The Underworld Detective

Chapter 453 Mercenary Pursuit

I coldly said, "Do you know who I am? ”

Big bald head said: “I don't know, but I know you offended people must hate you very much, you have a headache, don't resent us, penis! ”

His little brother threw a little bag with a pill in it, and his bald head pointed at the pill and said: "This pill will be very high after you take it, you won't feel any pain. What, am I still benevolent to Wolf King? ”

“Your name is Wolf King.” Song Shichao was shocked: “The fugitive wanted man who killed more than a dozen policemen? ”

Wolf King laughed: “Ha ha, I didn't expect such a place. Someone has heard of my Wolf King's name. The good man didn't mention his courage, it was all before. ”

Turns out this man is a notorious wanted man on Fujian's side, of course I haven't heard of him.

I said, "Let me see the hostages! ”

The Wolf King struck a finger and a group of people stepped aside, only to reveal the heads of a couple of middle-aged men and women from the cellar, each with a little brother behind them, holding a knife around their neck. The waiter shouted excitedly: "Dad, Mom! ”

I can tell from the waiter's expression that she wasn't acting and that the hostage was real.

The hostages were brought down with only one face. This situation is really difficult, even Song Xingsheng's strength could not save them.

I silenced for a moment and said to Song Xingsheng: "Your knife is quick, pull out the radius, and take it to the hospital in time. My hand can still hold! ”

The human arm has two long bones, the ulna and the radius, and when the radius is chopped off, the hand can no longer exert strength, which is basically obsolete.

Song Xingshen drank low: “No! I won't let you do that. ”

I said, "Are we watching the hostages get killed? ”

Song Xingshen answered indifferently: "I don't care if strangers live or die. It is my duty to protect your safety. ”

He suddenly raised his knife and drank to the people: "Listen, let us go now, or I'll kill you all! ”

Wolf King smiled and said: "Cut one ear first! ”

There was a woman screaming, and then a bloody ear was thrown up and dropped on the floor, and the waiter screamed, “Mom! ”

Wolf King's heart was really hot. I heard the woman cry for a while, but I knew that Song Xingsheng would not hurt me anyway.

The Wolf King stretched out his five fingers proudly: “You seem to disagree. I'll give you five minutes to discuss it. When the time comes, I'll cut another tongue. ”

Song Xingsheng suddenly pulled out the knife, and the group of people also lit up their weapons. Two people still had dirt guns. “See, it's a matter of minutes to kill you," said Wolf King. "I've been very polite! ”

I suddenly realized one thing, the lunatic wanted me to have a bone, and the sniper and the gangster who had been after us could have killed me and taken the bone, but they didn't do it.

Is this lunatic just a bone and not my life?

Time passes minute by second, and the whole store has a sword-drawn atmosphere, and I'm so nervous that my throat is dry. Suddenly there was a Land Cruiser outside, and the Wolf Dynasty looked outside and his eyes immediately changed dramatically.

The next second, three grenade-like things threw in, smoking, and people were freaking out. Song Xingshen took the opportunity to rush up sharply, slashing two knives, the hands of the two armed brothers were cut off, dragging a blood line over the sky.

“Bastard! ”

Wolf King shouted, pulling a pair of pistols from his waist, pointing at Song Xingsheng. Song Xingshen rolled into the cellar and heard the screaming of his little brother.

The smoke grew bigger and bigger. The people in the house coughed more and more. Turns out it wasn't a grenade, it was a smoke bomb. Song Shichao shouted: “Uncle, run! ”

Wolf King's men fled. At this time, there was a clattering noise outside. Only the front row fell and a blood mist erupted. The murderer was actually shooting with a light machine gun.

I am surprised that our gun management has always been the toughest in the world. How did they get light machine guns? Is it possible to smuggle in from the border through special channels?

If it is a weapon smuggled from the border, then everything is clear. In 1992, they were said to have carried out a massive anti-narcotics operation. At that time, a village in Pingyuan, Yunnan, was far away from the Emperor Tianggao, and households were heavily trafficked in narcotics, making profits. In order to defend the anti-narcotics police, they dug deep tunnels and smuggled large quantities of arms across the border to arm themselves, including light machine guns, rockets, mortars and other heavy weapons! Ultimately, the Ministry of Public Security dispatched 3,000 heavily armed armed police officers. After more than 50 days and nights of fighting, it was possible to destroy these evil drug lords and restore calm on the far side of the country. However, there are still a few remaining sins underground and continue to engage in the arms trade. This operation is called the Peaceful Incident, and it was also made into a television drama.

I couldn't think much of it at the moment, quickly laying on the roof of the wall and avoiding the bullets.

At this time, a smoky fog suddenly flew over something, turning out to be a broken hand. Song Shichao shuddered and then Song Xingxing flexibly rolled over. He splattered a little blood on his face: “The hostages are safe! The Wolf King escaped. ”

I think I just heard the broken glass, and the Wolf King should have jumped out the window. Song Shichao said: “The Wolf King used to be a gangster shooter, shooting more than a dozen policemen on the main road, resulting in a major shooting incident of 523 shooting in the whole province. Many people thought he was dead and could not believe he was still alive. ”

I said, "I don't care about Wolf King's experience, I just want to know who's so sick, what do I need a bone for, stew soup? ”

Song Xingshen said, "We will do this, only Jiangbei crippled swordsman! ”

I think it's possible that criminals in that organization are acting strangely, that everyone has a very distinct personal identity, and maybe this time it's just a pervert who likes to collect bones.

The shooting finally stopped and the smoke in the store was almost scattered, with bodies lying all over the store. Three of them were sealed in the throat with a knife from Song Xingsheng, and the rest were shot to death, with blood everywhere in the house and guneyes everywhere, just like the scene in the American film.

There was a footstep outside, and the man looked like he was wearing leather boots. Then he stopped at the door, and I heard the same object falling on the ground, and the guy seemed to be changing the magazine.

Song Xingshen immediately rushed out, and immediately after the sound of the blade clashing outside, we looked up and saw that a muscle man was killing Song Xingsheng! The man looked like an action star, wearing a toad mirror and a beret, full of scars, wearing a black T-shirt, holding two claw knives in his hand, could actually kill a tie with Song Xingsheng.

After a few rounds of fighting, Song Xingsheng cut a long mouth on his arm, but the other party didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows, and the movement on his hand continued, as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

He stepped forward, completely defenseless, and quickly had several bloody wounds on his body. But this desperate way of fighting even Song Dechen has some consternation, the gap between the confrontations, Song Xingxing shouted: “Go ahead, I'll be right there! ”

I care, “Take care of yourself. ”

After speaking and Song Shichao ran out, he actually threw a claw knife at us as he passed by the strong man. Fortunately, Song Shichao's eyes quickly pulled me away, and the claw knife was nailed to a tree.

Song Shichao and I ran along the road for a while, I stopped to catch my breath and suddenly noticed that the tree on the side was a bit strange in shape!

There was a man standing in front of the tree, all naked, painted in a disguise like bark. He had a fine tube in his mouth, and I saw the fine tube flash a silver light and immediately pushed Song Shichao away.

The needle ejected in the tube was only a few millimeters away to Song Shichao. When I was lucky, my neck ached and a needle was blown on it!