The Tanaka Family Reincarnates
First Tanaka Family Conference.
This is the first Tanaka Family Meeting.
Emma's cabin is not only Emma's Castle of Insect Love, but also the Silkworm Laboratory of the Earl of Stewart, so there are small meeting rooms.
Emma was obsessed with insects from the moment she realized something, so she let her genius flourish only in terms of insects.
As a result of Emma's repeated mating, improved feeding, and devised a breeding environment, the palace silkworm is about 50 centimeters long.
The goal was the amount of silk thread per dress, but if you make it any bigger, the burden of care and feeding will swell up, so I am studying whether I can increase the amount of cocoons with body length keeping now.
Emma... horrible girl...
I was gathering my entire family in a small meeting room in Emma's cabin to discuss rehabilitation....
It's dazzling...
Even though my brother is sparkling, it is 3x.
My father and brother have blonde hair and purple eyes.
They're both sweet masks... but they're in good shape. It seems strong after all.
My mother has blonde hair, but her eyes are light green.
My mother is a powerful beauty with a strong feeling, and she looks scared when she gets angry.
... no, I was so scared, my mother was the most scared in Emma's memory.
My father and mother, who had passed the calendar, are now the same age as their daughters of the previous life.
Oh... but I admire the powerful beauty.
I have the same blonde hair as my mother and have light green eyes, but I have a thick face that seems to have been made by avoiding the strong feelings of my mother and father. Why!?
From now on, let's be a little more careful with the appearance. Anyway, it was Emma who only had bugs on her head. I may be able to recover it.
I will ask what the former super ordinary family Tanaka thinks about it.
"Everyone... isn't it just beautiful?
"No, this world is like this.
My brother Georg answers normally.
Holy shit! This world looks like this.
Emma has no sense of human beauty (not interested at all), is it because she is looking at it from the port's perspective, or is it because the memory of the previous life is still thin so far other than Emma? It seems that only the port with 100% memory of the previous life has a sense of discomfort.
And as I mentioned earlier, my brother is a beautiful boy....
"Everyone in my previous life had black hair, black eyes and plain faces, so there was a gap!
Even though everyone is so beautiful, it makes me feel unbearable because of the appearance of the previous life.
"No, Emma is the most adorable port of her life, now and ever.
My father, Leonardo, says not with a smile. Both now and in the past, it seems to be a stable and extremely sweet product for my daughter.
The conversation between the harbor and Peeta after sharing their knowledge of rehabilitation with their families is more lively.
Even though there is no nerd knowledge, there is an Oriental idea that the Japanese can somehow understand, so the whole family almost accepted the idea of "reincarnation".
It is a family of less thoughtful types.
By the way, black hair in this country means royal blood.
It is a strange feeling for Japanese to say that black hair is more unusual, but there is no prince on a blonde white horse in this country.
If this sparkling beauty is normal, as my brother says, let's hope for how dazzling it will be in the future.