The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

The rice is too hot, so I pour a new soldier on salt water.

"Can we grow cocoa?"

"I'm starting to say amazing things, you elf."

In a village in the Republic of Keros.

If I thought I was making snacks with you today, I suddenly came up with something.

I was also surprised by Snahicona-sama who was licking excess cream (vegetable).

"Why did you suddenly come up with that idea?"

"Even if I buy chocolate, it's quite expensive, and I think we should make it ourselves."

"Ah, well, I do grow a lot of things in this village."

A village that has become a little peculiar in other worlds because it grows crops from around the world.

Incidentally, there are occasional attempts to steal seeds and seedlings, but the magic of the elves is caught in a high level of security and suppressed.

"Is that impossible? Wouldn't it be possible with Japanese technology that gradually pushes rice growing areas north?"

"No, I wonder how long it took me to make that happen."

Though I tried to say that, I think that the long-lived and long-lasting elves are actually suitable for breeding.

Although cocoa is a plant that grows under too harsh conditions, it will not work as well as rice.

"Even if we look at the temperature alone, we need an average of more than 27°C with little vertical fluctuation.Not when the four seasons are clear. "

"Is that all? If you're not from the South, you can't."

Incidentally, cocoa is grown in Japan, but in addition to Okinawa, cultivation has been attempted in the Ogasawara Islands, and chocolate has been successfully commercialized over five years.

If so, can we do it here?

"You said you couldn't."

Inertia and Snahicona, who felt like they could not do it because they had listened to the success stories.

Today, the other world is still at peace.

Meanwhile, the plateau.

"Why is there no miso in the militia's rhythm that can be said to be a preserved Japanese food?"

"When did you become a tradition?"

Amaterasu-sama's question was too unexpected, and Tsukuyomi returned it with a question.

Incidentally, the potato ganara rope that Amaterasu-sama was trying to make with momentum was used from the Kamakura period to the Sengoku period, so there is no mistake in saying that miso is a traditional Japanese combat food.

"If you're just using miso, they say there's saba miso stew."

That's not true. Miso soup.

"If it's like miso soup, it's faster for individuals to take it instantly.Besides, there's probably miso soup in the local food. "

"Huh? Do you cook in the war?"

"I'll make it. I'm not just eating songs on the battlefield."

Soldiers' meals are also about morale, so there are repeated trials and mistakes about how to make a warm meal on the battlefield so that you don't expose your enemies.

For this reason, in the 1800s, hand-held mobile cooking vehicles were developed and are gradually evolving and are now called field kitchens and operated by the military.

"Well, there are a lot of disaster dispatches in Japan nowadays.The militia often cooks rice and makes rice balls. "

"Ah, besides cooking rice."

"The name is Outdoor Cookware # 1, and there's also # 2."

"... I'm so sorry."


Tsukuyomi calmly crushes the expectations of Amaterasu-sama, whose eyes shine a little.

The plateau is still peaceful today.