"... confectionery making is life weighing... confectionery making is life weighing... confectionery making is weight weighing"

Suddenly the one squeaking like some kind of spell is Inertia, who was part of a conscious system elf.

Flour is poured into the ball with a pull trembling hand as you sit on your mid waist directly in front of the calf.

"If you fail there, you can start all over again."

And Mr. Limbell looking at Mr. Inertia with such disdain.

This is the type of dish you do with your senses, so weighing is appropriate in many ways.

Incidentally, weighing is now considered important, but until just about two centuries ago, even the pastry chef, an expert in confectionery, said, "Weighing? What is it?" state, and it is assumed that the amount of ingredients, cooking time, etc. was at the disposal of each individual's senses.

It can also be said to be artisanal in a way, but the approximation of numbers was also very important in order to convey such sensory newsletters more accurately to future generations.

"What do you say, Master Limbell!


I'm just finished weighing in, and I'm gonna shine my face, and I'm gonna listen to you, Mr. Inertia, and I'm gonna smile half the time, and I'm gonna say it half the time, Mr. Limbell.

Totally childish, but don't think deeply about whether you have no choice if you think about age difference. Cursed.

"Plump. Why won't you let me coach you to start making sweets!

"It's probably because it's dangerous."


And Nathan grinding his teeth as he watches two such elves smiling cooking classes from his living room, and Makami tapping into the truth with no expression as usual.

Mr. Nathan sinks into a short but precise word.

"Shouldn't you go to confession once?

"Huh. I'm sorry to hear that. There's no such thing as penance in Shinto!

"Yeah, that's too bad."

"That's a shame. Nathan."

To Nathan, who answers Ms Glios' words with his chest stretched, Mr Glauze and Mr Makami, who are dismayed.

Even Master Amateras has trouble coming to confess his sins to the bearers of such a special sexuality.

Be careful, by the way, that worship of the shrine is inherently the Lord's thanks to God, and suddenly it may be considered rude to make a request.

"In Shinto, did you bathe in water to scold the filth?

"You're the one named" Xu. Then I hope you throw Nathan into the ocean. "

"It's not like that!?

Mr. Natan protests vegan to plan Mr. Grauze and Mr. Glios to throw them pale into the sea.

But when you say "jade," you may have the image of doing it in a river or a waterfall, but you may normally do it in the sea.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with dumping Mr. Nathan in the ocean.

"It would be too much for both of us. Even Nathan is usually decent, so it's too much to throw at the ocean."

"Lord Makami!

But here in a sense, I waited from Makami, the most serious in the Anda family, but I'll come in.

Sure, in relation to Inertia, the reader is of course Nathan, who even puts aside the author. He repeats his chaos shift, but he usually studies to earnestly qualify as a clergyman, and he doesn't mix anything weird into the dish.

It's just a little too strict. I'm making you persevere in virginity because of the commandments of the pre-clergy.

"But if he does, we'll do something about it to Limbell."

"All right, let's throw it away."

"Lord Makami!?

But the moment Mr. Glios tells me that the damage will come to him too, Mr. Makami lightly joins in.

In the first place, Mr. Makami is often the wingman who usually ends up with both drunks because of his own lower door, so why are you so dissatisfied?

"No matter how old a man is, he's a kid."

And I look at those guys and I leak them with a frigid eye, Mr. Rimbell.

Well, from your point of view, everyone's gay.

- Japan is still at peace today.

Meanwhile Takatenara.

"I thought winter was ice cream."

Master Amateras cheeks a certain snowy Dafu while saying so.

Of course Minkan comes in cardboard and is set right around the corner.

"Tsukuyomi. This child is not wasting too much energy."

"Yeah, but it seems to be true that ice cream sells better in winter in cold areas."

And Master Tsukuyomi turns to the defense as troubled as Master Mizuhanome, who sees Master Amateras loose as ever and complains.

I'm usually a Tsukuyomi lady who puts a tough cling in my sister, but if another cling from God comes, I seem to turn to protect her without pursuing her on a boulder.

"I knew it would be sweet on the Amateras."

"Of course, I love you too, Mizuhanome."

"What are you talking about in your face?"

Mr. Tsukuyomi and Mr. Mizuhanome, who just say that they have nothing to be ashamed of with a firm face.

The oral complaint of a handsome boulder doesn't seem to make sense to a single sister either.

"I knew you were Cisco, Lorico…………"

"It's not Loricon"

"I knew you wouldn't deny Ciscon," said Tsukuyomi, who returned a clear word of denial to Master Mizuhanome's suspicions.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.