After Eleven assured the president that he would never help Elisa easily, he was finally able to run out of the guild as he wished.

At this time, Elisa did not go too far, she seemed to be going back to the girls' dormitory, and she was not very anxious.Eleven followed her uprightly, keeping the proper distance between them.

"Eleven, what are you doing here?" Kana's voice suddenly came from beside.

"Oh, Kana, good morning." Eleven turned his head to see Kana standing behind her pretty, with a smirk on her face.So Eleven grinned at Kana, without any guilty conscience, and said good morning.

"Morning...this is a girls' dormitory! Why are you here? Come to me?" Kana, who was trying to tease Eleven, was made to stop by his sunny smile, but instead seemed to look I think too much, my face is a little red.

"No, I just... uh..."

Eleven suddenly got stuck in the middle of talking. What should I say about this?I haven't felt that there is anything wrong with what I am doing before, but it will become very strange if I tell others about it.

Could it be possible to tell Kana "I'm following Elisa, don't you want to speak up"?Wasn't he down to the same level as Gray in an instant?

At this time, Eleven suddenly realized that what he was doing didn't seem to be something that he could show off.

"Um... I just... just take a walk, yes, just take a walk! Hahaha..." Eleven is definitely not a person who is good at lying. At this time, his back is wet and stiff. Scratching his head and hitting haha, I want to show that I don't lie to you, I definitely didn't lie.

"Why did you walk to the girls' dormitory?" Kana stared suspiciously at Eleven's face.

"Uh, coincidence, coincidence, haha..." After being stared at, Eleven began to sweat on his forehead, and looked away from Kana with a guilty conscience.

Kana: (?_?) Stare~~

"Oh, that's it." Kana looked at Eleven for a long time, then suddenly turned her eyes brightly, smiled unexpectedly, and stopped talking, just stood beside Eleven quietly.

Xiaoyanger, still want to hide something from my old lady?If you don't tell me, I will see for myself what you are going to do!Humph!

Originally, Eleven quietly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Kana finally stopped asking questions, but Elisa came out soon.

This girl dragged a large suitcase about the same height as her own, and didn't know what it was packed in, so she ran out of the girls' dormitory dingling.Eliza didn't even look at Eleven and Kana, who stood fighting wits at the door of the girls' dormitory, pulling their big box and drifting away.

Yilai Wenlai wanted to catch up immediately, but the sight behind him was a bit piercing, making him unable to ignore the curious baby behind him.

"Um, Kana, do you have nothing to do?" Eleven tremblingly wanted to move Kana away.

"No, I've been very idle." Kana tilted her head and smiled and looked at Eleven.

"Oh, okay, I surrendered~" Eleven couldn't bear Kana's smile, helplessly raised his hands to express surrender, "I'll be honest with you, I'm actually following Elsa... ..."

Before Eleven had finished speaking, he saw Kana's eyes gradually despised, feeling that her existence had become more and more humble, approaching the level of garbage.

At this moment, Eleven had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly continued: "This is a secret mission arranged for me by the president!"

"Secret mission?" Kana still looked suspicious, expressing her disbelief.

"Yeah, yeah!" At this time, Eleven didn't know which nerve was on his head. His face didn't blush, and he didn't pant. He was able to put his head as he should. Leaning to Kana's ear: "Look, isn't Elisa about your age? But she wants to go out and do the task by herself.

"Then why don't you go in a team?" Kana was attracted by Eleven's mysterious appearance, but she still found the loophole witty.

"Um...well, you also know Elsa's character, how could it be possible to team up with someone." Eli Wen also got stuck, and was almost stopped by questioning. Fortunately, he was super witty at this time. "Also, the president doesn't want others to know that he takes special care of the little girl, that old man, tut tut!"

After talking in a mysterious manner, Eleven deliberately showed a contemptuous expression and shook his head.

"So Kana, this is a secret mission. I only tell you one person. Don't talk nonsense, and don't let the president know what I said to you, understand?"

The final finishing touch is complete!Eleven now feels that he is about to break through the sky wisely!How can there be someone so witty in the world?Not only succeeded in passing the blunder, even the possibility of being exposed was blocked by a word of myself!Eleven never found out that he was so good at deceiving... the art of language.

At this time, Kana had been stunned for a while, completely believing Eleven's nonsense.He even hurriedly covered his cherry lips with a small hand, indicating that he would not speak.

Eleven was very satisfied with Kana’s reaction, and reached out to touch Kana’s little head: "Well, Kana, I’m leaving now. Elisa is gone. Remember, this is between us. The secret!"

When Kana heard this, she immediately became serious, nodded her head vigorously, and watched Eleven with a solemn look on Eliza.


Eleven who got rid of Kana breathed a sigh of relief, and even felt a little soft, his back was soaked in just such a short while.

Looking back now, he couldn't believe what he had just done. The logical rigor and the meticulous thinking made his scalp numb.Eleven felt that he had to find a place to write down the conversation just now, and review it every day in the future, so that he could feel his wisdom every day.

Although I was thinking about some things that I didn't, but the end of the industry did not relax.It is difficult to find and lose with the exploration with mental power.But this time, Eleven was more cautious, hiding behind the house for a while, blocking his sight with a passing carriage, and pretending to be a customer looking through the hawker's goods.

"Mom, what do you think that little brother is doing sneakily?"

"Hey, don't watch!"

Eleven didn't pay attention to the weird gazes of the pedestrians around him. At this time, he was completely absorbed in his trailing skills.It's so cool!He didn't even want to use his own invisibility technique, it was too untechnical.This behavior of relying on the environment to not be discovered by the target and quietly tracking makes Eleven feel very excited!

Maybe this is the ninja dream hidden in every boy! Although Eleven didn't know what a ninja was, he fell in love with this kind of secret observation!