Actually, Paula doesn't have a direct knowledge of Luca or Ekaterina. Paula came to Scalazard after the unrest in the Un el Portan Great Forest ended. Both Luca and Ekaterina went to the "Founding Ceremony" at that time. Then there is no return to Scalazard.

The fact that you two girls are just in this flattering place called "Long Live Alcohol" - where food is delicious but at least not the kind of place where students come. And even blue-skinned and seemingly superior coats that you can clearly tell are from Euraba. Paula also knows that "Long Live Alcohol" used it at a student union gathering, so she quickly realized that these two would be student union teasing.

"Are you..."

Ekaterina looked at Paula with all due caution. There was no waitress when Ekaterina left Scalazard.

"Oh, uh, I'm a party member of Master Hikaru"


Earlier Paula says, a surprise look runs on the two girls.

"Is Mr. Hikaru in Scalazard?"

"Ha, yes, I went back yesterday. Oh, uh... what's going on? We do have a joint wedding in the spring--"


Ekaterina's index finger is raised and she alerts her surroundings.

Paula assumed that there was some kind of trouble then.

Green ghost clan with substantial control of the Rumanian territory of the Union of Forestia. The leader, Billion-Green Ghost-Lumania's eldest son and regarded as his next lord, the league-Green Ghost-Lumania, was about to finish a few days' itinerary.

"Have you finally arrived..."

A snowstorm hits me as I descend from the carriage room. Jalazak territory is bordered by the northern limits among the Union of Foresters. The surroundings are dim because of thick clouds covering the sky when it comes to midday.

"Welcome aboard!

The doors of the mansion are opened and the brilliant brightness is leaking outside. It was Grand Sword instructor Mikhail, who is also a facial acquaintance in the college, who hit the pick-up.

"It's been a while. You don't need to say hello to me or anything."

"No, I hear you're here in the name of the Green Ghost family this time. Alexei-von Jarzad-Jarazak has told us to be polite."

Turning his hand around his back to hold the league in, the mansion door closed.


It's full of warm air if you let it in. There was a piece of ice on my cheek and it even felt like it was melting. The walls are thick and the doors are highly confidential. It also provides proper ventilation and makes people feel the wisdom of living in chilly land.

"Do you also enjoy the cold waves of Jalazak, Lord League?

"Nothing like a family name job. - Quickly, may I see Lord Alexei?

"Whatever. —— to bring Lord League to your room. Then I will call my lord."


Instructors and students, not between -- there were two positions there that represented the interests of each community.

(Instructor Mikhail is more thorough...... what am I going to do out of my mind, at all)

Sigh inside.

Since allowing the inauguration of the "Student Union" and the conduct of the "Joint Wedding" at the Founding Ceremony, the League has tried not to communicate with other members as much as possible. That and this is also to make Billion, the real father, acknowledge that the league is the one who will inherit the Green Ghost family, and not to search for the painful nostalgia.

Four months after that, the league met many in the capital, Foreszard, which entered a long winter. And I've taken over my father's connections and expanded my own.

Finally, I can meet everyone in the student federation —— that, though I wasn't aware of it, seems to have been very mind-boggling. It made me want Instructor Mikhail to treat me like I did when I was in college.

(But I'm still being seen here)

The servants who have followed the league have my father's breath hanging. It's not something I've figured out how it's going to be reported —— I can't let it show a gap.

Passed to the reception room. Give the coat to the servant and lower your hips on the couch. Those who took the league left the room when the league ordered them. Guess I'll pack the baggage I brought —— because I'm planning on staying here today.

Hmm, and one sigh.

I was finally alone --.


Bang, and the door opened and the league jumped up.

"What, what!?"

"Long time no see! I think I was in college a long time ago!

"Oh, to Mr. Ivan--"

I came into the room with Ivan, the student union's Jalazak representative, and,

"--K, Mr. Claude......?

I accidentally put a question mark on it.

There you are, of Claude-Zahard Kirihar, who is what he looks like as old as he is for a spirit elf, should have been.

Of the groom who will be married at the dawn of winter, should be.


But his eyes were blue and swollen, with obvious signs of violence.

"Duh, what's wrong?

"I don't know..."

Ivan tells you like you're in trouble, but Claude tells you with a deep sigh.

"... to Luca, escaped. But Master Alexei busted me... and told me to stay in this face for a while..."

"What the hell happened?"

All this time the league will listen, forgetting his face as a representative of the Rumanian territory. I immediately realized my faults and was sincerely glad I didn't have any entourage on this occasion.

Claude looks at Ivan, and Ivan shrugs his shoulder.

"Actually --"

"-- that is, Claude showed the equivalent of Alexei's sword moves in Jalazak territory, but therefore, as a result of being a hottie, he grew up and left Luca alone,"

Hikaru, who listened, held his forehead in the palm of his right hand.

This is the apartment where Hikaru and Lavia live. Hikaru and Lavia came back in a big hurry because Paula changed her blood phase and came to the academy. I went back to my room because it didn't seem like something I could hear on "Long Live Alcohol".

"That idiot......"

I groan unexpectedly.

Ekaterina is part of the student union, and she was visiting Jalazak territory on business at Euraba's parents' house. He saw Luca seem lonely at that time, found out what was going on, and said that it was too much and he ran out of bees (...) and came to Scalazard with Luca.

Lavia asks her, having earlier reunited with Ekaterina (a fellow reader).

"But... isn't it dangerous to get Mr. Luca's figure out of Jalazak? I would have originally planned to be in Jalazak until the end of the wedding."

"That's true, but at that rate, I wasn't likely to notice an assassin being sent in by Ludansha. You don't even know my arrival, maybe after I left Luca."

"So much?"

"... Jalazak is particularly cold, so he's been drinking for a long time."

It makes sense to overcome the cold, and I guess it depends on the Jalazak air, but the amount of alcohol is rusty during the winter months. He also seems to be losing his guard.

Hikaru sees Luca, nagging and not talking about anything.

"What does Mr. Luca think? Really, come out of Jalazak -- you think you were right to stay away from Claude?


Hikaru's reading suggests that Claude is completely bad —— I don't even think he can say that. I guess Claude is bad for the majority, but also because Luca's attitude is a little different from what Hikaru knows.

"I left... what do you think, I don't know. Rather than…, it was beyond my imagination that it had become so important…"


"There's been a play about us, over 1,000 marriage applications... and in Jalazak, as every day, the ladies talk to me... and in that, I don't have time to think calmly about what lies ahead"

"... I see"

Hikaru nodded.

(This is Marriage Blue, right? to Claude's attitude of applauding it, surrounding behavior)

If so,

"As far as I can tell, Mr. Luca, there's one thing to do."

"... one?

Luca stares back at Hikaru —— like a believer seeking salvation.

"Face it. To Claude, because Claude is the only one who can solve your problems, and you're the only one who can live Claude's life together."

"It's --"

"Let's go back, now"

Hikaru rises.

"To Jalazak"