◆ Lina Randall (17) ◆

I will marry Jill safely and become the mother of two men and two women.

Use the power of the aura to read the air of the field and be unparalleled in terms of interpersonal appearance.

Those who plan evil said, "Don't be fooled by a smile.When I met him, it would all be over. "

A man of all ages, young and old, Tarashi becomes a queen of history.

My friendship with my colleagues during my candidacy continued unchanged throughout my life.

◆ Gilberto Trais Elvasti (22) ◆

After assuming the throne, he worked hard to improve his relationship with Rourke.It is the foundation of peace.

Efforts were made to protect and train technology and craftsmen, both domestically and internationally, and to encourage economic development.

Nevertheless, extreme daughter-in-law lovers left a strong impression on the surroundings, and in future generations they were often featured as wives rather than politicians.

◆ Triana Elvasti (50) ◆

It penetrated the tundelier of lifetime stability.

Thanks to Lina, we arrived at the golden ratio of Tung 8 del 2, and our relationship with our sons improved, and we spent the last years loved by our grandchildren.

Merliah Ordis (20)

Married to an escort who had always been thoughtful.Get two daughters.

Served in the castle as a counselor for Lina, who became the queen, and kept her breadth in check.

Together with Triana, I twisted Lina around, and in my heart, we both thought that the captain of "Love Lina with Me" was ourselves.

◆ Alisa Yusela (18) ◆

Marquis' eldest son, who had exchanged studies from Rourke, married him at first.Become the mother of two men and one woman.

I ran as fast as I could as a bridge between the two countries with my husband, and contributed greatly to that peace.

◆ Lila Bashle (16) ◆

Active as a female civilian.

Likewise, I had a man and a woman with my civilian husband, but I worked very hard with pregnant women and returned soon after delivery.

Become a star of hope for the woman who wants to work.

Maribel Richmond (21)

Marriage with childhood. Become a boy's mother.

A butterfly motif from Lina and Jill's proposition episode produced the hit product, and Richmond became a bigger store with a product expansion that remained fashionable afterwards.

◆ Glenn Alto (19) ◆

Even though she had been single for a lifetime, Lina and Jill's daughter had a passionate attack and even got married at 38.

You're going to spend days with Lina and Jill that don't raise your head.

◆ Felix cello ervasti (54) ◆

After retirement, he gradually unraveled his relationship with his wife and eventually took care of Triana without blindfolding anyone.

◆ Yelik Yuno Elvasti (27) ◆

Though not blessed with the treasure of the child, after giving up the throne to Jill, more room was born in the heart to live in peace.

In addition, it became a cushioning material and lubricant for the national government with a gentle personality, and became a reliance of the people.

◆ Joel Dawes Elvasti (25) ◆

After renouncing the right to inheritance and returning to the throne, they refuse to propose to the woman of their choice.

I continued to sit by without giving up, filling the outer moat, and at the age of twelve my daughter finally got married by her mouth.