The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

I don't remember the headmaster's name and wearing it.

Kingdom of Gardia and Kingdom of Merdia.

Although the two countries, which were formerly one country, have been divided and have repeatedly opposed and cooperated on many occasions, these days they have maintained quite good relations, as His Majesty King Richard, King of Gardia, and Prince Heinz, the next king of Merdia, are in a friendly and quarrelsome state.

"Teacher. Now that we have a draft education plan for this semester, I'd like to confirm it."

Bilaterally operated educational institutions were recently created in such a village near the border between Gardia and Merdia.

"Teacher, can you confirm and sign here?"

A school of anticipation with lots of money and talent invested in the College of the Fitzgard Empire, the winner of the northern continent.

"Teacher. Instructions instead because the principal is not here"

It is...

"……… wait a minute"

A girl (24), who sat down in front of a big desk with a plate on it that said "head teacher" at that school, slowly raised her hand.

Head teacher: Top of the school faculty. The next great person to the principal at school.

Assist the Principal and manage education if necessary

"Why am I the head teacher!?

Teacher Chimiko Akechi Ryoko's high voice echoes in the school where he was able to do so.

"No, I don't care what you say now."

General faculty clinging to it.

The other faculty members are nodding yeah.

"I was flushed and processed paperwork and stuff, but that's crazy!? I am a different world man with no track record!?

"But there were also recommendations from your students working in both countries."

"Or was it flushed and you've been working exactly?

Yes, it is.

It's been quite a while since we decided to build this school, but in the meantime, several of Mr. Lyoko's godchildren became officials of both countries.

And he said, "Why do they have such upbringing for ordinary people from one country?" The answer to the question is Mr Lyoko.

It seems to me that the thoughts of someone in either country are heavily involved that they were able to become officials lightly in this era, but there is no reason for Mr. Lyoko to know that.

"And the question of who to put at the top of the faculty of this school, which is run jointly by the two countries, also involves political issues."

"We have the suspicion that we are really going to go through our country of origin."

"There you are."


Faculty members pointing to Mr. Lyoko at the same time as if they were practicing.

We're really close while talking about politics and stuff.

"That's all right. You'll get a full salary."

"Oh, I need the paperwork over here by this afternoon."

"I want a regular teacher to do it because it can be low pay or something. Yikes!?

While complaining that way, Mr. Lyoko, a forensic animal who sees the paperwork as he is told.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"It's the rainy season!

It's my turn, Master Amateras, who's all tense.

"Okinawa must still be dawning."

Meanwhile, Mizuhanome, who is still on the move.

It should also be noted that the rainy season in places starting in Honshu is likely to be after mid-July.

"But in fact, when July comes in, it feels like summer already, not rainy season?

"I don't even know what you're talking about."

"Yeah. It's pretty vague when the rainy season actually starts."


Amateras leaning his neck at Tsukuyomi's words that the rainy season is obscure.

So what exactly was the recent declaration of the rainy season in Okinawa?

"It is difficult for professionals to identify the rainy season. Once upon a time, he said," It's raining, but it's raining, "and because the complaint was killed, he stopped affirming the rainy season."

"…… So what about this rainy season?

"I said it was supposed to be rainy, but I didn't say it was rainy."

"What... so...?

Dear Amateras, who is stunned by just the adult circumstances.

The world is so intelligent.

"By the way, later on, I'll say," Oh, I knew it was raining then. "

"…… Adults are a pain in the ass."

"I don't care if they say so like other personnel"

Dear Amaterasu, only behave as you look when convenient.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.