Looking around the upsetting perimeter, Deborah relaxed her whole body and spread her arms wide on the bedside.

(I feel it....! I'm feeling the universe right now...!

Small universe that builds the human body.

Including thousands of lives, I think it merges with the great universe over and over again, creating and destroying.

Deborah closed her eyes and thought of silence, death and truth in one corner of the fundamental principles of the profound and vast universe.

(Ah! Exploding light, colliding life. A truthful breath blowing across the great universe and a glow of pathetic and loving impulses appearing from the outer shell of consciousness in search of the emergence of starch when roaring with a great body, aiming for Ayus' satva while turning the circle of Tri Dosha.

It was no longer a word.

The same is true of those around me who have lost their words.

Suddenly a trance expression appeared, then screamed, and before Deborah, who tried to fly off the bed like a bird, the maids finally escaped the stiff curse and raised their hips all at once.

Their arrogant masters were knocked on the floor and scratched out of sight as a result of a massive pounding on their beds.

They hurried up to the bunk, but...


Eventually, when I saw the "master" who stood up on the spot, I saw everyone screaming in unison.

"Who is it? Ahhhhhh!?

Because there wasn't a fat, unhealthy woman there - a slender, healthy skin tone, crushed eyes, lovely countess.

Lucas was also stunned, but remembered that the person in front of him was a strange-aged woman and turned to the wall for a moment.

Behind him was a beautiful girl in a nasty underwear, gazing with fluffy eyes.

"Wow... am I...?

There are no more pieces of the neighborhood to look around while dreaming.

Straw hair that was supposed to be dry exhibited a glossy wheat color reminiscent of the harvest field, and the body that was supposed to be loose depicted a feminine curve with an ideal fineness.

Moreover, it is violently busting up as if it has gathered excess meat from your body into your chest.

Looking in the mirror that Elma gave me, Deborah opened her eyes wide.

As she saw the miracle, she repeatedly touched herself in the mirror and her cheeks, and she looked back at Elma as she was about to cry.

"I can't believe it....! What the hell did you do...!?

The skin colour is different.

Hair gloss is different.

If that's all, the body line was no longer someone else's.

Elma leaned her head suspiciously.

"I just raised my metabolism and told fat what to say."

"What is that--!"

At that moment, Deborah, Irene, the maids, and even Lucas, who turned to the wall, shouted in perfect unity.

You can communicate with fat! and.

Those who tamed fat - Elma, however, seemed completely unaware of the anomaly.

However, she looked at Deborah slowly and nodded with satisfaction, quietly asking.

"How about that, Deborah? Don't you think you're a lot more beautiful now?"


Having grasped the context, Deborah glanced into the mirror confused and reflective.

There was a lovely girl there who definitely felt the shadow of her mother, called the sun. And then there are two deflectable swells.

"It's beautiful... very, very beautiful..."

I still can't believe this is me.

"Hey, are you a saint doctor or a magician or something? I can't believe you transformed me like this without leaving me with no shards."

"No, Deborah."

Deborah murmured as she sighed again and again, even the color of worship appeared, and Elma blocked it.

"I just wanted to increase your metabolism and move the meat to where it belongs. This is your original appearance."


"I'll ask you again. You are weak - that is, because of your weak body, you are unbeauty, and unbeauty can naturally harass beauty. Therefore, Deborah's harassment of Irene should be tolerated.... is that true?

I was relieved to ask that question.

As she raised her face and stared at the maid in glasses, Deborah replied with a trembling voice.


No, sir.

I mean, I'm not an ugly woman now.

Even if it were weak, it would be so beautiful - no, it would have been this way.

I know now.

Deborah was ugly not because she was distracted, but because she confined herself to the Mansion under the pretext of continuing her inanimate life.

The evidence was so small that there was nothing wrong with putting it in your mouth.

"I... I'm sorry..."

The girl said that Deborah's claims were to be overturned.

In fact, that's what happened.

Instead of asserting, it overshadowed the deep-rooted values.

Deborah, who melted away her thoughts and modest attitude, was able to apologize surprisingly honestly to herself.

"I'm sorry, I'm... sorry."

Words acknowledging one's disdain resonate in oneself for some reason, and immediately connect things that were not organized in the mind to a single line.

Deborah finally understood that she had always been hurt.

"Me... I was stubborn. Always... ever since the day I fell down touching the scales of the moth."

