The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

The times when complaints come when we put beans on Shitsuzu

"Eat as many beans as you can for your age."

"What is that novice torture!?

in a small village in the Republic of Keros.

I was suddenly offered a plate with tons of soybeans and I said, "I did something!?" And the inner temper, the seemingly panicky Hetero leader, Mr. Arka.

Behind that, he says, "I can't do the number of years old or anything like that," and eats a voluminous amount of beans that Master Sknahikona will obviously not get into that little body.

"Not torture... are you serious?

"Don't make me do anything questionable."

"'Cause how do I explain it......... Isao san!

"I don't think it's a mistake to be blunt. It's a health prayer that if you eat beans as many years old as you can, your body will be strong and you won't catch a cold."


"Why do you keep your chest up?"

Arka clings to Aska, who doya faces after Isao explains.

By the way, beside Master Sukhnahikona, "more immersed men," says Saros-kun, cancer on Mr. Arka as he devours the beans.

"But the number of years old would be tight. It doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't taste good."

"But the wonder reaches out. This is..."

I can't tell you how many years old I am. But for now, I reach for soybeans, Arka, and Fides, who, apparently, likes soybeans, rubs green tea in his mouth one after the other and breathes "fu".

I'm young by elf standards, but my hobby is getting sinister due to the long time I've been hanging out with Isao my age.

"Speaking of which, there was talk of people who ate soybeans until they were full with nothing else to eat, and when they drank the water, the soybeans swelled in their stomachs and burst to death."

"Ha ha. Don't be afraid of that"

"No, rather, why don't you burst?"

Mr. Sukhnahikona, who says he's scared of Isao's story and gives it back, and Mr. Saros, who says it's weird that you're not bursting in the quantity you're eating.

Because it's God. I don't have a choice.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile Takatenara.

"I'm going to eat as many beans as I'm old, but sometimes I can stick around and eat more than that."

"How many thousands of years ago was that?"

Tsukuyomi stuck with Amaterasu, who says while eating the puffy beans while in the octopus.

By the way, soybeans can be historic food in Japan during the Rope period.

As I've written before, beans on the festival was originally started as a substitute for peaches, so I'm definitely not in the habit of eating beans in health prayers in times like when Amateras is too old to eat.

"Yeah. Speaking of which, was it originally about your father throwing peaches at your mother?"

"No, it was my mother's ghost who threw me. Your father didn't throw all the peaches at your mother."

Incidentally, peaches at that time have been given the name Ifukamu Bean Life to Master Isanagi and have become God.

This is Master Isanagi, who has a reputation for producing boulder gods pompous.

"When I was talking about peaches, I was dying to eat peaches"

"That's what I'm thinking, and I'm asking Toyoke Hime to make me peach tarts."

"... Tsukuyomi's prefetching has been too accurate lately to be scary or creepy"

"Are you creepy!?

My beloved sister tells me it's creepy, and my character is collapsing. Master Tsukuyomi.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.