The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

One lemon contains four lemons of vitamin C.

"I'm here to bring you some fresh ingredients."

"First call!?"

On a large ship on the sea.

Apparently, there was no problem with Mr. Glauze's improvement and instruction in transfer magic, and Mr. Roman flew along with about a dozen civilians and personnel with support supplies.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kaol stuck to such Roman words.

What are you talking about? It's the most important thing.

"Is there anything else strange or wrong?"

"No, nothing in particular.Can it be that light? "

"Because other civilians will hear detailed reports from their respective roles.And then, Mermaids, I'm going to talk to you first. "

"What is the role?"

A Japanese man who jumped out of Roman and stuck to an unknown Japanese language.

To put it mildly, the role meant a civilian position among samurai, and he called it the position in charge of administration and economics in the Edo Shogunate.

In contrast, samurai who are warriors are called watchmen, but since the Shogun was not well organized in the early days, the boundaries were also said to be blurred.

"Well, there's no such classification. I'm just calling it by myself."

"Ah, yes, there were a few people who were better at using their heads than martial arts."

Incidentally, the early role of the Edo Shogunate was placed below that of a military officer, but in the long Edo period, administrative processing and economics became more complicated, resulting in more work and ultimately superiority over that of a military officer.

Then it seems that there were fewer players than the actual players, but the lower-ranking samurai did not have enough income, so they earned living expenses by doing domestic work during leisure time.

I often make umbrellas in times dramas and stuff. It's so familiar.

"In the future... you won't have to worry about the ingredients, but please be mindful of your health.I'm afraid of necrosis.Are the mermaids okay around there? "

"Oh, they'll be happy to eat vegetables if they cook.If it's simply not enough, I'll get the ingredients myself.Yeah, but it was a shame I let you go the other day. "

Did you let him escape?

Did you find any luxury fish to spare by letting them escape?

With that in mind, it was Roman.

"Something like a big whale with fangs attacked me, but I got away with crushing one eye."

You're not getting away with this!

There was a problem, or were you going to catch it and eat it, or was it too tight? Roman put it together in a sentence.

Today, the other world is still at peace.

Meanwhile, the plateau.

"What are you afraid of?"

As a result of casually investigating the necrotizing disease, Amaterasu-sama is worried about the severity of the symptoms.

Simply put, he bleeds from all over his body, and his old wounds open and he dies.

"No, that's only the end of the spectrum when there's a chronic shortage of vitamin C on a long voyage."

"Ah, nah. Then it doesn't matter."

"Well, in recent years, there have been reports of cases of unconscious human exposure to dietary restrictions resulting in necrosis."

"Toyo-chan, thank you. God?"


Tsukuyomi stuck with Amaterasu-sama, who thanked Toyoke Hime for making a healthy meal every day.

Think about your nutritional balance and listen carefully to your doctor when restricting your diet for any reason.

"But is it vitamin C deficiency?Why don't you just stick with the lemon? "

"It took me a while to figure it out.I knew that citrus fruit was good in the seventeenth century, but I found out specifically why it worked only in the twentieth century, when vitamins were discovered. "

"The great voyage began in the fifteenth century, didn't it?"

"Yes, and even then, sailors often refused to eat because they didn't agree with it."

Incidentally, there is a slang that Americans call the British "lime bastards," because the British Navy used lime to fight schizophrenia, and the Germans likewise had a slang called "cabbage bastards" because they were eating Zakrawt (cabbage pickles).

"So what if it's Japanese? You plum dried bastard?"

"Plum dried sour is not vitamin C because it contains citric acid.Lemon and grapefruit are sour in the first place, but vitamin C itself is not. "


If you think that you want something sour because you lack vitamin C, Amaterasu-sama is surprised that it didn't matter at all.

In fact, red peppers and broccoli are rich in vitamin C, but they are not sour.

The plateau is still peaceful today.