Did you make it?

"Ouch! It's a direct line. I assure you it will work."

"Oh well. Thank you, I'll use it."

Don't worry if Mr. Laman can vouch for you.

I took it with care not to scare you.

It feels like I've had it and there's a piece of paper in it.

Let's take a look at it later.

"Um, Mr. Killier. This is from Givens..."

Now it's Mr. Quina.

I took the "Lion of the Supreme Heaven" off my neck and gave it to him.

"Are you sure? Even though it's one of those clues that brings back memories."

"This is a sign of being more than a cleric, isn't it? Because it will definitely help you infiltrate, and I can't help it if Given has it now. But definitely come back for it, right?

"... thanks. Whatever happens, I'll pay you back."

I receive the necklace from Mr. Quina and lower it around his neck.

Okay, now we're ready --.


Hey, Riff's half crying.

"Well, I'll be back tomorrow morning."



With all due respect, I'll give you my head.

Yeah, I think you convinced me by laughing.

And finally.

"Beato, wait. 'Cause I'll definitely be back."

"... eh"

I won't lose because I just received my victory bluff.

I stare at the blue clean eyes and burn Beat's face in my eyes so that there is no remainder of my heart.

... Okay, now I can fight.

Guys, I'm coming.