The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

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"Ah. It's getting cold lately."

A village in the Principality of Argento.

No. Mr. Kaol, who has been finishing fishing today, was on his way home in a boat at that place where development has recently progressed and is becoming a town.

By the way, while I say it's getting cold, the fishing is vegetarian diving, as always.

In the first place, as mentioned before, vegetarian diving fishing is a fishery that catches shellfish and shrimp from scratch, so stabbing fish with a fish should not be called vegetarian diving fishing, but then what else can I say besides vegetarian diving fishing, because it is in good condition, I think it is good for vegetarian diving fishing already.

"But thanks to Mina, I'm thankful to be able to get the money quickly in the fishery. I don't feel comfortable using it."

It was the Wetterhahn Chamber of Commerce, which came for the development of the town, but has also recently established shipping and sales routes to other towns, as well as buying fish caught by the people of the town.

The Wetterhahn Chamber of Commerce is reaching all over the continent smoothly.

In doing so, Mr. Mina could really rule the continent from the shadows.

"Hmm? Who is it, alle?

One girl enters the sight of Kaol, a junior of Boulder Onei, who muscularly endures such cold weather, somewhat right and left.

The clothes you are wearing are those of your town daughter there, but your hair is well cared for or shiny, and your skin is slippery enough to tell from a distance.


Mr. Caorle disappears as low as possible as he travels on a small boat over the waterway, to the appearance of his courtesy lady who is here to see him no matter what he thinks.

The physical aspect is strong, so it is not very noticeable, but the mental aspect is a natural judgment because of Kagato-kun's common sense and hard working temperament.

People can't be like Onei no matter how much they work out.

"There you go. I'd like to ask you something."


Why, Mr. Caorle, but if a half-naked macho was squatting on the boat, it would stand out even if he didn't like it.

But that's a sight I don't want to speak to, so maybe I wasn't wrong to deal with.

It was pointless because I was called out after all.

"Do you know someone named Caorle, the lord of this town?

"No. I don't know."

Here's a dirty adult lying at Thinking Time Zero.

Girl frowning like trouble listening to Mr. Caorle.

I'm Caorle, who's insistently clinging to when I became a lord in the first place, but since it's about this town that I used to get the Grand Duke with the title, it's inevitable that Mr. Caorle treats me like a lord.

When you make a contract, you should reread the contents about three times and then make sure that nothing is written in a small letter in the corner.

"I will change the question. You're Mr. Caorle, aren't you?

"Why did you find out!?

Again, I'm surprised, Mr. Caorle, but there can't be many machos or anything like that fishing half-naked on top of the obvious interracial in a country town like this.

Rather, it will be very popular for some people, such as a town where Macchio is vegetarian diving and fishing for more than one person half naked, but I don't want to get near it.

"You're the man your father said you were."


"Nice to meet you. I'm Leeza, Grand Duke's daughter."

"You don't look alike."

"Well said."

Although he was named Grand Duke's daughter, he also doesn't look like he cared with Mr. Caorle, whose parents aren't willing to revere him the earliest because of his allergy.

It's important that you do it everyday.

"Your father asked me to give you this letter."

"What, your use? The Grand Duke's daughter herself?

"Secrets are leaking harder than hiring people, and most importantly, isn't it cheaper?"

"Foreword withdrawn. Parents and children, no doubt."

Mr. Caorle recognises that he is definitely the father's daughter.

There may actually be an image of luxury when it comes to aristocracy, but there is usually a poor aristocracy.

"But why the letter?

"It seems Prince Heinz is coming to inspect, so I thought we'd be talking."

"What. If you could just say that orally……………………"

He was Mr. Caorle, who opened the letter with such a grunt, but froze because its content was unexpected.

- Because our daughter is up for Prince Heinz's fiancée. I said, "No, my daughter, Mr. Caorle, is planning to marry me."

"You didn't say 'I said it ', did you, Jizzy!?

Kaoru hits a message from a middle-aged man.

As it is, the blood vessels in your brain will be clear mi

"It's a mundane thing, thank you."

"Don't you know what it is!?

Mr. Caorle clings to Mr. Leeza as he bows his head with a firm face.

For now, although I let him go home on the spot, he heard the story somewhere when he got home. Mr. Dillett was swelling up like a river pig on his cheek, so I knocked him down on his cheek until he turned up the sound.

The other world is still peaceful today.