The Ultimate Fruit of Pirates.

102 Abandoned Nine Sinai

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In Muye Village!

The pain is still there, but like the broken earth, with the reconstruction, the home will be rebuilt.

The pain will also be hidden deep in the heart with time.


Over time, all secrets will also be exposed. Uzumaki Jiu Sinai is no longer a pillar of the Jiuwei, and no longer has any weight in the eyes of the high-level wooden leaves. Naturally, she will no longer block her as a pillar of the Jiuwei. News.


In Muye Village, it was rumored that Youwojiu Sinai was once a pillar of the Nine Tails


Although there is no definite evidence, with the increasing rumors, residents have begun to believe such rumors.

And the result,

Sinai, who recovered slightly from her body for a few days, was still weak, but she was already able to move freely.

After being able to move freely, she can't wait to participate in the reconstruction of her homeland and dedicate herself to the destruction of Muye Village, she held guilt, although until now, she didn't know how Jiuxing unleashed the seal and left

But still with guilt, she did her best to help Muye Village.

11 When the message spreads.

"Is she Yu Youjiu Sinai? Once the Jiuwei people had column force, so damn why she let Jiuxing out of trouble, it was because of her that Muye Village would suffer so much."

"It's all because of her, it's all her harm."

Although it is impossible to directly bully Sinai as a ninja.

But wherever he went, the pointing around, and the sound of discussion, such as the sharp sword constantly stabting the soul of Jiu Xinnai, it was painful.

Bowing with constant apology: "I'm sorry."

But no one appreciated it, everyone looked at Jiu Xinnai in disgust.

Even if she wanted to dedicate herself to the strength with remedy, she found that no one was willing to accept her help, no one was willing to talk to her, and no one was willing to approach her.

They all pointed and pointed in the distance, showing disgusted eyes.

The eyes that hated hatred.

Deeply stabbed Jiu Xinnai's soft heart.

"I'm sorry." Jiu Xinnai bowed apologetically, then lowered his head, covered his ears, dared not to look or listen, and rushed back

In his home, he closed the door, closed the window, and drew the curtains.

The whole house.

There is almost no light.

You can escape everything by burying yourself deeply in the darkness.

But the shrill voice and terrifying eyes continued to emerge in front of him, and Weng Ming kept ringing in his mind, which could not be avoided.

"I did not do it on purpose."

Jiu Xinnai squatted weakly in the corner, hugged her knees with both hands, and buried herself deeply in it.

She didn't know why this was all. After a night, everything changed.

Although she once felt lonely, she is still very lively in the neighborhood, but now, everything has changed.

She became scared.

She didn't know why this happened.

But I know that I have been hated by everyone.

All the pain was buried in the heart. The next day, Jiu Xinnai still had the kindest smile and was ready to greet everything. She believed that everyone could feel their sincerity and they could change everything.

She thought so optimistically.

But reality,...

"Need your help? Go away."

"I heard she was an outsider before."

"No wonder, it turned out to be an outsider, maybe it was not only because of inaction that Jiuwei unleashed the seal, there may be other reasons."

Let Jiu Xinnai unable to bear.

The sincere smile in the corner of the mouth slowly solidified.

Escape everything and shut myself at home: "What am I doing wrong?"

The days after.

Every day, Jiu Xinnai, with an optimistic mood, still believes that everything has changed, but every time, he comes home with fatigue and "scars", and his heart slowly becomes numb.

Numbness is used to the eyes that are disgusted around.

Nine Xinnai was deeply afraid of her numbness. She was afraid that she might become a walking dead one day, but nothing could be changed.

"Is it all my fault?"

The numbness of walking in the street, the words around it, it is already difficult to make ripples in Jiu Xinnai's heart.

Some indifferent eyes looked at the front calmly.

When I saw a figure in the crowd.

Weng Ming, at this moment, she put down all her disguised coats to reveal the most authentic expression.

"Yes!" The look was burning and excited.

Running forward, regardless of body: "It's him, really he!"

Forget everything around him, try his best to put him in his arms, and hug him deeply, buried deeply in his arms.

"Nine Sinai?"

Looking down, Luo looked at him and hugged Jiu Xinnai, gently patting her back: "You're fine, it's nice."

this moment.

Jiu Xinnai didn't want to say anything, didn't want to think about anything, just wanted to stay in this quiet, warm embrace, as if to block the bad things out of 820.

Pedestrians all around looked at this scene in amazement.

His eyes slowly became indifferent.

"Isn't she Xuanjiu Sinai? Who is this man?" The people around were even hostile to Luo.

Time has passed too long.

Although the legend is there, ordinary people have forgotten Luo's appearance, and most of them have never even seen it.

Hearing the sounds around, Luo obviously felt Jiu Xinnai hugged tighter


Luo took Jiu Xinnai, disappeared in an instant, and then appeared beside the stream away from the prosperous land.

Nine Xinnai still hugged, closed her eyes and said nothing.

Peaceful and calm, it's been a long, long time.

"Will you fall asleep?" Luo looked at Jiu Xinnai with a smile, obviously her eyelashes were moving slightly.

In fact, Jiu Xinnai had been awake long ago, but was embarrassed to leave.

She is shy.

Now she couldn't continue to pretend to sleep, opened her eyes, her blinking eyes seemed to be at a loss, and she looked like nothing happened. She also deliberately asked, "How come you came to Muye Village?"

Looking at Luo's funny expression, Jiu Xinnai glanced at Luo when he knew that he had failed to act silly.

Raised his head proudly.

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