"That was quick."

Hikaru said pale, but behind the silver mask he had only his face.

Behavior over there is within Hikaru's assumptions so far. But it moves faster --.

"Detail the situation!

A decree tells Patricia's words the details.

The military vessel is operating off the coast of Ville-Zentra, towards us in a position of about 30 km. It is undoubtedly a military ship that surrounded Dew-Roch Island, loaded with artillery that unilaterally beat the Villeosean Navy.

Kagley hits Hikaru as Patricia gives one alert order after another.

"How do you see it, Silver Face"

"What do you mean?

"Did you expect them to come?


Hikaru did not know how far to go to speak, but neither did Hikaru want a war with the people of the continent of doom.

Let's just say we talk as much as we can.

"... the spy is sneaking in, which means there is a route to flow the information received from the spy to the commander. In other words, they communicate in ways I (...) don't know."

"Is it like 'Ringa's Blade Pen'"

Kagley's "Ringa Feather Pen" is a magic tool for long-range communications used by Adventurer Alliances and others. But that magic item cannot be used unless it is a place of continuation to exploit the magic veins of the earth.

Hikaru wonders if there is some kind of long-range wireless communication, not to say satellite phones, because pencils are practiced in optical camouflage.

(Reborn people like me, Celica, Katsuki Ota —— and there's a good chance there was an engineer reincarnated. We're replicating modern Japanese technology in this world. It may be that technology that has left the large ocean monster)

I don't know if the reincarnators are still alive.

"And you lost touch with that spy, and the other side found out that the spy was caught by the other hand, didn't you?

"Oh. So you must have taken immediate action."

"Wait a minute."

You were listening to Hikaru and Kagli, Patricia pinching her mouth.

"And then what? Are you saying they took action to save a captured spy? It's a good place to move the army for that."

"Not really. They seem to have a difficult situation with them."

"What do you mean?"

Hikaru pointed out the possibility that enemy forces were splitting inside.

If the faction acted on its own, not on the orders of the commander, then the spy's captivity would not be all it deserved either, but that would not be enough. It serves as a pretext for outfits condemned by the other faction.

Then the spies, Gigi's superiors, take some action. Commanders don't want that action —— there better be no confusion factors inside the military. So, in the end, Hikaru would act under the great nickname of "saving Gigi from falling into the hands of the enemy" —— Hikaru had read.

But I didn't expect to act so quickly.

That's why Hikaru looked up. The other commander acted quickly to summarize the internal division. However, a decision will have been made in the course of a day or so. Enough to read in depth that Gigi might even be trying to use it to put the inside together.

"You! You made contact with a spy on your own!?"

Hikaru spoke honestly, so naturally he also spoke of talking to Gigi.

It was Patricia's neighbors who were angry at it. That's not all, other countries' civilians, escorts, look abominably at Hikaru as well.

(Ma, this reaction is as expected, but there's a lot we have to discuss right now)

A voice goes up accusing Hikaru of coming into contact with a spy on his own. It is also becoming Hikaru's fault that the results of the interrogation cannot be achieved.

They're them, and I guess they also think Hikaru was crushed Ments for catching a spy first. Even more so if Hikaru has information that the interrogator could not obtain.

But on the other hand, some are calm. So do heads of state and solutions, and church officials.

Patricia has a cool face, I guess, because even she thinks it's "gas free" to make her say it this way. Although Hikaru is a good skin to blame for that.

"Well, let's get back to it."

Qujastria said flat where Hikaru was condemned as a whole. Still not saying enough, some tried to raise their voices but Patricia controlled them by hand.

"If you're talking about that now, then it's not. I'll talk to Silverface later. So, okay?

No, it's not good? I don't have anything to tell you. And Hikaru thought, but the people around him nod like, "Then there's no choice." A few of them remain on the lookout for Hikaru.

"So —— it's a question of whether or not they're going to attack."

"Exactly it doesn't"

Hikaru told Patricia.

"What's the reason?

"You should be asking me to let the spies go first. And that spy liberation negotiation is also an opportunity."

"-- you mean what they want, a chance to explore?

