As the ground sank due to the collapse of the tower, there was a fuss as the Hikals went up from the valley. Katie and the others came down in a big hurry from the radio tower as well. The ruins of the skyscrapers are so vulnerable to earthquakes.

Hikaru explained to everyone that there was a covered cave in the valley and a triple tower ahead. The Count said he would call for backup and start excavation work as soon as possible. They say the discovery of new ruins will be outrageous big news.

And the next day, Count Bock summoned me to the Lords' residence in the city of Nekoha. To explain what happened at the triple tower. Though it was a hassle, there would be no further brother-in-law if I explained it here. Hikaru thought about doing what needed to be done.

"Are you… Mr. Hikaru"

A man with pale skin and a weak stomach appeared to be the lord.

Hikaru explains.

The triple tower was the residence of the man who promoted the construction of that radio tower. We are in the process of studying the "Sacred Devil", which was the energy given by the "Dragon".

The radio description was unanimous, but it didn't look pinned and I was somewhat convinced when I said "a magic guide that conveys audio far away". "How can that be entertainment?" He asked me face-to-face.

—— By the way, I'm talking to Katie and Celica about this area within yesterday. Celica also explained that the Mie Tower had a mummy of a man named Katsuki Ota. However, I lay low about the "Heaven's Keeping" connection. Probably tell Celica and she'll pass it on to Shufi. Hikaru still has no idea what an organization called Shufi or the Church is thinking. So I didn't think I needed to tell you until it was clear.

"If the study of the energy called 'Sacred Demon' proceeds, we might be able to make something that turns into a magic guide..."

"Uhm. Maybe some other excavated artifacts are also powered by the 'Sacred Demon'. But... it doesn't make sense if you can't supply the Sacred Devil."


Count Bock and the lord talking when we heard about Hikaru.

Either way, the scroll must be safe to see if we can study the "Holy Demon". I also laid this down again because the thing about the traitor Louvinyard and the Poerne Senior Dynasty is Hikaru's speculation - although it would almost certainly be a "fact".

Because it is man who runs wild when he has advanced military power.

"So, Count Bock. When will you show me to the ruins near that tower?

"-- about what?

"What, Hikaru? There are no other ruins near there."

Count Bock puts it away and Katie hears it in the face.

"I told you, there was a man in the underground triple tower who lived there. There was also a statement that there was a village nearby. You wouldn't build a tower in the woods, would you? If you're not close to people, you don't have enough people to build. It's only natural that there's a settlement nearby."

"... here we go. Well, I thought it wasn't something I could hide through... but there are definitely ruins in the coniferous forest"

"What!? Didn't you have such an announcement! That tower was built by a lonely sorcerer --"

"A lot of magic equipment was discovered from the ruins of the settlement. I should have recovered everything, but maybe I'd stay... because if I released that information, it would be decided to be burglarized, and if I only kept the prominent tower as a relic, I'd need less security."

Count Bock says it looks bad. The lord is wiping his sweat with a handkerchief.

"... well, I thought that would be the place. I just didn't care that you had something to hide from me."

"I'm sorry about that. Safety considerations, so I hope you'll forgive me."

"Is there nothing else you're hiding anymore?

"Oh, there isn't. Let me show you an inventory of excavated goods if necessary. It's a full version that can only be viewed inside the Tubra."

"-- Inventory!! Full Version!!"

Gattering Katie rises up and sees Hikaru with her sparkling eyes.

"Uh... I'm fine, let Dr. Katie see it"

"Are you sure!?"

"Yes. Is this enough research cooperation for the teacher I should have done?

"No, it's too much already! Excellent! I'll give you credit for my lecture unconditionally!

I just want you to think about it.

Katie was able to analyze Livolver right away, and she's built a prototype of the bullet. Sometimes I will ask you to help me with my gear in the future.

"Don't you have to look?

"You're going to bring me a document that I can't decipher, even if I don't go look at it, right?

"Ha ha! I don't know, it sure will."

"Well, I don't know if I'll do the right translation if they give me that. You were hiding information, too."

