The Unbound World’s “Normal” is Difficult

30. The Emperor and the Great Poor

"Oh, I got more than I gave you."

In a dimly lit prison room during the day, a groaning voice sounded.

Hydemarie flipped the two picture tags presented by Clement into her hands and blinked her long eyelashes.

"But that's the rule, so I can't help it."

And I tilted my neck without any nausea.

The other prisoners who kept their backs on the sofa also kept their hands neatly organized.

"Yes, because the rules of the game are to exchange two of the strongest cards from the Great Poor for the Emperor, and two unnecessary cards from the Emperor for the Great Poor. I can't help it. Forgive me, Clemens."

"The rule that the poor people continue to be structurally exploited is a really popular reality, but it's not that [sexual lust] is malicious. Forgive me, Clemens."

"I hope you don't have to look so sad. Forgive me, Clemens."

Forgive me, Clemens.

In turn, Holst, Morgan, Rezel, and Gilbert.

Never beating Hydemarie, but never falling to the bottom, they were playing and enjoying new toys (...) with total leeway.

Forgive me, Clemens.

The moment Isaac muttered at the end, all hands were sorted out.

So they threw the first card into the field again, with a carefree atmosphere.

Whether it's chess, cards or losers, the rule of absolute obedience to the winner applies to them as well.

However, now that they have a "newcomer" named Clement, it was impossible for them to fall to the bottom, and even if they did, they had some sort of technique that could vividly cut through the plight.

If you beat him badly, he will be turned into a prison slave - even the thrill is an attractive spice in this boring prison.

Therefore, they gracefully floated even the noble margin, and chose the bill without hesitation, and threw it into the field.

Among them, there is one person who has a desperate figure in mind.

This is the former Marquis of Clement von Rotner, who has already been completely stripped of his body.

Bloody eyes do not have the intelligent light they once had, and strong faces do not disguise themselves as soft personalities.

Shaking gray hair, taking off shoes, and exposing thin feet to age are terribly intimidating and powerless.

When I look at him now, there will be no one who believes that he is a nobleman among the nobles who used to manipulate the kings of the great powers and waved their power in the nations.

Clement's appearance lasted until he was deprived of the land title he had hidden in his shoes.

"No, Clemens. Please don't look so afraid. When I stared at the bill with my witty face, the Goddess of Fortune also ran away.

The beautiful whore who rolled everything up from him whispers gently with a sweet voice.

"And don't worry. Nothing makes us a killer who loves to see blood - perhaps. Next time you become a poor man, not necessarily dismantling you because you no longer have as much viscera as you do."


Clement, on the other hand, glances up at the high demeanor.

The sharp gaze was filled with strong hatred, but unexpectedly no fear seeped.

Surrounded by inmates who have strayed from normal trajectories, they are pointing at the possibility of being mutilated, but they don't show any shredded hearts against it, is that the former prime minister?

Hydemarie stared seriously at Clement and then smiled happily.

"Wonderful. I really like the temperamental gentleman."


Clemens roars, throwing up.

Then Gilbert, who was pointing his sword without a preliminary motion, stopped him from spraying his spit.

"Will you stop being rude to my wife?"

Seeing blood flowing through his throat, Clement instead looked at Hydemarie with increasing eyesight and almost killing him.

"... look at me now"

"It's selfish to bark, but at least you should stop 'watching' Marie, right?

Rezel, who was moody about choosing the card - apparently, the bill's power has become a little scarce - pointed out.

He sarcastically lifted his lips toward Clement as he raised his face.

"The eyes of [lust] are magical eyes. Once you drown, you'll suck it out of my bone marrow much more powerfully than my brainwash."

"No, [jealousy]. I can't believe you're going to give me such a compliment."

"I'm not complimenting you, I'm knocking it down. You're saying they're worse than those lewd demons and charming demons."

As usual, the two girls (...) don't fit - or seem to have a unique sense of distance.

Rezel snorted.

"Really, you're not very conservative. A man alone would tempt a woman, no, beyond her race. How hard it was for us to exterminate the cows, the fish, the birds, not just the dignitaries of the countries, when you were just in prison."

"But thanks to you, for a while, the table was richer."

"Humans can't really eat, but the letters they still send are an important source of information."

Riesel, who has a problem with hysteria, throws up resentment, but Isaac and Morgan, who have benefited from it, turn to defending Hydemarie.

The queen, who did not break her tauntless stance, shrugged her shoulders equally to criticism and advocacy.

"Get used to it. This is me."

Yes, she was a born whore.

The glossy limb nails the gaze just by being there, and the faint breath contains a dull color.

Whether it be a man or a woman, even beyond the race, the one who sees her will soon be dragged into the blue world with its wet eyes.

When that happens, they melt themselves and beg for the love of the queen, just like those who float in the heat.

It was Liesel who taught Elma how to consciously and systematically attract and manipulate others' interests, but unconsciously it was Hydemarie who taught Elma how to seduce people to breathe.

The whore who gave birth to the world's troublesome seductor (Elma) leans her head innocently.

"And honestly, I think Elma is better at charm. If he takes it seriously, he'll be able to corrupt not only animals, but beasts and monsters."

When she proudly told her, Rezel raised one eyebrow more and more white.

"Well, then. That's because in addition to [your lust] (you) wasting a beautiful face, she was given [laziness] talk and even my brainwashing. There's no such thing as a child who can't be corrupted."

After cheating on his own sufficiently stupid remarks, he distorts and adds a bit.