Reading Hikaru's intentions first, Kujastria said.

The other civilians said, "War is what this is all about, right?" and so on, so Kujastrya's brilliance stands out. She already realizes that the enemy is looking for some sort of "profitability".

"All right, well, we'll see about that in the negotiations."

Patricia said so and began giving instructions to her men on the assumption that a negotiating envoy would come from the other side. Of course, enhanced surveillance, as well as responses in the event of a messenger seeking to negotiate.

"So? What are you gonna do?

Marquedo asks Hikaru, who thought it was time to hide himself again.

"What do you mean?

"Don't blur. What are you gonna do? Shut up and keep your fingers shut.

"... right. I need you to get me a fast legged boat."

"Allow it."

Kagley contracted right away. I guess Kagley immediately guessed that Hikaru was about to break into his opponent's ship. What Kagley originally expected from Hikaru was espionage (something like that).

"Whoa, before you do, you come to my room. I'm gonna borrow this guy, okay, Cagley?"

Patricia has stabbed the nail. I don't care what happens, I don't want to miss Hikaru.

(Ma, okay. I wanted to ask you something, too)

The meeting was adjourned once.

When Hikaru entered Patricia's office, it was more spacious than I thought.

There's a big table, and 10 people will be able to hang it. There are also two sets of reception tables in the vicinity of the concierge. Do two sets of guests ever come? Thought so, but there's a pile of material in the cart by your side. This isn't a reception set, it's where the neighborhood does its job.

"You take your seats off."

"Become!? Dear Patricia, what are you saying! such as being alone with such a bunch of lowlifes --"

"Take your seat off, I said. Hurry up."


To Patricia's strong words, the proximity and the clerks clogged the words and left the office with the face that if they were dissatisfied. The escort will also be paid, and Patricia and Hikaru will be alone.

"-- okay?

When Hikaru hits,

"I don't mind. With your arms, it's easy to hurt me."

"That too, but now it's an emergency. Do you have a hippo talking to me?

"The military ship has just been discovered this time. If you're going to get a messenger out of there demanding the hostage's release, that means there's going to be respite for a few more hours. How important it is now to hold your information back (...)"

"That's sort of a lot to like. But it's my guess that there will be a demand for the release of the hostages."

"Do you have any idiots who would rather attack with 10 military ships? We have lost in the naval battle, but we have room to move more than 200 ships."


The Villeosean Navy seems to have more combat power than Hikaru thought.

So, I can also be convinced. So the city of Ville-Zentra is calm. Patricia won't issue an evacuation order either. If you have to, the Navy will be your shield. Even if you get hit by a spill, you're prepared to be overwhelmed with things.

Right now, I guess it's because I don't get it for either of us. The other side is wiped out, and this one is just a tragedy in devastation.

Patricia also thinks that's fine if it's resolved in a "discussion" --.

(The language is backwards, isn't it quite cool?)

Hikaru thought Patricia's "camouflage" might also have a reluctant talking tone. It is an unafraid opponent.

"So who are you?"

"Silver Face"

"You know what I mean. I'm asking you where you are and where you've been. I know if you mean Kagley's kid's man-norm, but you don't. You're also connected to Queen Marquedo. And even with Lord Cujastria, who has never been on the surface stage before. I can't keep someone like you in my nostalgia right now."

"I see. So you'll be relieved to know who it is,"


Hikaru laughed thinly.

"I'm not answering here, or trying to capture me if your (...) question isn't clear, is that belly (...)? How many people are we collecting in the next room?"

"... if you know that much, you're quick to talk."

"But you're not behind that curtain, are you?

A large number of soldiers in the next room were prepared by Patricia to seize Silverface when something happened. I guess it's also within her assumptions that Silverface will know about its existence because they're letting it kill.

"No way, when they notice..."

"I thought you were distracted by the killing and wouldn't find out?

"You're a really creepy man. How so, spa spa say"

All are occasions of "detection". The answer will appear easy if you assemble the information obtained in "Detection".

"If I find out, I can't help it. Come out, Dennis."

Dennis? and Hikaru snapped his neck inside.

That's a name I've heard of --.