"Ugh... well, that's why I said I'm sorry. I'll give you something to thank."

"I'm just kidding."

"Sounds like a joke..."

Hikaru left the Lordship Mansion with Katie and the instructor Millet, who said, "I'm anxious to be alone". It was kind of fresh that Millet was worried about Katie the other way around.

"Well... what shall we do today"

Walk around the city of Nekoha leaving the Lords' residence.


Lavia wants a cat.

"I like cats!

Paula also wants a cat.

"... you made up your mind before I gave you my opinion!

"Did Celica have somewhere she wanted to go?


"Don't you? Then go to the Adventurer's Guild."

When we got to the guild, the number of adventurers seemed smaller than it had been yesterday. The three women stormed a gobbling cat on a warm floor, and Hikaru decided to find an empty seat and have a cup of tea at the table.

(Speaking of which... I was going to check on other "professions" as well)

As I first set it up, it's a set of 3 Rogues for "Hidden," "Throw," and "Wide Area Exploration," based on [Lower Tenno Shinto: Lesser Angel]. I thought I'd replace the "throw" that I didn't seem to use right away with a "profession" I hadn't used before.

By the way, I haven't told Lavia and Paula about these yet. I'm thinking of talking to Lavia at a calm time.

(I knew this was it)

The third one I chose was [God of Mortal Chaos: Eye of Typhoon]. Anything with "mortal" always seems to have a God with whom "mortal" could be taken. In this case there is also probably a superior "god of chaos". It is unclear how "mortal" can be taken. I don't even know how I could have gotten it in the first place.

(Well, I wonder what it does --)

And it was when I lifted a cup with tea.

"Master! Do you have an Alliance Master?

Sweaty, finely scratched adventurers crept all over my body.

"What's up," "What's up," "Hey, he sure was stuck on Gigantrock Viper's crusade for the party..." I hear the adventurers.

Gigantlock viper.

It is a recommended Crusade Rank "C +" and is a Requested Crusade Monster left unordered in the Adventurer's Guild in Nekoha.

Three of the remaining four Oriental stars, Soluz, Shuffi and Sarah, went on a crusade. It seems that being able to see the battle of Rank B means that there are some adventurers who followed - so I guess there are fewer adventurers in the Alliance.

"What's up?"

The Alliance Master comes out of the back in good time.

The adventurer who comes in begs the counter to hold onto him.

"The gigantic rock wipers had a massive outbreak! There's even a special individual gigantic lock lizard, a double neck viper inside!

"What!? What happened to the Oriental Four Stars!

"We're retreating to the settlement and consolidating our defenses... that village is barely equipped with defenses! Please, Master, we need rescue!

Hikaru, who was listening, was surprised by the sudden developments.

The Oriental Four Stars seemed like they could afford a lot, but does that mean they were monsters over it?

"Ha ha! You're such a jerk. That's why I don't trust women adventurers! Isn't that rank you got anyway, selling your body to Gilmouth?

Guerraggera The laughing man is a fast-paced adventurer who got tangled up in a solution yesterday. He didn't go about the Oriental Four Stars —— to see the bandages that were wrapped up, etc., maybe because of the terrible injuries that Soluz had done to him.

"My party... what?

It was Celica who appeared loose. The atmosphere she's drifting-- no, to the draining magic, the sensitive adventurer blues and scratches back. Hikaru, who is demonstrating "magic detection," had noticed that the magic that wrapped the celica was swelling up as if it were a giant.

But the adventurer who laughed at the Oriental Four Stars seemed dull around it,

"I'm paying back for snakes that are less than my rank, so I bet they laugh at me! But it's a shame, if you were hit by goblins and orcs, not snakes, then you'd be XXXX by XXXX with a harder thought than dying these days!

They line up nasty words that make me want to block my ears.


The next moment, a table with a man who was laughing blew up. Clash against the wall and disperse from the table to the jock from the plate.


"This guy, this wizard jerked off in the guild......!

"Is it magic!? There was no chant!?"

