The Unbound World’s “Normal” is Difficult

3. Return to "normal" work (3)

"I can't believe it!

Irene's indignation echoed in the hallway of the night leading to Elma's room, the maid's dorm.

"Whatever, Elma, you're being reckless this time. Do you understand how worried His Highness is about you?

At a quiet time when everyone is asleep, and there is a baby in my friend's arm, the volume is modest.

In fact, I would like to point out that I am angry with jealousy and worry because I like Elma, but I am hesitant to tell it instead of Lucas himself, and I stay in this way.

"That's not the question of whether I'm actually going to spend the night with you. The problem is that your purity will be lost socially."

"Be quiet. Baltan is transitioning to lem sleep. It's not a problem enough to keep him awake. Because of your personality, you probably won't ask me a pillow."

But Elma didn't pay attention to it, just gently clinging to her brother's cheek.

I like the feeling.

Irene was getting closer and closer.

"It's a big problem. What happens if you're chosen as a queen by mistake, even without a pillow?

"The official candidate remaining for the final selection should be a beautiful princess amongst the beautiful princesses and a genius amongst the geniuses. You just have to lose to that person, so it's not that hard -"

"You can't go to such a normal level!"

Irene, who had seen many Elmas before, burst into tear.

"Indeed, with ordinary intentions, it creates many miracles... that's the essence of Elmael-sama..."

Even Deborah, who had listened so much, admitted it while praising Elma.

Elma responded with a clear voice to the frustrated and worried friends.

"Don't worry about it, both of you."


"Based on a year of experience in Shaba, a textbook from Irene.... I grew up feeding them. I'm still thinking a lot about this. It's okay, I have a plan."

It becomes Elma's idea, a solution.

There is nothing but anxiety.

In front of Irene, who was so anxious that she was told she was fine, Elma took her fingers off her brother's soft cheeks and stood still.

"In retrospect, six months ago."

She turned to the window and stared at the building that could be seen from there.

A hotel.

A place where talented candidates from all over the world sleep.

"I've already learned one thing about my mother's childbirth. 'Normal' is something that is absolute and very vague. I don't want to match your" normal "... I just want to make my" normal "your" normal "."

"... what?

Elma turned her back to her giddy friends.

"In other words, I will ask other candidates to surpass my 'normal' level. That's how I should be educated."


"Well, if you think about extending childcare, there's no problem. I'll start with a candidate to be a teacher."

- Boo!

Quickly, Elma jumps out the window, holding Bardo in her arms.

"Hey...! This is the fourth floor. Okay, okay!

"What are you blurring about? If you run and chase, you'll be fine. I'm coming!

Deborah snorts in astonishment at the slightest glimpse of Irene.

"Come on, hurry up!

And in the next moment, Deborah also became a person on the ground, looking up at Irene standing by the window on the fourth floor.

"Eh!? Hey, eh!? Yes, when!? So how!?

"I must have run down the stairs! Come on, Irene, too, hah, hah, kuh!

With both hands around her mouth, Deborah shouted.

In the meantime, Elma was blowing up the ground.

No, I don't see it very well in the middle of the night, but the trees in the garden are rough in the form of a straight line leading to the hotel! and is shaking.

I suppose they're going to electrocute or sneak up on some of the candidates sleeping in the hotel.

"Hey... already...! Ooooo...!

After a while of conflict, Irene hurried down the stairs, cursing herself with only ordinary legs.

How many hours have passed since then?

Upon realizing that the sky was beginning to whiten through the window, Irene became like a dead fish.

"Elma... that's enough. The morning bell will ring soon. There's no candidate for your glasses...."

"If you give up, the game is over there, Irene. Due to the prestige of Ruden, we now have a selection of women from all over the continent. If so, there must be one or two candidates who think this is the case."

In contrast to Irene, who talks from the hallway, Elma enters the sleeping candidate's room with dignity.

Having entrusted Bardo's hug to Irene and Deborah, she covered her arms with gloves, held her hair together, and moved around the room to leave no evidence behind.

Looks like an empty handcrafted nest or a robbery.

"Hmm. Unfortunately, this one also has difficulty with strength and flexibility. Okay, you can put yourself back."

When she snips her fingers, the princess who was bending forward while sleeping on the bedside falls into her original position.

Apparently, Elma is also a brainwasher now.

Her breath was as healthy as ever and she didn't feel at home. [M]

Elma went back to the hallway and shook her shoulders in disgust.

"... though, it was unexpected that I couldn't find a candidate teacher so far. I can't believe that all the candidates are defenseless against the external enemy," I ", and they are just hard people. What kind of education do they have here....."

No, it's just normal ladies' education.

