The Tale of the Teapot Hero’s Revenge

293 Undersea caves in the sky

To unbind, the nopt is in a state of extreme concentration.

A magical composition once tensioned by the first brave men, as if it were intricately intertwined threads.

To solve this, it took delicate work to loosen the thin threads, one at a time.

But that concentration,


foggy (muffled) by intense vibrations and roaring noises.

"... Huh!? Touria, what's the vibration now!

"It's not good. They broke through the interception."

"Breaked through...? Did you say you allowed the brave to break in?!?

"Exactly. Besides, it's hard, direct to the upper seabed caves. I'm almost there."

Tulia reporting in a very my-paced tone.

But its content meant an emergency enough to overshadow this plan from the ground up.

This can't be happening.

Nopt's head panics to an attack that is too precise.

(What do you mean...? I can't believe you're aiming at a pinpoint so far, but you said you detected a magic reaction...?... No, I can't wander off to this extent if you're my sister. What we need to do now...... eh)

What we need to do now is hit the best hand in this situation.

Instead of your sister, who cannot come to this occasion, it is your duty to carry out the operation perfectly.

Having regained his calm, Nopto immediately gives orders to Tulia.

"... go kill the brave now. with any hand."

"Okay. I'm coming..."

Leave a reply for Low Tension and Tulia runs away.

While dropping that back off, the nopt activates [Remote].

I flew in contact with Celia, who was supposed to be waiting for the enemy to break in somewhere on the island.

Celia, can you hear me? It's an emergency. "

"Oh, what's wrong? This one's at the bottom, but it's a sign of the enemy coming."

'... you're off the hook. The brave men have broken in directly from the top. You must intercept as soon as possible. "

'Yes, sir. Don't go as fast as you can.'

... Finish the call, Nopt exhales gently.

And then he went into a state of concentration to unbind again.

There are still no problems with the plan.

If you want two men, Tulia and Celia, you can surely kill the brave.

Even if not, we can take all the inhabitants inside the fishmongers hostage as long as we de-link them.

Unless it's also a fatal miscalculation, the operation should go along fine.

... Yes, unless it's also a miscalculation.

Through the big hole that Elia drilled, we broke into the interior safely.

I guess I should say that I'm safe or that I was safe with my hair in a flash.

"And I thought I was going to die...... In many ways…"

Elia crushes with a trembling voice as she looks at the wreckage with her blue face, which was a messed up and burning boat.

I wonder why the boat that was carrying us was there.

The boat, which entered the hole with the momentum intact, landed on the ground of the submarine cave that had subsided inside the floating island, sliding at a fierce speed and crashing into the kabe as it sparked.

On the brink of it, right in front of us, jumped with a single hair, and the blast went on fire.

"Fair enough. He's alive, and this is how he came to his destination, and as a result, Aurai."

"Well said, plainly..."

Well, worst of all, even if it fell from there, the water dragon would let me pick it up.

You don't have to be that serious.

I'm just a little calm and will look around again where we are now.

Feels like I saw it, it's a pretty big cave.

The walls are wet black rocks.

There's coral and a little creepy creature stuck all over the place.

There's no doubt about the fact that it was the bottom of the ocean until just now.

When Elia looks up at the hole she's drilled, there's a black rock going on from here to halfway, turning from a point to a brown rock.

Black is the natural rock, and brown is made in Touria.

If it's a natural rock, it can't be manipulated the way he thinks.

The only thing is, I'm worried about the lightstones being placed everywhere instead of lighting.

Okay, that's it for the analysis.

I'm still bumpy. I need to speak to Elia and go find the red rock.

"Look, I'm coming. Just find the red rock..."

"I won't let you go."

... Apparently you're welcome.

The target I'm supposed to kill, that one crack.


"... you're here"

To a familiar voice, Elia and I immediately took a battle stand.

Walking from the back of the cave is Thuria, a blonde knight wearing knight armor.

"You heard about God's rock, from the witch...?

"... ma, something like that. We're in a hurry, aren't we? Will you just kill me?

Kill him and this island, maintained by magic, will collapse.

You didn't have to bother to find the nopt. That's why the operation failed.

Pull out the crimson blade and put it over your left hand.

Touria, who opposed him, also pulled out the knight's sword on his hips and put it in both hands.

The killing spirit that rises from that body is such that I may be pressurized.

"It's up to you to get killed. Today I am willing to kill, yesterday I am..."


In an instant, Tulia disappears.

Exactly the same, straight start you had last night when you first attacked me.


"It's different."

"Gu...... Huh!

Yes, the speed is completely different.

It jumped right in front of me at once, fast enough for me to react critically.

A sharp slash up, emitted for the face.

Against his face, he sliced the sleigh too far through the tip,

"You're so pretty, here. I want one too..."

He's holding my forehead, touched my wing hair clasp.

With a slightly blurred impact, the hair fastening came off and into Tulia's hands to be sucked in.

"... this, don't touch me with your dirty hands!!

Give me the precious hair clasp that Beato made for me.

I can't forgive you, I'll kill you.

That's all I can think about anymore.

Kill with the combined magic of Qi (Renki), Rigid Gold (Congolese Uriki) and [Boiling] to expose you to the full lateral swing.


"I want..."

But the enemy rocks the flank to guard the attack.

The shock dropped my hair fastening, but it immediately escaped me in time.

(Hair clasp...!

Catch your hair clasp twirling around the air just before it falls to the ground.

I was worried it wasn't broken, but good, it wasn't even scratched...

Whilst I was horrified, I put it back on my forehead.

"You're scared... I just touched it a little bit."

"Shut up! Get out, Dragon! Eat and kill him!!

I don't condone it anymore.

Do you also know the damage around?

I'll lock you in the water, and then I'll boil you down and mince you!

………… ... Huh?

But there's no water dragon.

It's like you're not wearing [Water God].

I'll touch the hair decorations, but keep the bravery balls (gift sphere) on.

"What do you mean...? Water polo......! Water Guard...!... I won't answer."

There is not a single move to use [Mizugami].

"This is no way..."

"You finally realized. It's a little late, I get a yawn..."

Artificial braves, like brave men, can use two gifts.

The gift that he can use is [Emperor Jikou], and another one.


"With the power of [locking] your [god of water], I let you lock it"