The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker

The Ritual of Knot and the Beginning of the New World

The capital of the Union of Forestia and the cathedral of Foreszard are all historic buildings assembled in stone.

The entrance is wide open and there is a cathedral at the tip of climbing about 30 stone steps.

Only today, access is restricted and people are pushing around the stone stairs in a dozen ways. The square in front of the cathedral was full of people.

"You're amazing."

"Yeah... but we all look happy"

"I guess you've all been waiting for this day."

The terrace seats at the cafe where you can look down at the crowd —— which was also secured here, of course, by Tsute —— are three people: Hikaru, Lavia, and Paula (Koo at the neck), plus,

"There's 2,400 people in there dressed up, right? I don't know what it's like."

"I don't want to talk to a teacher."

Ivan says extra things and eats gen tips from Mikhail.

"Ha... I wonder if anyone will show up to feed my athletes and make me drink as much as I like?

"No, I'm not sure why you look at me better, Instructor Millet"

I'm going to chill out and look at this one, Millet.

"Lavia, you know that group? That's Euraba's traditional costume."

"Heh... quite different from what I imagined reading in the story"

Ekaterina is waving the subject to Lavia.

Student Union officials were mostly on the spot. However, since the league is on the operational side, it is within the diocese, Sylvester is also within the diocese as a representative of Tubra, and Katie is immersed in research at the College.

—— Because you should tell me later how it went.

That is.

"Huh. Katie can't get married because she's doing that."

What instructor Millet says, "You're unmarried too," the scratch is absent. There is no need to follow a snake.

"Even so —— dragons don't come out on days like this, do they? You're talking about flying, right?

As for the dragon that showed up at the academy, the story has spread as "the silver look" explained to the guards. Though there were a handful of people who believed in the existence of dragons, and most of them did not.

Mikhail's words, who said so, are also joking, but once the dragon is set to flee.

By the way, the Mikhails also seem to have thought for a moment that the "look of silver" might be a hiccup, but it hurt a large monster —— judging it "would not be a hiccup" because it was causing a lot of blood. We thought Hikaru's weapon was a "sword" and he couldn't do that much scratching.

Of course, Hikaru himself denied it, and said he was with Paula when there was "the silver look".

"I don't know. Wouldn't a dragon be more shy on a day as pleasant as this?

Hikaru lied.

The bell rings about Cancer. Within the diocese, the ceremony would have begun.

The cathedral exists in this world (...) dedicated to "God".

The local Church had its own development, and the priest of the Cathedral of Foreszard was a priest who was not corrupt and was properly confronted with God.

"We who are alive in this world must live rightly and without evil under the watchful eye of God. It's a pleasure to have a companion with you on that long journey."

The gray-haired priest speaks from the stage through the magic props.

At the top of the cathedral was a giant circular stained glass, with the sun shooting in from the front. The bright light pours down on the men and women packed in the cathedral.

Pure white wedding dress, vibrant ethnic costume, to say new (...) lang xin (...) woman There were also couples between men, men and women who went nowhere.

They seemed to have very little in common, but every one of them was happily sloppy.

"Today, before God, you make a vow with your partners who will live together in the future. Dedicating a lifetime of unchanging love, sharing with both pain and joy --"

When the priest knelt and drowned his head, the bride and groom returned various reactions to do the same or close their eyes.

Quiet, harsh time flies when many people say there are.

About a minute passed, the priest rises.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We have heard that marriage, which many people wanted but did not, was fulfilled today. May blessings be given to you all... "

So the priest does his gaze with chillary. There were guests in the seats lined up by the wall.

"Queen Marquedo, King of the United Nations, was also to be present, unfortunately a little inconvenient. Guests will greet the Regional Representative of Rumania (...), Mr. League-Green-Ghost Rumania."

A faint twist runs on some of the brides and grooms.

Few people here are familiar with politics. But from a man who knows politics, the word of a priest has two very great meanings.

One is that I called it the Rumanian "region".

Until now, the Union has had a strong orientation of being a mere assembly of names, and Rumania is often referred to as the Rumanian State (...), or Rumanian territory (...).

I used the further stepping word "region" for that. The brides and grooms here would never have heard of the word "region" or anything else.

This also amounts to the proclamation by the Metropolitan Church that it should be "more integrated" - although the Church's position was seen as "pro-integrationist (Union)" at a time when we were having such a joint wedding.

The two were to refer to the league as "Rumanian Rep."

It is obvious that he is acting for his father, Billion, but this can be the first time the league has become a "Rumanian representative" even in public.

(Don't you do it, league...)

Claude, who has been holding Luca's hand for a long time, looks to the league taking the stage. During this winter, the League made the "next Rumanian" seat firm.

(Even a student union might have it all in the league if it distracts them)

Send sight also to Sylvester, the other fellow in the guest seat. Sylvester was smiling and watching the league talk.

It was clear that new winds had begun to blow in the Union of Foresters.

"Ah, I'm out, Master Hikaru!

Mikhail asks me how I should respond if the dragon comes out, and I don't know, what an answer Hikaru would throw his gaze into the square with Paula's voice.

The huge doors of the cathedral open and the decorated protagonists of today come out of the avalanche. The square, which has been baffling for some time, is even more cheering.

In it, I found Claude and Luca.

Claude looked around for a moment, but when he noticed this terrace seat high up,

He was shouting out loud with his mouth on his hand.

"What did he say now?

"You don't have to hear me..."

Hikaru returned Lavia's inquiry with a frightened face.

--My Luca is the prettiest!

Or so it would be around.

In evidence, Luca is putting twisted iron in Claude.

"There was something about it, but you look happy..."

It was Hikaru watching the thing with his cheek cane on it,

"Hikaru seems happy too"


"Something cloudy."

Before I realized it, he had a loose mouth. Lavia says to Hikaru, who took care of it in advance.

"Happy day, you can laugh"

Come to the side and wrap your arms around Hikaru's left arm.

(Happy day, huh? So is that —— this could be my first day in this world to be so full of blessings)

In the shimmering sun, a blessed paper blizzard broke out.

"Is that contact true?"

The royal castle of Foreszard, in the conference room, gathered ministers, including Queen Marquedo and lead minister Zofira.

What Zofira has is several pieces of paper —— information brought about by long-distance communications between states.

"Yes, I have been contacted by the Kingdom of Pawnsonia, the Empire of Quimbrand and Einvist with similar content. Not from the Sovereign Nation of Bios, but probably because there is still confusion around the Pope"

"What other countries say"

"This is a check to see if this information (...) is correct. Only the Empire of Quimbrand had already grasped that information (...), and it was the kind of text we had heard with the meaning of confirmation"

"Hmm... what do they think"

When Marquedo turned to water, the ministers said so, but there was no definitive opinion.

That was about as much water to their sleeping ears and too remote (...) information.

"... Was the strange move seen by Vileocean a fabric stone of this..."

A few months ago, the information sent under Marquedo - that the marine state Vileocean is in a great hurry to build a military ship, that it is buying up food - finally sees what these mean.

"… Whatever the authenticity, you will have to respond to the request"

Marquedo said.

"Heading to Villeocean. Let's go out ourselves, not surrogate."

Whoa, the surprise voices of the ministers went up, but there was no opposition.

Because this case was so important.

"With these eyes, let's make sure with our ears. east of Villeocean —— at the end of the sea, on a continent of doom (...)."