The tool man who steals technology

Chapter 171 underground world

Everyone will have a selfish, just like the darkness of the dazzling light, it is really unselfishly unselfish.

Ning Yuanzhen has never thought of the people who have never had a selfish, but when Tumo, he passed through the authentic to go back to the mountain. When you see the spaceship that can be sailing, the whole person is not calm.

Lonely male widow is a long time, and Ning Yuan, who continues to eat, finally wishes to win the good feelings of Tumo, after the relationship has achieved real-time breakthrough, I want to find a chance to listen to the biological outer skeleton, but I didn't expect it. Tutoring actually first stepped into the gang and served as "underground world".

The "underground" here is very different from the black and evil forces outside the modern society to the law. It is true underground, under the surface!

According to Tumo said that the underground world was born in the underground world in the Empire to influence people's life.

The welfare of the whole people, in the absence of slightly survival, people gradually change, do not want to dedicate, even if they can't even recruit a lot of functions, the society not only does not progress, but also reverses the trend.

In order to stimulate people to do the power for the empire, the emperor thought of the ultimate trick of life.

Anyone who participates in work, the life! I have discovered it for the Empire, and the life is! To this end, the gene evolutionary solution is divided into different grades and gradually reward according to contributions.

In this way, the basic welfare of citizens has not changed, and they can still enjoy life, but if there is not much contribution to the Empire, then I can only find a beautiful place for a good place for one hundred and ninety years. People who continue to pay or make significant contributions to the Empire, they can enjoy the long lives of four or five hundred years.

Once, the whole country has been invested in the inventive creation. For a time, various science and technology are endless, and the people of the civil servants will be able to face death, especially after comparison.

However, due to the reward mechanism of gene evolution, this has led to the happening of "White-haired people to send black-haired people", and the body still strong parents can only look at their descendants into the aging.

As the fundamental, anyone knows that the meaning of genetic evolution is never allowed to be infected and proliferated. No matter who is, all participants will use. The crime of traitor is planted with a five-family family, which is equivalent to pulling the blood of the illegal person.

Although there is a cruel penalty and the health census mechanism of the whole people, it is still unable to stop the people who want to be descendants, so that there is a situation in which you have a promiscial.

When a laboratory worker uses the position, it will sneak the improved tyrant virus sample, quietly cultivated and produced a group of top-level gene evolution, and the life expectancy of her life.

Although there is no need to send the black-haired man, but these people who have injected gene evolutionary fluids are not always in the territory of the empire and others, because they will not be old when they are old. Therefore, it is only possible to fake a variety of death certificates, and then hide and live.

Living in this world, can't live like a normal person, can only hide in the dark corner, and a hide is two or three hundred years, I believe that there are not a few people can have this more than the detention is not as good as the life, not to mention one It is full of work, so it is necessary to find a safe place to live.

Among the wide universe, all the livable planets are not too far to be in the Imperial Development Plan, not to mention how far does not make sense, because one is detected by the empire, and will send the fleet to see.

The so-called light is black, the empire is only interested in the shoulder belt and the planet with exploitation value, many planets have not allowed the Empire's mental eye, so they are in the eye of the empire, stay away from the livable belt from not being concerned. Excavate out a underground world.

The thermal energy inside the planet provides the temperature required to survive, and thousands of rice thick gears and dust are sufficient to obscure life activity signs and air moisture.

In the continuous construction, more and more people join the traitor ranks and gradually form a unique social system and expansion.

When the empire found, it was too late, because no one was in this world, how many planets were excavated in the end, lived in this morning, and now I can only find one destruction.

The underground world, everyone has to work hard for their own survival. There is no free resource for their own resources. The contribution is the currency. The most expensive is the private land and scarce ingredients that can be planted. As for the gene evolutionary fluid .

Originally thought that Tumo is just a scientific science, I didn't expect to have a member of the underground worker who has passed on more than ten generations. As a member of the underground world, it has a member of the imperial citizenship. Only they can freely enter the underground world, and can The empire steals supplies to help build underground worlds.

Thinking of the "freedom world" in the Tumo, Ning Yuan couldn't help but messy, because he was dragged into the spaceship, but the underground world also attracted him a place, one is no need to re-cost the genetic evolutionary fluid , Then there are many technologies that have many imperial citizens cannot be exposed.

It is also, after all, the underground world is a lot of great energy for future generations, can you leave some advanced technology? For those who live in the underground world, technology is not worth money, there is not enough material to use?

However, the most exciting of Ning Yuan is still an universe spacecraft produced underground world, which can not only perform matte flight, but also electronic and radar isolated coating and visual stealth.

Ultra-hundred meters in diameter, there is tens of thousands of tons of spaceship, and it is a proper black technology aggregate that can quietly escape people after gravity offset.

What game is still exhausted? It is better to check it directly to the underground world. If you can move the techniques contained in this spaceship back to modern and produced a few ships, do you have a moon?

In the basement, Ningyuan wanted to couldn't help but laugh, because the body in the empire is going to the underground world, but the three people don't know, the three people see this is a glimpse, I don't know if Ning Yuan I thought about something.

"Cough ~" Ning Yuan's cough has two sounds, and looks at the three people who chew slowly.

"Don't you hit the taste? I don't know what you like to eat in the morning, so let the canteen bought a few, how?"

"Still ... okay!"

Looking at the table, there are more than ten kinds of pickles, and the reply is a bit of a little bit, because she feels that Ning Yuan is humiliating her, even if the diet culture can be so respectful? Too much!

"That's good, when there are a few people in the evening, I am sending you out, hurry, eat, I have come out and come out."

"Okay!" Angli heard some nodded, but the Zhizhen, a curious look, Ning Yuan smiled and laughed, picking the eyebrows and looked at Zhizhen.

"Do you want? Anyway, morning!"

Zhizhen saw something, hurriedly went down, and Xi Jing suddenly shy, but secretly aimed at Ning Yuan, you can see that Ning Yuan is a smile, But also dodge.

Ning Yuan can find a few people to applaud early morning, and the reason why I find a role alone, just want to talk to her alone, maybe she can know some hidden news, not all information can be found from the web.