"You've been rude to say you had Tubra come because of you. Oh, yeah. Let's take Chloe as a guide to this town all day."

not to exasperate Count Bock's less thankless offer to

"... it's Chloe-Alto"

Clearly, Chloe, who seems dissatisfied, is going to follow as a guide this afternoon.

To Hikaru's surprise, Chloe, who took the hood, had blonde hair, pointy ears —— or elves.

"Oh, my God, look closely. Is Forest Elves So Rare —— Yikes!?"

"I'm sorry, Chloe's got a bad mouth. The roots are good... but if you don't like them, they stick to your cheeks."

No, I don't know.

Hikaru tried to give it back, but Hahaha laughed high and Count Bock left. Tell me you have a meeting with your lord.

I don't feel like they're pushing the troublemakers.

"I've never seen a forest elf before. After all, it feels good to be" The Elf. "

"Isn't that" D (...) -Elf "?

"Details are fine."

'I mean... what's a forest elf? What's different from a spirit elf?

Queen Marquedo here in the Union should have been a species called Spirit Elves. Similarly, Claude, a fellow student federation.

"It's like a species derived from the Original Elves. Forest elves, which live longer in the woods and are also known as" forest people, "are common elf images known to the Japanese, right? Spirit Elves chose the path to live with other races early on. I don't really look like a human being, but I'm sensational and we're proud that we're drawing elf blood or something. '


Chloe, who was supposed to be a forest folk, had a clear face to Hikaru, who was enjoying his tea after eating.

"Can I follow your cheeks when you look disgusted?

"Chi, no! That was Count Bock's tear-eyed joke! This is not how you can do it!

"Too bad Elf......"

"It's a forest elf!

"Where can that Forestow (...) Ruff guide us?

"Not Wolf! ELF! —— I've been to this city many times, so I can take you anywhere"

"Well, we have nowhere to go..."

Here, and when Hikaru sees Lavia,

"I want to see a cat."

"All right, Forest Wolf. Take him where the cat is."

"They'll be everywhere, like cats!? Plus, elves, it is! Elves!"

"Dogs are so busy."


"Well, that attitude, you can report it to Count Bock, right?


Chloe, who devoured his teeth with rigidity,

"... let's take him to a back alley with lots of cats"

I told him to squeeze.

Hikaru looks at it satisfactorily.

"I want Hikaru to hurt me too..."

"Hikaru's got a pretty bad personality."

"I also feel like a solution, but hey."

"In Zama Expansion, it's Theory who beats and succumbs to his opponent by the time he has no skin!

"... I despise you"

Paula and members of the Oriental Four Star say whatever they want. I'm trying to get to a place where Paula's aspirations are bad.

"Don't the Oriental Four Stars have nowhere to go?

"Hmm? Us? Actually, there's something I was thinking of going--"

In the end, it was Nekoha's Adventurer Guild that Chloe brought me here. It seems that the Oriental Four Stars are bound to show their faces to the Adventurer Guild in each town. The only city I stopped in while traveling to Tubra seemed to be through because of the guild's outpost.

The number one reason to show your face is to see if there are any difficult requests that can't be solved by city adventurers. If such a request were made, the Oriental Four Star would undertake to resolve it.

Later, for example, Shuffi checks for requests that might have something to do with "Heaven's Keeping," Celica checks for information that might have something to do with "How to Move to the Other World," and both Soluz and Sarah have something to do with it other than their activities as Oriental Four Stars. And if there is a "request I really want to undertake", we will all work together to achieve it.

"This is the Adventurer Alliance."

The central square of the city of Nekoha is densely populated with bureaux and various guilds. Next to the market, it could be described as a place where people come and go.

A stone wall is assembled about a metre high, on which is built the building of the guild. The entrance is on a stone wall, so there were a few steps.

"--That's pretty big."

The first thing that went in was Soluz. Members of the Oriental Four Stars continue, Hikaru, entering in the order of Chloe.