Contact with the moth in the vineyard that triggered the attraction to the Mansion.

She went there that day because she was actually burning her sense of justice.

As the daughter of the lord, I decided to take a look around the vineyards that are part of the territory. I want to inherit the will of my mother, who passed away a few days ago, and try to firmly grasp the field as the next mistress I can rely on.

And then I fell.

My skin became rotten and my whole body swelled up.

That's when she thought.

How terrible that I tried to do good for my territory.

Unfortunate. Oh, very unfortunate.

"I feel sorry for myself... even if my body gets fatter and rougher after that, it seems that there was an event that day at the root of the cause... I have hurt this woman for the sake of the realm, poor woman. And yet, why do you think no one will praise me and work for me...?"

But it wasn't.

It was her fault that Deborah damaged herself.

When I thought so, I was ashamed and it seemed like a fire would come out of my face.

"I... forgive me... And Miss Irene... and everyone who's been hitting each other so far."

The cry for forgiveness sounds like a mosquito.

As Deborah lay down, Irene and the maids who had been at a distance from Deborah twinkled their gaze.

Then he coughed, and gently thanked her.

"Of course."

That was the sign of their reconciliation.

Deborah, whose body and mind are thoroughly purified, dyes her cheeks happily in response.

There is no shadow of a proud and ugly woman. It was just a naughty, adorable girl.

Next to Deborah walking by with the maids and being dressed faithfully, there was a man who talked to Elma with more dead fish eyes.

"Hey, Elma."

Until this morning, he was obsessed with Deborah and kept his mouth shut, but now Lucas is completely forgotten.

"You... what have you done to me..."


Looking around Lucas carrying the dark clouds, Elma leaned in suspicion and leaned her neck.

Lucas thought he couldn't see well with his glasses, but he must have strange eyes.

"Whatever you said... by taking care of Deborah and making him clean, you just changed the frustrating behavior that stemmed from the distortion."

"No, you...."

Clearly, it would go too far beyond the dimension of "becoming beautiful".

Do you take care of people's chakras? Does it change the shape and appearance?

Or rather, would you clearly describe the behavior of the Countess as "frustrating"?

Too many penetrations flood at once, but instead they get stuck in words.

With her lips twitching, Lucas raised her face and sparkled her glasses.

"By the way, how about that, Your Highness?"

"What about it?"

For some reason, she looked very proud.

Elma looked up straight at Lucas and told him in a tone of heartbeat.

"This time, I was properly angry in an objectively irrational situation, and I succeeded in extracting gratitude from the other person, both legally and ethically, without straying from the path of people at all. This is a situation that should be appreciated in the words of the example."


Does she still think that she has not set foot on the path of people while transforming the magic of each person, changing the spirit from the ground up, and revolutionizing the skinny beauty arts?

With a bad feeling, Lucas tried to point it out to Elma with a calm voice.

"... that's right, Elma. Even if you were angry at Miss Deborah's behavior, it would be miraculous to say that the damage has fallen to this extent, and there may indeed have been no problem with your behavior, legally or ethically. But listen. Elma, normally, humans just rub their hands and alter their appearance and personality from the ground up."

"Yes, that's right. It would have been more effective and quick if I had put in a scalpel and shaped it, or sucked in fat, but I thought it was" normal "to perform invasive surgery on this occasion, so I stopped."

"What about it?"

It's not because Lucas is stupid that I can't understand Elma's claims.

To stunned Lucas,

"Do not stain your hands with blood, but seek reconciliation only through verbal and physical dialogue -"

Elma proudly pushed up the bridge of the glasses and asked.

"If that's true, it's 'normal', right?

The space freezes.

An unspeakable silence spread between the two.

Looking up at us as if the dog were swinging its tail.

Glittering your eyes - no, the lenses of your glasses physically - and expecting a "normal" rating (a compliment) can be a bit of a praise.

Lucas exhaled in his readiness.

"Elma... you..."

I admonished myself that I was about to become bonded, and told her low.

Behind his gaze - behind Elma - there was a phenomenon that could not be missed.

The fact that a surprise technique has dynamically transformed a person is, of course, a surprise in itself.

"Normally, I don't think they would pray to us with a fanatical color that looks up at God."

The current, pure and beautiful countess, who should have been arrogant and careless, knelt down with her hands and looked up at us, "Thank you, Elma..."