The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Mostly you can tell the Wetterhahn Chamber of Commerce.

"Enjoy it because we made baumkuchen without eggs or milk"

"Rather, can you make baumkuchen without eggs or milk"

in a village in the Republic of Keros.

Inertia, who offers a treat characterized by a wheel like an annual wheel, and Suknahikona, who starts to receive and eat in surprise.

I feel like the volume of Baumkuchen is bigger than Master Suknahikona's, but for some reason I can eat it, so I have no problem with it.

"Oh, it's surprisingly delicious. I thought you didn't taste better."

"I don't add milk, but it contains honey, vegetable oil, and so on."

Though I say so, in fact, Inertia is unhappy with the reproduction rate because the ingredients do not come together as she thought.

We need to achieve soybean cultivation as soon as possible and put it in the confectionery making to provide a stable supply of soybean milk, an alternative staple to milk, and we are doing everything we can to make the confectionery.

"No, as far as I'm concerned, it was unexpected that Baumkuchen could be baked in a frying pan."

Meanwhile, Isao says while eating Baumkuchen, who has been judged not to be able to do well to give it to Master Sknahikona.

This one eats all sorts of things over here for his age, but he looks healthy as ever and is still going to live a long time.

By the way, if you are baking baumkuchen in a frying pan, repeat the process of rolling the thinly roasted dough so that you make the dashi rolled eggs, then roll the roasted dough one after the other.

"I don't have a hole in the middle. I won't admit Baumkuchen!" If so, there is also a method of plugging the cylinder made of aluminum foil into the inside of the first rolled fabric and pulling it out later.

Blah blah blah blah blah. I think you can cook it and eat it without rounding it if you're not bound by the way it looks.

That's not Baumkuchen anymore?

It's good to see you.

"I was wondering if Asuka would be gone and there would be fewer repertoires of cooking, so I didn't expect her to have a full daily snack."

"Sometimes I eat more meat."

In response to Sukhnahikona, who is impressed with Inertia, who is gradually spreading her sweets to other worlds, Saros-kun recently leaked her frustration because of the large number of Elves who live in the village and share a table with her.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile Takatenara.

"If the ingredients are baumkuchen, bake them flat. Isn't that baumkuchen?

"No, I'm not."

I don't care about the details. Master Tsukuyomi immediately denies Master Amateras' words.

Right. It's not unwrapped Baumkuchen or Baumkuchen, is it?

"Baumkuchen means wooden cake in German. It's not Baum when the wheel runs out."

"I mean, it's just a couch"

"I know you're saying it in Nori, but it fits."

By the way, baum is a tree and couch means cake.

"Besides, it was established as a gift treat in Japan because it was supposed to mean that the annual wheel would grow older and congratulate you. It's also surprising that it's more widely known than the real Germany."

"Huh? It's not well known in Germany?

Baumkuchen was originally a German treat, but it requires advanced technology to make it and is only a luxury treat handled in some specialty stores.

So some Germans don't know Baumkuchen, they've never eaten it.

This is delicious. Where's the national cake?

Your place.

"Some specialty stores only seem awesome. It sounds amazing, but eating it from me doesn't seem to tell the difference from a little Baumkuchen in the convenience store."

"No, the boulder will know that."

Master Tsukuyomi, who is more confident in his tongue, and Master Amateras, who in a way trusts his tongue.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.