"Either way, the killer is this brunette! Get him, you guys, hey!

The men screamed, but nobody moved. Various with those who are frightened by Celica's immense magic, those who think her anger is the best, and those who do not want to be related.

"Come on!

The Alliance Master drinks a drink.

"It's an emergency now. I won't allow adventurers to rub each other. From now on, whoever takes action that will induce trouble will be severely punished!!"

"Well, then, get that woman--"

"I told you now, are you nuts!? —— hey, tell me what's going on right now"

When the Alliance Master forcefully packs up the scene, he turns to the adventurer who has been indulging.

"Wow, okay. Um, honestly, I think if we were just three Oriental Four stars, we could have won."

"What do you mean?

"The adventurer who followed me... tried to take the material from the Gigantroc wiper that the Oriental Four Stars killed..."

To that word, the guild squeaks. Monsters generate ownership at the time of defeat. It would be a clear theft if you took it.

"But the Gigantrok Viper was alive, and rampaged. So a few of the adventurers were poisoned."

"The poison of a gigantic rock viper is ferocious. As a slight punishment for stealing, it was heavy to lose your life..."

"Yes, no, that's what's alive"


"Four Oriental stars saved them. The attack of the gigantic rock wipers that Sufi has been chasing, hanging on to her recovery magic and connecting her life, was defended by Soluz. But even Soluz got hurt. A special individual sprung up there and hurried to retreat to the settlement..."

"Whoa, whoa... you mean you even wiped my other adventurer's ass?


"-- that's the solution."

Selica said.

"Tell me where it is! I'll go and defeat all the monsters!

"Miss was a member of the Oriental Four Star, too, wasn't she? Please, I'll back you up as a guild."

"We'll fight for time! Get the horses ready!

Alliance officials fly out. The adventurers in the Alliance also vary with those who are excited, frightened but unable to hide their interest, and those who escape.

"What's happening to the inhabitants of the settlement!

"Oh, yeah, at Soluz's direction, he's already started evacuating. —— But Soluz and the others deliberately made a noise to stand out, trying to attract monsters to themselves, not residents..."

"There doesn't seem to be more time than expected!

The horse was ready, and when officials jumped in, Celica looked back at Hikaru.


With a face that seems hard to say.

"Celica, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Oh, right! This is about us parties--"

"I can't ride a horse."

"-- none of your business...... Huh?

"So you can ride behind someone. Is anyone good at horseback riding?

When Hikaru heard, officials said they would arrange for several adventurers to ride two horses to the settlement as a "special request".

"Yes, okay!?"

"That's good. —— Lavia, let's go Paula too"


"Wow, me too!? But I --"

Hikaru whispered to Paula in a whisper.

"... this time I have an Oriental four-star healer. All of Paula's magic should be done by Shuffy."

"... okay?

"... I'll thank you at best. It's a good chance."

Adventurers as well-known and powerful as the Oriental Four Stars are highly valuable to use. Besides, Shuffi was a little too flippant with Paula, and even had a crush on her. If so, why don't you thank me first? A character like Shuffi would have to weigh himself down.

Simply because I want to make money. Money, no matter how much it costs, is not yet accumulated enough to play and live.

And -- this is a great opportunity to try "Three Occupations" in action.

"Master Hikaru looks bad!

"Paula, this is what Hikaru is."

"... that's pretty spicy Lavia too"

"Hehe. I'm Hikaru, including those places, and I like all of Hikaru, so I don't mind."

"Oh well."

Suddenly I get upset when they say "I like" or something, Hikaru.

"I like Master Hikaru too!

"Okay, okay,"

"Not upset at all!?"

As Paula and Hikaru speak, it seems that the adventurer who rides the horse has also decided.

Selica said as if she was frightened.

'You guys aren't nervous at all, are you? It's flat to smash a tower in the ground. "

'I didn't break that one, it broke. —— Let's go.'

Hikaru and the others rushed to the settlement where a massive outbreak of gigantic rock vipers and special individuals occurred.