The Ultimate Fruit of Pirates.

93 Become a lieutenant general

The Warring States looked at the two people facing each other with a headache.Look at ﹎﹎﹎﹎ said

One side is a general.

One side is the rising super recruit.

Even the naval marshal of the Warring States of Buddha felt a headache when facing the two: "Now the island has been destroyed. Do you want to fight on the warship and let us all fall into the sea? There is no top combat power in the naval headquarters now, in order to prevent accidents. , Come back first, as to whether you will fight later, discuss it yourself."

The Warring States of Buddha are too lazy to manage these things.

It seems difficult to manage.

Even the Field Marshal cannot force an order to restrict a general.

"Humph." Huang Ya groaned dejectedly. He regretted so much. He regretted why he came here today. He was so angry that he had no place to vent. When had he been so angry before?

The entire fleet returns.

There doesn't seem to be any difference between coming and returning, the same fleet, the same people.

But obviously Luo's status has changed. If the general officers didn't know Luo at all, the top powerhouses were even more skeptical and unbelievable.

Then on the return trip, Luo's light was better than the general.

Even many veteran lieutenant generals have great respect for Luo.

Even the general, who is very proud of his bones, looked for Luo to speak.

Status is captured by oneself, and one's own strength.

Back at the navy headquarters, the yellow ape disappeared directly.

While Luo followed the strong men to the navy building, the other officers who followed followed naturally return to their troops.


"Today seems to be the time for Trafalgaro to apply for the record assessment. I don't know what the situation is now, and I don't know which record can be broken?" The recruits in the training were obviously inattentive.

The instructors didn't care, because the instructors weren't thinking about coaching.

They would love to witness with the fleet.

Unfortunately, their status qualifications are far from enough.

"It is estimated that there are a few records left. Apart from the holder, it is estimated that no one in the entire navy can break it? Not to mention recruits."

"Indeed, those records are too perverted."

"Luo has broken a record, and he will definitely break another record." Ain said firmly. Although no recruits dared to refute Ain's words, obviously the recruits' unbelieving eyes did not decrease at all.

At this time, several officers carried the mysterious thing wrapped in black cloth into the new camp.

Came to the broken stone platform, which used to be the location of the record stone monument.

"Be careful, there must be no damage, be careful." The lieutenant general reprimanded the officers, carefully placing the mysterious thing behind the main entrance of the new camp, the most dazzling place.

"That's it?" The recruits looked curiously in the distance.

Although it was covered by a black cloth, the shape is obviously a stone monument, and the location is also the same. Could a new record stone monument be made?

"Okay." After careful inspection, Lieutenant put it down perfectly and lifted the black cloth. Even the elite lieutenant named Ghost Spider couldn't help but show shock, even if he knew it long ago, he still couldn't calm his heart. Shocked.

"It's an amazing recruit, no. It may not be lower than me after today." The officers quickly left the recruit camp.

The training camp recruits rushed here.

"The new record stele was completed so quickly, and apparently Trafalgaro did not break the new record."

"No matter what, he is also a record holder and the glory of our session."

"I believe that there are definitely two "Trafalgaro" signatures on it. "Ian first came to the record stone monument, his eyes fixed on the stone monument, his big cute eyes were bigger and his mouth was small." O" shape.


The recruits rushed to look at the stele with dull eyes.

The record items in front of the stele, they had no time to see it. Every record behind the stele was signed, too tidy, and all of them came down in a row.

" is it possible?"


Many navies at the naval headquarters showed shocked expressions: "How is it possible?"

With the navy returning from the fleet back to their respective teams, how could they not show off such a legendary event?

"All the recruit records have been broken?" Most navies know what the recruit records mean. Even if they don't know the recruit records, they only need one second to hear a recruit 8,000 kilometers, and only one blow to destroy an island. When one blow has 17,000 power.

Many horrifying data.

Enough to let the lieutenant general just heard stay in place.

"Are the recruits so scary?"

Ten passes, ten passes, and soon the headquarters navy knew that there was a terrible pervert in the new barracks, and the force was approaching the general.

"I have practiced for decades before becoming a colonel. During the recruitment of others, my strength surpassed that of a lieutenant general. It would be too unfair to go to heaven." How many navies sighed at the moment, and how many officers felt that they had lived on dogs all these years. went.

Contrast only hurts.

"Hahaha, that guy Luo, it didn't disappoint." Corazon of the intelligence department got excited and fell to the ground from his chair.


Navy building.

The Warring States of Buddha looked at Trafalgaro and smiled more and more in their eyes.

When he was on Minion Island, he regretted that such a good opportunity did not completely destroy Don Quixote, but now it seems that the navy was the real winner because of the Luo.

The Warring States made an effort to calm down the excitement.

Holding the file in hand: "According to your assessment results in Trafalgaro in the new camp, you should have been awarded the rank of sergeant, but in Trafalgaro, you have received two first-class achievements and graduated with excellent results. And to create various records, according to the rank awarded, the lieutenant general will somewhat grievance you, you can only be awarded the rank of lieutenant general."

Sengoku apologized.

"It seems that when we graduated, the highest is also the major general, but with Trafalgaro's achievements, although breaking the previous routine, I believe no one has any objections." Qing Zhi said: "Congratulations, Trafalgar Luo".