The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Japanese rice is not suitable for stir-fried rice in the first place

Dwarf Kingdom.

You know, it's an underground kingdom inhabited by devoured dwarves, but its food self-sufficiency is pretty low because it's underground, as I've explained several times.

But lately, thanks to Mr. Mina of the Wetterhahn Chamber of Commerce hustling, there is also an increasing variety of food coming into the Dwarf kingdom, a central and stronghold of the continent, and with that, the Dwarves can be more productive than ever because it's something they hustle and work for.

Continental domination by the Wetterhahn Chamber of Commerce is almost complete.

"No, juzo. Are you going back to Japan?"

- Zara...

At a restaurant in the Dwarf Kingdom.

The Dwarves in the store and the knights of Merdia, who were here on a part-time basis, quietly began to squeeze into the casual words of Barra, who was still helping in the kitchen today.

"No, I'm not leaving."

- Whoa!

Dwarves and knights thrive at the same time when they hear Mr. Jouzou's words.

He's totally corrupt. Mr. Denken's laughing when he sees him look like that, but his eyes are totally frightened.

"Are you sure?

"You're not even old enough to worry about your parents if you contact them otherwise. And he said he had his own shop around the corner, but he couldn't leave me alone."

"Ha, that's serious."

"Is that so? Oh, Mr. Denken, I'd like this."

"Yes, I'm home."

Are you impressed or frightened, Mr. Jouzou handing Mr. Denken a delicate face, Mr. Burra, and the stir-fried rice he was able to serve.

He seemed to have had trouble handling it when he found out he was a former Marquis, but in the end he decided not to ask and decided to respond normally.

"Yeah, but if you can come and go with Japan, you might be able to look after Mina even better."

"To that merchant's daughter? How come again?"

"No. I was wondering if she could source ingredients and seasonings that are in Japan and not here."

That's what I'm saying, Mr. Jouzou, but no matter how much Mr. Mina, he'll use the gates of the other world that the country will strictly control to start trading, etc... don't do it normally!

"So the curry is even closer to the finished shape."

"That's right."

- Goddamn it...

The Dwarves + knights hear the word that the curry from the kitchen has not yet been completed and start bothering again.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"I think stir-fried rice and grilled rice are different things."

"Suddenly what are you talking about?"

To Amateras-sama, who abruptly talks about the difference between stir-fried rice and grilled rice, Tsukuyomi, who turns a frigid eye.

"I don't like it. I imagine stir-fried rice is more sophisticated and paralyzed.

"It's bad what I'm talking about in the image, but stir-fried rice and grilled rice make a difference in how they are cooked properly."


Dear Amateras, stunned by the words of Master Tsukuyomi.

Doya, when I tried to explain the difference with my face, I was explained and returned with a clear, well-founded difference.

"They say that frying the eggs first, then adding the rice is the frying rice, and frying the rice and then adding the eggs is the grilling rice"

"I don't think it makes any difference there!

"No, I'm not."

He was Master Amateras, who tried to push it off with momentum and stories, but today he was also calmly cut back by his calm deposition lily favorite Tsukuyomi.

Since there are various theories about the definition of grilled rice, it is not necessarily the difference as Tsukuyomi said.

"What do you want Toyoke Hime to make and compare it to eating?

"You can't possibly tell such a fine difference to me!

"Honest and good"

Tsukuyomi is convinced with Amaterasu, who said he was different but reversed to Tsukuyomi's suggestion.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.