Today's snack is sweet pumpkin.

"Why is Pumpkin Japanese?"

In a village in the Republic of Keros.

Ineltia, who distributes snacks for her recently become a classic farm work break, and Sukhikona, who persists.

Sweet Pumpkin is the pumpkin version of sweet potatoes.

Some people may think that pumpkin is Japanese in the first place, but pumpkin comes through Cambodia in Japan.

It is said that vegetables from "Cambodia" and Portuguese people described it, and Japanese people listened to it and turned it into "pumpkin".

The impact of Portuguese on Japanese is plainly significant, given that it recognizes Inglés (Portuguese) as England and continues to call them today.

"Oh, by the way, it was Halloween." A week ago. "

Halloween, a week ago.

Why did the Halloween pumpkin come out a week late?

... that was a bad case.

“It's Halloween. When I was a kid, it was a foreign festival, but it was spreading.”

Isao seems as energetic as ever, eating a sweet pumpkin while saying that.

Although Halloween itself came to Japan around the Meiji period, it was widely recognized as an event in the late 1990s when it became an event in a rat-land, and the influence of the conspiracy of the confectionery industry in the 2000s is said to be significant.

In other words, it is similar to Valentine's Day.

"In other words, it is not properly entrenched as an event?" Is that okay? "

"Well, that's fine." In the first place, it's the day the dead come to see their families. If you take root in Japan, your ancestors who were supposed to return to Obon will come back. "

The ancestors will come back in just two months.

But they don't know how to welcome their ancestors to Halloween, so they might be disappointed to come back.

For now, I think it would be good to serve pumpkins.

Is such a mess okay?

"It's okay." Faith is half of it. "

Even though you're on the faithful side of Saros-kun's clinging, you're saying something, Snahikona-sama.

Today, the otherworld is still at peace.

On the other hand, Takatenhara.

Isn't it hot in winter?

"It's not as hot as it sounds."

Tsukuyomi-sama and Amaterasu-sama, who had a kotatsu futon, were dumbfounded even though it was still too early.

Incidentally, the type of heating appliance that contains kotatsu is the first day of the month of Taki. It is said that it will not start a fire if it is launched on November 11 this year.

What am I supposed to do with an air conditioner or something?

I don't know!

"Yeah. The boar is supposed to get away from the fire." Why is it being used as a hot pot or something like that? "

"In the Five Elements, the oak of the trunk hits the water." Even though there are a lot of other boars, they eat oak mochi and wish their offspring prosperity and disease-free survival. ”

And ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

It's not the Day of the Flies yet.

When asked, Amateur Terrace who wanted to try it for the time being and Tsukuyomi who clung calmly.

But maybe Mr. Toyokehime will send it out on the same day.

Well then, on Taihi Day, I'll put on the kotatsu and have a taihi mochi party.

“Are you going to eat enough to be a party?”

Amaterasu-sama and Tsukuyomi-sama were dumbfounded by the mysterious determination.

Today, Takatenhara is still peaceful.