There is a small city on Ludansha territory. There were about 10 armed groups stationed here, but few citizens paid attention to them. It is a small number to think of as troops, because it was clear that they armed groups were garrisoned at the orders of the leader soldiers and representatives of Ludansha.

However, the leader of the regiment who was in charge of the soldiers was tingling. So much so that I left it to my emotions to slap the grip on the table earlier that the "Hyodle family" failures could be communicated.

"So... I didn't like it. You know, hiring people to hang around and do their job."

Neither do their men move upright on that sword screen.

The leader, Larks-Roadgrad-Ludansha, was of the same Roadgrad clan as the representative and Luca, but was not treated so well in the territory because he had been taken as an adopted son.

He thought he was the only one who could protect himself. That's why I've raised my bloodpath to sword training, and now I'm settling into a platoon leader position putting together a lead soldier.

"... what to do"

The second floor of the inn —— snow creeps up and looks out through cloudy windows.

I can't get upset, but there's no other way out than to complete the mission.

Larks was remembering when he received this assignment - the Luca obliteration.

Larks, you owe me a favor for picking it up, don't you?

—— Ha. I've never forgotten the benevolence you picked up by the Roadgrad family for a moment. Thank you to the House of Roadgrad--even in the monthly Church prayer.

--I don't care what that is. I just want you to show me your sincerity.

A woman who misled her age with thick makeup —— a woman in Larks' mind who called her a "monster" -- laughed as she did. I was tempted to ask him to dedicate his body to becoming the gateway to lust, but Ludansha's hobby is a young, boy-like man. I just keep about a dozen of those (...).

Larks is a late 20-car man with short pruned blue hair, muscular. If I hadn't done the sword, I might have flushed my floating name in social circles as a good man, but unfortunately I have ancient wounds all over my body, including my face, to my disappointed body.

It also meant that she trained herself from her hobby to the opposite in order to escape the demonic hands of Representative Ludansha.

—— Finish Luca.

Yeah, that directive over there, or whatever, but on the other hand, I thought I'd die here, too.

I know Representative Ludansha has been insinuating about crushing this "joint wedding" since winter. But no matter what Ludansha says, Rumania will not flip over any more than she puts her back on "fruit" -- trying to make a business profit.

There was supposed to be strong opposition to Kirihar as well, but not only is Kirihar's queen Marquedo in favor of it, but Marquedo asks, "Join forces with Ludansha and flip?" and so on, so the Ludansha haters could no longer agree or disagree. It was a good way to do it.

Of course, that was not Marquedo's idea, though it was the idea of Zofira-Van Hortense, the lead minister and queen's wisdom bag.

--Why is this a good time... to finally get the means to crush Kirihar?

"This idiot," Larks thinks, looking at Representative Ludansha, who is bumping. What if we are fighting inside the Union now? Even though the whole continent is in chaos.

Even if you think she's stupid, she's the representative of Ludansha. If you can't get rid of the joint wedding itself, just kill Luca - it's finally the means.

If you kill her, Larks will be guilty of death for ruining the joint wedding the Union is about to go on. Rep. Ludansha can't forgive himself for failing to obliterate. How many will be killed?

If you're going to die anyway —— to the point where you can test your powers, let's try.

Yes, Larks convinced himself.

Fortunately, Jalazak has many fierce men, starting with Alexei. "Jalazak the Wu" shouldn't be Dada. There is no shortage as an opponent to fight at the end.

—— I understand.

to Larks, who nodded ready to grieve, Representative Ludansha,

- Oh? You don't look like that. It's the first time I've seen a man come down, huh? You don't have to worry. I hear Jarazak has this "Hyodor family" thing. Use them.

--... what?

—— Obviously Ludansha's associates. If you get into Jalazak, Ludansha won't be safe. Don't you even know that?

This woman told me to even bruise and laugh at her readiness.

I told you to use the loose ends.

If he finds out it was Larks who came into contact with the Hyodles, Larks will wear "just sin". Along with the stigma "coward who doesn't get his own hands dirty".

My head turned bright white. Even death doesn't set you free. By the time I realized, there was already no representative of Ludansha, and I stood alone.

—— Shit.............

I didn't want this assignment - I don't know if I could call it a mission, I didn't want my people to be attached to just "suicide assistants". So I was going to make contact with the Hyodles alone and end it all by myself.

But on the morning of his departure, in front of his room were ten men - men who had crept through painful training. "I won't let you go alone, Captain." They were aware that Larks had received a "could die" -- "probably would die" mandate.

Only 10 people. Ten people I can count on. This is why the number of people stationed in this town is low as a force.

"Captain, was there anything they said about the Hyodor family failing?

One of my men says.

"No... nothing in particular. I can't believe you left Jalazak territory in the first place."

"Then you mean you can put your hands down directly, right?

A snarling young man spoke. He, Roy's enlistment was the youngest of these, before he entered this winter. "I admire Master Larks," he said, and although at first Larks thought it would just be a rumor, his attitude hasn't changed much. He even followed me on this assignment by saying, "I am prepared to lay down my life with the captain myself".

In Larks, Roy was one of the same people as the other nine.

"Hands down directly...?

"It's a mess to have Ludansha soldiers on Jalazak territory, because Scalazad is under central jurisdiction."

"Roy, that being said, the Central Defense Force will come out of your mouth if we make our way, which is clearly the lead soldier."

"Let's be adventurers there."


Larks thinks. Roy is right, the mission brightens up —— that is, even if the identity of the Larks was found out when Luca's annihilation succeeded, it's in the center that he complains. Rep. Ludansha, such as the central complaint, will not feel any itching.

"... Luca may have been lucky to leave Jalazak."

"Dear Larks. Bye."

"Roy, I'll adopt your opinion. I leave here what I know to be a leading soldier, disguised and going for a scalazard. The battle will be a short-term showdown because you must have realized they were after your life too"


My men salute me in unison. And then he moved toward Scalazard.


Roy in the shadows, no one realizes that he laughed small.