Irene penetrated half-eyed, but Deborah,

"That's true. When Elmael-sama arrives, she must be aware of the sign (flag) from five minutes ago and prepare a cup of tea! As long as I'm ashamed to be the daughter of the same nobleman."

He is indignant from a strange point of view while holding Baldo.

Irene suddenly held her temples down.

"Then why don't Deborah take Elma's advice and become queen..."

"Ho-ho, you should refrain from saying anything that might boomerang to you, Irene."

Receiving Bardo from Deborah, who smiled back and forth, Elma exhaled with a depressed look.

"Still, what happened to this situation... You've all seen beautiful and brilliant people, but you're still lacking strength, tension, and guts. More so... is there anyone who is as greedy as a hungry wolf, as wild as a weed, with proper vigilance and guts, and can handle one or two dark objects?"

"You can't be here! What do you want with a queen candidate?

Irene screams unexpectedly.

Then he pointed to one of the doors that he saw in front of him.

"Okay? There's only one left. You've never even been socialized, Princess of the Weaker Border. Once you've 'inspected' him, we should leave now. Meet with His Majesty as soon as possible and ask him to remove himself from duty."

At the same time, in my heart, I send my thoughts to Bardo, who keeps sleeping gently, saying, "It's time to cry and wake up."

The baby says it's his job to make adults cry, but when he does, he doesn't wake up asleep with a hug.

Good boy. Good boy.

But thanks to this, Elma's runaway is not interrupted.

When I got here, I wondered how much it would change for one of us, and when Irene wandered, but something strange happened.

"... oh..."

Elma, who was holding Bardo close to the door, leaned her neck as if she had noticed something.

"This princess is awake."

Irene and Deborah looked at each other.

It's still a time to climb the sun.

Some noble ladies got up a long time ago.

"Excuse me. Is Anastasia Don Rodrigo in?"

"... yes"

Stop sneaking in, knock and shout, and the poor girl opens the door.

She had puppy-like crushed eyes and white skin reminiscent of the northern kingdom.

Elma quickly observed the opponent and nodded with satisfaction, suddenly cutting out after a short exchange.

"Would you be interested in the seat of Queen Rouden?


"Ha...? That's... yeah, well, of course, I'm interested..."

Anastasia nods ambiguously.

I don't suppose you're measuring the intent of the question.

More than that, the maid couldn't hide her suspicion of being with a child, causing Baldo to glitter.

An exemplary "bewilderment" technique.

Elma glanced satisfactorily at the movement of her hands with her hair on her ears to suppress the agitation.

"I see, that's where you start. I feel a well-trained philosophy in the placement of weapons and in the movement of my body. Wonderful."

"... yes?

"The act of cutting white is also excellent. I am immature to manipulate my facial muscles, but it seems like I am working well on my entire body, including facial muscles, so I'm fine. It will improve quickly."

In front of Anastasia, whose vigilance also took a leap of sight, Elma leaves the bald again with her colleagues and pushes up the bridge of her glasses.

"Above all, if you encounter a suspicious person, first check your weapon, that vigilance. Thank you very much."

- Boo!

At the same time, the hem of Anastasia's dress flips up vigorously, as if a younger boy were playing a prank.

"Ki... kaaah!

The next moment when Anastasia screamed in her native language,

- Roses! Roses!

There was a faint noise and a dangerous mountain appeared on the floor.


"A poison needle on the ring and a hint of incense on the necklace top. Inside the dress are all kinds of dark objects - and with the confession stuffed in pierced earrings, you first aim for a light jab."


Anastasia loses her complexion after being pointed out lightly.

Irene pointed at her with a trembling hand as she began to distance.

"Nh... nh, why is he holding so many swords, blunt weapons and suspicious bottles?! No way, assassin!? Aim for His Majesty Felix!?


Looking back, Elma shook her neck as she sifted.

"Ah... no, look at this. Everyone usually carries it for personal protection."

"That's not true!

Apparently Elma wants to delude herself about the identity of the Anastasian girl, but there can't be many ordinary people carrying dark vessels.

"I'm going to throw myself into the Knights now! Elma! Take the kid behind you and hand him over."


"Ah, it's not! It's impossible to make an assassin queen. No matter how many other candidates there are, don't do anything bad!

When Irene scolded him, Elma stepped out in a hurry and said, "If you raise your voice so loud, Baltan will..."

And in that gap, Anastasia, who was measuring the twisting and distance, turned his back.

I wondered if she would escape through the window, and she opened her mouth wide enough away from Elma.

"No! Her tongue..."

Deborah shouted at her intentions, but after all, Anastasia did not bite her tongue out.


- Shh!


This is because "something" was inserted into the mouth that opened for a moment and flew at a speed that only the afterimage could be seen.

"Ho... eh, ho...!?

"The finest dried seaweed from the Eastern Continent for baltan tooth consolidation."