The Tale of the Teapot Hero’s Revenge

280 Temporary withdrawal

A witch and a nopt are scattering an invisible spark all over the bee.

I don't know what's going on, but I'm eating the bastard.

It feels like Raman, a fisherman, doesn't know what it is either.

I mean, that guy, he's been jumping in since I jumped in, and he's just falling out of his hips.

"Nopt, I mean, is it an operation failure...?

"Yeah, unfortunately, you're right."

"Nah I see. If that's the case, we're going to have to withdraw temporarily."

My heart beats dokun to the last voice I hear.

Seeing the entrance for a moment, a familiar girl with yellow hair, who had grabbed a person on one shoulder, was walking slowly.

"Dear Celia...... That's right, you've already cleaned up..."

"Sort of. I was never weak, though."

Once upon a time, it is undoubtedly Elia.

I can't even move with Pickle while I'm still calm.

"Quina......, I can't believe you got Eelia...... Huh!

"Don't worry. Because I didn't take it to my life."

Dosari and I are rolled on the floor unconstitutionally, and Elia's body peels away.

Shallow scratches all over my body.

But surely, no injuries have been inflicted that would result in fatal injuries.

Does this mean that kid's cut it out...?

"And Atashi is Celia. Don't get me wrong anymore."

The last time Chirali and I sent her gaze, Celia walked toward Nopt.

So, the nopt of the day is turning his murderous gaze from the back of his glasses against Celia.

You're not even trying to hide your distrust...

"... Celia. I guess you'll explain to me later why you didn't kill that woman."

"Sure. So, what do we do? I think I told you earlier, Atashi would recommend a temporary retreat."

"If Celia says so, I agree..."

Tulia is already on the Nopto side too.

I feel like he's willing to run away.

Against those three, the witch shows no fear at all.

Sift to temperament and inquire in a hearty voice.

"Wait! Evil men, what the hell are you..."

"I know a lot about that stuff, the brave guys out there. Thanks to some lady knight talking perky."

That's right.

Even so, witch, you have liver on you.

How rattling and trembling Mr. Laman is.

"Killier the Brave, I'll see you around. I'll get your life and your jewels soon. This time."

"If you can steal it, steal it. I'll never give you either."

"... well, let's go"

After the last challenging glance, Nopt disappeared with the two remaining.

Did you fly away somewhere with a [remote] gift?

"... Huh!

As soon as the enemy is gone, Beat tries to run away from me.

Where are we going......, in the direction of the falling toca?


I knew immediately what this kid was trying to do.

When he hurriedly grabbed his wrist and stopped, Beato gave a hazy look.

"... don't forget. Healing magic, because you should never use it."

…… ...... "

I guess I just tried to help.

Because I always do that, that's for sure.

But it's about Beat's life, so I'll stop.

So no matter how spicy Beato looks kao, look at that face, my chest hurts like it does now.

Elia, as well as Toka, did not suffer that much injury.

It's a fishmonger's mark healing pill that was rigged, and they're both totally fast.

However, I can't heal the shock of my heart that I didn't have any hands or feet.

And the grief of Mr. Raman, whose brothers have been murdered.

After mourning the bodies that had lost the necks of the gatekeepers, which were rolling outside the cave, we came to the guest room for discussion.

Sounds like there's a lot of things the witch wants to ask me, and there's something we want to hear, too.

"... First of all Dear Killier. What do you know about them?

"Yeah, sure. Mr. Laman and Elias will be the first to hear it."

Even I know very little about them.

Still, to the best of my knowledge, I communicated information as far as I could tell.

Facts about Empireo learned in previous battles, as well as the existence of the crazy organization that fanaticizes Empireo, The Lion Divine Loyalty (Pilea Fidelis).

"... I see. There was a point (cancer) in everything."

I was wondering if you'd believe me on such an outrageous story, but you convinced the witch so lightly.

I was just saying the name of "The Memory of the Stars," and maybe this guy knew the truth about Empireo...

"And that demonic woman with those glasses. I'll tell you what I know about the Gift Sphere."

The Brave Gift Ball (Gift Sphere), which went missing from Paradise during the Fixer years, is too numerous to even grasp the archbishop, Mr. Berna.

I can assure you that it is definitely being abused in there, there are two precautionary gifts that Mr. Berna has taught me about his abilities.

That's the [Emperor of the Land (Zikou)] and [Remote].

The [Emperor of the Land (Zikou)] is a bullshit ability to do whatever magic permits when it comes to the ground.

But [remotely], there are numerous limitations.

"As I just saw, Arre is the ability to travel instantly. But the conditions are pretty tough."

First, you are free to travel instantaneously as far as you can see.

If you fly at unsightly distances, you can only fly by people registered as allies.

And when you register your allies, you need to agree between them and yourself and both sides.

"I see. So the first time Tulia infiltrated alone, she became a warp point."

"Yes. So, one more thing. The reason they came so far from near Deltirade."

Maybe he's been on something that can travel fast like a Toka's Magic Conductor Dragon (Gargoyle).

But I think there's another possibility.

"Perhaps among the fishermen is the worm (member) of 'Lion Divine Loyalty (Pyrea Fidelis)'"

"Wait a minute, I didn't even get Rango."

"That's right, Mr. Raman, that's very likely. So, witch, you better not trust me unconditionally because I'm a fisherman."

"... Yep. I'll keep it in mind."

With a slightly sunken look, the witch nodded.

You wouldn't want to believe that there's a traitor in your family.

But I'm not done talking about it yet.

From now on, the witch needs to talk a lot.

"Now from me, let me talk to you. What is" The Jewel of the Sea God "like? Something to do with 'The Memory of the Stars'...?

"Right... You've already stepped in deep. You can talk about it." The Jewel of the Sea God, "about who it is."