"--honestly, I'm glad Elma didn't inherit your abominable eyes. Your eyes, which melt people's egos just by staring at them, are almost in the vicious eye area. Even though we've grown too attractive, what happens if we join the evil eye? Too much charm will destroy you."

"... I see."

Heidemary doesn't say anything back, while being held hostage to a woman who brings destruction.

She glanced at Holst and smiled to restrain her.

Heidemary hasn't even told her loved ones that Elma's eyes turn red when she's feeling.

Burning sunsets, deep red eyes like dripping blood are so much stronger than mysterious dawn eyes that they enchant people - and that is why they work so hard on people's spirits that they will be seen as dangerous as the demons of the past.

The beautiful prostitute subtly put the inconvenient truth into her chest and whispered beautiful peace with her lips in perfect shape instead.

"That's why I love you. Liesel"

"... what do you want, that's why?"

Hydemarie blurred her nose as she wrinkled her mouth.

Then, as I remembered, I looked at Clement and raised my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I left it in the conversation. What were you talking about? - Oh, yeah, you shouldn't stare at me too much."

Revert the subtle deviation and throw your hand at the venue.

She made a naughty wink at Clement.

"Whatever you say, it might be. You know, when I stare at someone for some reason, they suddenly kneel down, beg for mercy, and often die in despair. You're going to be in trouble."

It's too shocking to say goodbye.

Most of them are Demons or Reapers.

Heidemary giggled and continued to smile, as Clement was also a little bit confronted.

"But when I was young, I had a lot of trouble. But thanks to this, I have a very simple policy. That's..."

Only those who do not like themselves are recognized as reciprocal.

Those who rub against each other will rule.

There was an unusual power in what she shouted at, which could not be undone with the whore's delusions.

Hydemarie laughed like a noble cat to Clement, who subconsciously rang her throat.

"I liked you when you weren't lustful from the moment I met you. But, Clemens. People who do not turn to me for lust - people who are not controlled - are usually people who are significantly lacking something."

For example, she tells her friends to sing as they look around.

"The more you forget your desires, the more you lose what matters. Someone who wants something stronger and harder than a woman's body. And then... there was someone who had already dedicated his heart to me."

When I glimpsed the gill belt into my sight, my beautiful lips burst out of breath.

After looking around at everyone, Hydemarie stares at Clement.

"Then," she added, gracefully resting on the sofa.

"Because I already have a woman I love in the deepest part of my heart so much that I can't see. Wouldn't that be you, Clemens?


Clement silenced as if he had been poked into falsehood.

Eventually, she lifts her lips and mocks them.

He threw up at Hydemarie as if he had made a fool of himself.

"--What a surprise. It's a woman who puts everything back into a crappy feeling of love."

But a powerful scolding

"Yes, but [laziness]?

"The number of blinks increases, the wrinkled eyebrow muscles are strong, and the gaze is diagonally upwards on the right. In other words, he feels anxious and uncomfortable with what [lust] says, and is speaking falsely - you're clearly upset."

Morgan's mind reading technique lightly seals it up.

Yes, Clement turned her hair upside down like a pathetic little animal before laughing at Hydemarie.

"I don't know anything about Petén, but it's time to talk about my delusions as facts on my own -"

"Well, to tell you the truth, I recently heard a rumor that bothered me a little. I mean, technically, it was in this letter."

"Where did that letter come from!?

Clement threw herself into the Hydemarie, where she glanced out the seal from the valley.

Hydemarie smiled at it and spread the sticky notes with elegant handwriting.

"It's a rumor about a woman who was in some social world. This woman - she seems to be Fihne-sama - is a bad tourist. He bought brilliance and clean personality and fell into the hands of one king's concubine, but his virtues were smoked away and he was separated. I was expelled from the court under the pretext of" giving it to a trusted minister, "but now the husband of the minister has lost his way. Feine-sama, who had no children and who had been abandoned from her parents' home, who were supposed to be the backbone of her family, seems to have left the sad, single house."


"Even so, I am no longer accustomed to traveling, and I am a young woman. I gathered the scarce silver and ran her horse to the most remote place she could think of, and - oh, let's tear it out - to the only place where she had ever carried her feet."

Clement has no more words.

However, she held her fist so tightly that she bled that she dragged her mouth tightly.

"It's her land of remembrance. The 'second husband' who took her in took her only once during the busy business - that is, to the destination of the honeymoon."

Hydemarie secretly deepened her smile.

"The name of the place is Tremmel, a relaxing, natural place suitable for summer escape."


And then, with a sound, Hydemarie finally stood up.

Throw the tag you had in your hand and throw it on the spot.

Three Queen's bills.

So her hand is empty - that is, she is the emperor.

The beautiful whore, who reigned in prison, gently narrated her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Clemens. In my reading, this time you are a poor man. --What do I get from you this time?

Stretch out the white, thin fingertips and lift Clement's strong chin.

She spinned sweet and sweet words as if she were whispering goodwill.

"Hidden gold coins, rings, and another title certificate. I've already got them. I wonder what else you're up against."


Clemens roared in despair.

This woman was looking forward to it from the beginning.

Then I wound them up one by one.

The gold coins, the rings, and another title.

That is, the silver to get to Tremmel, the poisonous ring to poison, and the land to keep my wife safe.

I made up my mind and lifted my lips and Hydemarie gently put her hand on Clement's cheek.

"Finally, tell me the truth about you. When you were deciphered, you foolishly challenged us to escape without fear of limbs - to give land to former Marquis Fine von Rotner and die there?

Clemens dropped the Queen of Hearts, the only powerful card in his hand that he cared about later, on the floor without strength.