The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Only the letters, but you find out who you are.

"Yuki, I need to talk to you."


in the royal castle of the kingdom of Merdia.

Onei stands up when Prince Heinz, bread and hands greet him after dinner, who begins to speak with some serious face.

The handling of the Prince of Oneie is well cluttered.

"... you're gonna cut your salary?

"I command you, my Lord."

But Onei takes the money to quality and kneels instantly.

Onei himself doesn't spend that much money, but the salaries of the servants that Onei employs naturally have trouble reducing them because Onei has to earn them.

"Grace wasn't around before that, was she?

"Grace doesn't come to the castle today because he's off duty. Is that still bothering you?

"Things have changed. Look, Princess Sheena will be back."

"Oh, the Princess of Gardia who went to Japan."

"She was originally talking about me and my engagement. That's what we came back for, so you know what's gonna happen later?

"That's not what the prince deserved when he didn't decide to fight while the princess was gone."

"It's hard for my men to tell the truth."

If I explain the current situation, I won't be able to do it immediately. Prince Heinz will sink into his desk.

As always, it seems hectic when it comes to romance.

"But what do you actually want to do? It would be a bad idea to bring up Grace now. He's not a leading nobleman or anything, so even now he's just going to say," Well, Grace is in the side room, and the princess is in the main room. "

"... wouldn't everyone shut up if Yuki made a few threats?

"I'm not the enemy of that. No, I don't want to be in a situation like that."

Yuki's gonna pay it all back.

"I'm telling you I don't like being exposed to that kind of malice. I'm pretty sure it's a problem to make people like me say things to power and talk to politics. If that happens, I'll go back to Japan."

"That's troublesome"

Onei dismisses it for quite serious reasons, although he does not deny that it is a payback.

I'm still a common sense person if I close my eyes to some things.

"How does the other princess feel in the first place?"

"Definitely not in love with me, and I'm afraid he seems to be talking in a smile and being seen through the inside"

"You're a princess I think I can count on."

"I wonder why you feel that way!?

I'm Prince Heinz who sticks to Onei's words, but as for Onei, I don't think I can do a queen to Grace, so I'm even thinking that I'd rather have Princess Sheena in the regular room and Grace in the side room.


"If you're worried about Princess Sheena, I have some information for you."

"……… Who are you?

Oneie frowns when she sees a young man who has spoken abruptly.

I forgive my proximity because I don't feel malicious, but I looked at it again and thought. That this guy is definitely a crook, not a bad guy.

"I mean, I'm behind you, Kagato-kun, right?

"No. I am a passing mysterious sorcerer."

"At least say it in a mask."

Onei clings to Kagato-kun, who dignifies identity fraud while still exposed to his face.

One young man has a "ha-ha-ha" and a frigid smile.

"I wonder if this is a mysterious gentleman."

"No. Even with a gentleman apprentice to my degree. I have a suggestion for His Highness Heinz."

That's what I say and bow my head. A mysterious magician who looks annoyed to be replaced by a self-proclaimed gentleman apprentice and foot.

What is the purpose of the two of us?

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"I wonder how far it's going to go."

"Hello, sister."

Master Tsukuyomi stuck to Master Amateras, who is worried about something.

Yellow Springs Dojo (Mormon Hegu) means eating rice or yellow spring food cooked on fire in the country of Yellow Springs, and it is assumed that Isanagi was unable to return because he had already carried out this Yellow Springs Dojo when he picked up Isanami in Yellow Springs.

For that matter, Master Isanami in this work. You're moving around aggressively, right? You shouldn't stick around.

"So. Why are you suddenly talking about Yellow Springs Dojo?

"No, even if you bring ingredients from this side and barbecue them in a yellow spring, they will be included in the Yellow Springs Dojo."

"Where did the idea spring from to barbecue in Yellow Springs?"

Barbecue with the flames of hell.

It's locked inside.

"No. Sometimes I thought I'd go see your mother from here and do something for you."

"So why the idea of barbecue? I'm worried about food. I'm worried about judgment, and why don't we just bring it in with alcohol?

"Are you okay? Don't you bring in sake and your mother is purified?

"So what did you say to my mother?"

But I did get a little worried, but I won't put it in my mouth, Master Tsukuyomi.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.