The Ultimate Fruit of Pirates.

49 Heart of the Four Emperors

one day one Night.See ╬╬LINE╬╬said

Luo watched day and night in the dark.

The two emperors fought for another day and night while feasting on their eyes.

Luo can finally fully determine the ability of Kaido Kaido. His invincible life-recovery comes from his own ability, not the fruit ability.

"Although the stronger the physique, the faster the resilience? But there are limits?" Luo frowned.

With constant practice, Luo six years of physical strength has increased a lot, and naturally understands the changes after the strength is strong.

A fatal injury that was fatal six years ago may not necessarily be fatal now. It may be able to recover from a strong body.

"It can be understood from the pure strength of the Beast Kaido that his physique has reached a horrendous level, at least stronger than those with known abilities. Is it possible that he has such a perverted strength to such a degree as the Beast Kaido? Resilience?" The logic seems right.

But Luo thinks it is wrong.

Although I don’t know how strong Kapu redheads are, neither of them are capable. The fighting power comes from their own strength, and their physical fitness is certainly not bad.

But they did not have to be called immortal monsters.

"Physical metamorphosis must be an important element with such resilience of life, but there must be other elements?" Luo looked at the Beast Kaido, and his every move highlighted the fierce beastly hostility.In particular, the first-born bends are even more chilling, like the devil of hell.

"Is his body different from ordinary people?"

The black-beard shaped body structure allows him to break the boundaries of the sea with two or more abilities.

So whether the beast Kaido's body structure is also different from ordinary people, so that he can finally have an immortal life recovery?

Just speculation.

Luo was not sure.

"Then got the Beast Kaiduo gene cells, naturally learned." Luo hunter-like eyes looked at Beast Kaiduo.

The resilience of immortal life is so attractive.

"How do I get it?"

Luo Leng watched the two fighting.

Beast Kaido is not a black beard. Black beard is not strong now, so he can quickly get his cell genes.

But Beast Kaido is now the summit.

Even if it now has the power of no less than the general seven martial arts, but against monsters like the Four Emperors, the strength is still very different.

But now is a golden opportunity.

"Wait and wait, they are almost exhausted?" Luo slowly pulled out the blade, a battle of four days and four nights, especially a battle of the same level, four days and four nights of the white beard and the beast Kaidu reached the limit, and now they are fighting It is will.

"Come again." The crazy two again clashed against each other. During the blast, the two retreated at the same time.

Suddenly a figure appeared behind White Beard.

"Ji, white beard, it's really embarrassing." The sky and gravel quickly condensed into a figure behind the white beard, Sha Klockdal?

The golden hook in his hand scratched the head of the white beard.

"Krokdal kid? Can't help it?" The white-bearded tiger glared, his fist hit back, the air burst and filled the rear, and the terrible air wave hit everything behind.

Krokdal cracked in the crack and flew out of the sky with gravel.

In the upside-down flight, the gravel quickly coalesced into adults.

The eagle-clawed right hand stroked, four huge sand blades ripped open the ground, and along the way all the boulders were chopped off and shot towards the white beard.

"Gurla Lala, kid Krokdal, you are still weak." A round of the knife, the knife covered by the air cover swept across the blade, and the terrible air wave shattered four huge desert swords.

"Erosion reincarnation."

Falling hundreds of meters away, Klockdal supported the ground with his right hand, and the broken earth quickly deserted.

"Is King Qiwuhai Klokdal? Why? You have a grudge against this guy with white beards?" Beast Kaido looked at this scene interestingly.

"I didn't expect Klockdal to come?"

Luo frowned slightly.

Klockdal has a grudge against White Beard. He knows that the original book also confessed.

But did not expect that he would come.

"White Beard and the Beast Kaido have been fighting for four days and four nights, and the sea has long spread. Four days and four nights will allow any strong man to come here. Does Klockdal want to take the opportunity to kill White Beard?"

Luo rubbed his temples distressedly.

It seems better to slap one more person.

But Klockdal was holding white beard.

Beast Kaido became a person watching the show.

"Originally it's almost reaching its limit. If this is the case, the beast Kaido doesn't know how much power will be restored and how it will suddenly change." Luo Yiguang was sighed, should I act?

"Big sandstorm."

Thousands of deserts appeared, a huge sandstorm appeared, rolled up the yellow sand, and became larger and more terrifying as it spread to the white beard.

"Boy Krokdal, do you still use this method?" Where the fist air hood attacks, the air cracks, smashes everything, and the sandstorm or the sand blade are all smashed: "How come I thought that Laozi fought for four days and four nights, and he had no strength ?"


White Beard stood on Krokdal suddenly, the latter's complexion changed, and he scolded. Why is this guy with White Beard so fast and so strong?

"Go practice for a few more years, and come to find Lao Tzu again." The fist covered by the air hood crashed on Klockdal.

The air rift smashed Krokdar's body, and he vomited blood into yellow sand.

"Do you think you have become a king under the seven martial arts seas? Is there no one in your eyes? A cat and a dog also want to come and gather the power of the fisherman. Who do you think we are? We are the four emperors."

Krokdal's face was cold and somewhat cold, but his skills were not as good as others.

Looking coldly at Beast Kaido and White Beard, he is strong, but the two are stronger.

"Huh, white beard waits, one day, I will take your life." Klockdal dropped the ruthless words, knowing that there was no chance today, and turned away.


All beasts Kaiduo taunted that in his eyes, there was only the same level of existence, and he couldn't look down on the seven kings under the king."Actually, there are really people who naively think that this is a good opportunity. They think that the people who can take the opportunity to destroy the two emperors and hold such thoughts are the stupidest people in the sea... Are you?"

The words fall.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the beast Kaido out of thin air.

"Room, scalpel"

Luo in a black robe and mask

The blade with a strange light flashed into the heart of the beast Kaido.

"Uh?" The Beast Kaido didn't react?Or disdain to evade and guard against: "Rat, let you cut, can you pierce Lao Tzu's skin?"

The blade didn't pierce Beast Kaido's chest or even touch his skin, but a heart burst out from behind Beast Kaido.

The sudden appearance of the "huh" disappeared suddenly.