Sure, it was built to feel spacious. It's blown out and you can see the upstairs library and the Guildmaster's office, half like a lounge on the ground floor with heating facilities running underneath the floor. There is a reception counter and a request board in the back. You need to open the door and move to the adjacent building to get to the co-located Adventurer Tavern.

The interior was unified with wood and the walls were hung with giant fangs and the face of the stripped beast, not knowing what a monster was.


"I've never seen her before."

Attention is drawn to the four Oriental stars. That would be the case, too. A party of only four women, modestly beautiful. Especially the solution stands out. The same goes for the silver breast armor (breast plate), and the shiny blonde who makes it a cygnon, and her beautiful face is "Orthodox Beauty".

The solutions, who ignored their gaze perfectly, head to the counter. The female employee at the reception is blinking.


"Ah, ha, ha! What can I do for you?

"Is there a request in this city for a big monster or something that can't be solved?


The Oriental Four Stars have been active in the Kingdom of Pawnsonia for a long time. They have no strangers within the kingdom, but the Union of Foresters - and the Tubra border, too - is an exception to the story. They don't even know the staff.

"Uh, uh, uh... what do you mean?

"I was wondering if there were any requests left that the adventurers in this town couldn't solve."

And that's when Soluz said it.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey, honey, it's like, if the adventurers in this town weren't helpful, they'd be helpful. But aren't you saying?

A beard-faced man walks to the counter. Muscle bees are likely to make my arms stand up quite a bit.

Soluz grinned and smiled,

"You're right. If you're helpful adventurers, that's fine."

"Because! Did you hear that, ladies?

When the beard surface shrugs his shoulders, he makes a nasty laugh.

"Well, we're already useful adventurers. So just go home --"

"Oh, there's a request left for a crusade of Gigantrok vipers. You haven't been crusaded in a year."

Sarah discovered it on the request board.

"Apparently, you're not doing much good, are you?


Blue muscles run on the forehead of the beard surface.

"... huh? You think you can kill a gigantic rock wiper? Crusade Recommended Rank C or higher."

"That's why I'm here. I'm not like you guys selling oil since noon."

"Ho ho."

Several adventurers rise, as they respond to the bearded surface.

"Well, that's a little silly. It helps. Shall I give you a free hand? Hey, you guys."

Ooh, I hear voices like that, but I'm pregnant with anger —— the other soldier is still grinning.

"-- so I'm going to rent a training ground and come a little bit. Hikaru and the others --"

"Oh, I've got things to do over here already, so do whatever you want.... I mean, you're worse than me. You instigated this on purpose, didn't you?

"This is part of the world."

"Call me relieving stress! I hear Soluz is losing his body on a long journey!

With that said, Soluz went out to the table with the adventurers.

"... don't you have to follow those four?

Chloe asks me a little worried.

"No problem."

"There's only four of us, right? The opponents who pissed me off also had Rank C adventurers!

"No problem. I mean, if you're curious, you can go."


Chloe went outside with a face that she said was unusable.

"I guess you don't know the difference in strength"

Hikaru had already confirmed the soul board, but that bearded surface was [Great Sword] 2, the highest level in this lounge. Rank C on that one? And I doubt it. No, that's probably why the "Monster of Recommended Crusade Rank C" remains unchecked.

(Higher rank low level adventurers and what is the Adventurer Alliance thinking?)

By the way, Lavia and Paula are already apart. In the corner of the lounge, there was room for wildcats to come and go, and there were cats relaxing on the floor heating.

"Hairy gloss is good... you're feeding me proper rice"

"Mr. Lavia, there's a brush there. Let me call you."

I already play with cats.

"You guys have a sight for coming here first."

"This kid would love to use this toy."

"Feeding time is over, though."

Nekoha's female adventurer, she was intentionally in a relationship with a female clerk who apparently came with you. It was a space where all the women gathered, but I wouldn't cower. When Hikaru activates "Hidden," he secures one cat and leaves, putting it on his knees. The cat stretched out on Hikaru's knee, howling his throat. It's a mild afternoon, with intact Oriental Four Stars and scratchy adventurers returning half an hour later. At the end of the day, a grumpy Chloe came in.