Something's different.



At some restaurant in the Dwarf Kingdom in the middle of the continent.

Zhu Zou, whose body curry was judged to be "somehow different", held his head back, and Azusa, who was drawn to the useless over-reaction.

I'm not used to the worldview of this work and the peculiarities of the character, so please relax.

"No, it's delicious!" It's delicious, but it's either too elegant for me or it's different from the taste I'm used to. "

"That's because Azusa-san is accustomed to the curry of ordinary households made from commercial roo."

While saying that, I'm also eating curry, Mr. Roman.

I am accompanying Azusa to the Dwarf Kingdom, but the Emperor has not noticed that she only wants to eat Zhuzou's food, but Wilhelmina has found out.

"When will I be able to go home?"

"Please wait a long time. We are gradually evacuating the investigators who are still in the New World.”


"When we negotiate with some king about Azusa, we know that we have found Azusa." Just in case they get into a hard-line situation. "

"Is something important!?"

Azusa-san is surprised that the political situation is getting worse because of her.

But since Azusa-san is in a position where it is hard to do everything from the beginning, it is even harder now.

"With that, you started to add Fukujinji to the curry."

"More than that!?"

Azusa-san was shocked to be pushed away by Fukujin pickles because of what was important to her.

But it's not that I don't care about Mr. Roman, I just don't really want to think about my job because I'm actually on a break.

"Yes, please let Mina go because she says she'll buy it for you." When it comes to curry, it's pickled in Fukujin. "

"Since I was in Japan, I've been wondering, don't you have to be immersed in Fukujin?"

"What are you talking about, Roman!? Curry pickling with Fukujinji is as common as buttering bread!?"

Denken jumped out of the kitchen in response to Roman's suggestion that Fukujin Keira was no good.

Looks like you've grown plain enough to handle some of the cooking.

I don't like it very much either.

"Even Azusa-san!?"

"Huh? I like it, but it's pickled by Fukujin." Doesn't the sour taste go with the curry? "

After Denken, Barra goes around in favor, and the curry is pickled in Fukujinji, which is divided between people from different worlds.

Today, the otherworld is still at peace.

On the other hand, Takatenhara.

Speaking of which, where did Fukujinji come from?

“If you don't clarify the question, you'll be misunderstood.”

"Curry belongs to India, so it didn't originally have anything to do with Fukujinji. Why did you put it on?" Amateur Terrace-sama's question is well understood, but attention is paid to Tsukuyomi-sama.

Incidentally, it seems that Indian cuisine can be served with condiments such as a sauce called chutney.

"Originally, Japanese curry was also filled with chutney, but at one point, one of the ships ran out of chutneys, so it was said that the cook had begun to serve Fukujinji instead."

"Why are there so many anecdotes about the curry related to the ship?"

“By the way, it's the same boat that had the chef who invented the dry curry.”

"What's that ship?"

I wonder what it is.

Incidentally, it is a Fukujin pickle that I only see now when it is in the curry, but it was originally a pickle that had nothing to do with the curry, and it was sometimes eaten as a single item.

In the Russo-Japanese War, etc., it was given as carry-on food to soldiers, and it was mixed with rice and eaten.

In other words, the Fukujin pickles were pickles?

"I mean, no matter how you look at it, it's a pickle."

No, the Fukujin pickles exist as Fukujin pickles, so I can't imagine anything else but curry anymore.

Apparently, it can also be put in a tea pickle.

"That's absolutely delicious, Toyo-chan!"

Withdraw the foreword immediately and ask Amateur Terrace to pickle the tea pickled in Fukujin.

Today, Takatenhara is still peaceful.