The Ultimate Fruit of Pirates.

135 Give me peace

"Help! Look at the ╬╬line╬╬ and say," the Navy watched in horror as his shadow was pulled out, thinking of the horror legend about the moonlight Moriah, and thinking of the end of the lost shadow, the Navy shivered and called for help.

In the distance, the navy and the enemy stared angrily at the Emperor Qiwuhai.

But without the command of the Naval Headquarters, without the arrival of the strong navy, they dared not move, their anger and shame made the Navy blush.

The huge scissors in the hands of Moonlight Moria cut to the shadow: "Ji Jie, your shadow I...boom"

The arrogant and evil moonlight Moria flew, and in the eyes of the desperate navy, screamed and flew out, crashing against a wall, embarrassed in the gravel.

"Do flamenco put down your paws." Jian Feng pointed at do flamenco forehead.

And Hawkeye Mihok, who had been ignoring everything, saw a sharp light in his sharp eyes when he saw the sword.

"Black Beard, do you want to fly too?" Jian Feng pointed at Do flamenco, Luo Xie looked at the black beard that bullied the Navy: "Did the pain disappear?"


Suddenly changed.

Let those naughty and bullied navy look in shock at this sudden figure.

That fluttering navy coat.

The sudden domineering made them unable to bear the blood, and they were so excited.

"Jian Jie, Luo," Duo Flamenco grinned, five fingers flicked across, and the five-colored line cut towards Luo.


The cut five-color thread was kicked and flew all the time, and the silver thread petrified and shattered: "Dor flamenco, you dare to shoot Luo, the concubine can't spare you." Hankuk permeated the domineering color.

"Emperor Han Cook?"

Doflamingo stared at Han Cook in shock.

Why did she help Luo.

"The thief haha, it seems very interesting." Blackbeard smiled with a rotten tooth, but under Luo Na's fierce eyes, he still put down the navy in his heart: "It is not easy to have a big conflict with the navy now."

The farce is over.

"Don't go yet?" Luo swept past the dull navy.

"Yes, Lieutenant General." The navies were marching upright, and worship and respect could not be concealed in the eyes.

Then quickly leave their hell-like place.

But the scene just now was engraved in their minds and could not be forgotten.

The unruly and unruly King Bjac Qiwuhai will be reprimanded by a lieutenant general, which is unbelievable.

"Is he Lieutenant General Trafalgaro? It seems to be inconsistent with the rumors of this time."

"The rumors are not necessarily right, in case Kapu..."

"Shut up, Cap is a naval hero."

The navy left. In this solitary court, only Luo and the seven kings of the sea were left.

"Asshole, who? Who dare to kick me?" Among the fragments, Moonlight Moria stood up angrily.

Immediately found the fluttering navy coat.

"Lieutenant generals, dare to kick and fly me." Moonlight Moria raged into the sky, and in his capacity, he could indeed despise most of the lieutenant general: "Shadow Horn Gun"

The shadow beneath him instantly turned into a black spear and burst into Luo quickly.


Jian Feng shook, Luo disappeared, and a remnant was almost moving forward with the shadow horn gun that fired. The blade edge in his hand cut off the shadow horn gun until the end.

"This kind of thing, tomorrow's battle, you are not much, you are a lot, you killed, just to upgrade the level of the seven martial arts under the king, are you right?" The cold sword was placed on the neck of the moonlight Moria on.

The latter showed horrified glances that did not fit the image of the demon.


Jianfeng is three inches.

Jian Feng has entered the flesh and blood has flowed out.

"Do you want to kill me?" Moonlight Moria was shocked. He wanted to disdain, would you dare to kill me?But Luo's murderousness is real.

All are strong, not ignorant naive guys.

Moonlight Moria knew that he dared to say that the other party absolutely dared to shoot.

"Be quiet if you don't want to die."

Luo SuiJi Moria in the moonlight, with his sword in his sheath, walked to the house.

"Because of you, wasting my practice time, I am in a bad mood. I don't care how you play tomorrow, but keep quiet now, don't want to bet on life and fight, death is also a kind of quiet, isn't it? After all the seven kings under the king, stayed the most in Hawkeye Mihawk.

Only him, Luo can see.

The final gaze must have fallen softly on the empress, who was her own woman.

Although Moonlight Moria's eyes were full of anger, he couldn't help but attack the people in front of him several times, but when he recalled the momentary tremor, he closed his mouth obediently.

"Jian Jie, it seems that the Navy did not intend to let us continue to play, nor allow us to fight a battle?" Doframinger stared at Luo with a smile: "Yes, tomorrow will be interesting."

Luo eyes did not look at Do flamenco.

Two years ago, he was an opponent.

It does not mean it is still.

"The thief haha, then wait for tomorrow." Blackbeard laughed arrogantly. The events that shocked the sea were all his plans. Tomorrow is the time to harvest.

Tyrant Bear has remained silent.

It's just that if there is a non-existent gaze, it stays on Luo for a long time, and no one knows whether there is anything in his heart.

"Different from the original, hasn't you lost your mind completely?" Luo swept like a tyrant bear.

Although his eyes are weak, he has emotions.

Because of Luo, the wanton Hulai's King Qiwuhai really calmed down.

"Is your knife the same as mine?" Mihok, the most indifferent Hawkeye, said suddenly.


"Have there been a fight?" The Naval Building, the Sengoku of Buddha quickly stood up: "Let General come with me, can't Trafalgaro really fight the King's Seventh Wuhai, and that's not one The King has seven martial arts."

Just rushed outside, the general has just arrived.

The news came again.

"The King Wuqihai is quiet."

"Uh?" Sengoku's eyes widened in shock. The battle had just taken place. Obviously the contradiction had escalated. Will the group of unruly guys under Qi Wuhai under the king be so quiet?Can it still be persuaded?how is this possible.

"It's weird, it's impossible to make them quiet by force? Who can do it?" Yellow Ape shocked, even if the four emperors couldn't make all the kings under Qiwuhai obedient?

"How did he do it?".