"I want to confirm my position first. What position you are in the Dreammaker."

Hikaru cut it out that way. Whatever you talk about, Doinkler's purpose —— because you want to keep track of your soul and your guts. "Let's exchange information and get along with each other ~" He said, "Yes, that's right," and Hikaru is not Ubb either.

"Me, the leading player in the dreammaker... family? one of them. its head."

According to Duinkler, Dreammaker has nine families to assist the king. Military, agricultural, architectural, etc., are divided by their families.

If you say it in Japan, it might be like "home" being decided to do "minister".

I guess that's only allowed because DreamMaker is a nation of about 10,000 people. Dreammakers are a thorough village society and have lived helping each other.

Duinkler was the head of a house headed by "Security" and "Economy".

(What kind of superpower do you have when you work as police commissioner and finance minister?)

But the West Battalion is under Grussel-- "force," so how can one warship do this to Düinkler?

"You don't seem to fit a horse with Grussell."

"Yes, my life and the lives of my men, all for the king"

"Why is there a king's story out there?

"Cure the King's illness. Grussell and I, we fight that way. Grussels are all important. Take care of everyone."

Douinkler, who makes no sacrifice to secure the Recovery Wizard, and Grussel, who wants to make the smallest sacrifice.

Now it turns out that the future of healing magic is the king.

"... that's a lot easier said than done. to treat 'who'."

"Anyway, as soon as you get over there, you'll find out. Grussell is secrecy. Very bad."

"You want me to give you information instead because you're gonna be open to anything? Because it's more profitable."

Pan, and Duinkler slapped his hand.

"Exactly! You're smart. Me, smart, like"

A happily nicotine little fat Osama. Hikaru thinks as he rinses tea -- don't forgive him.

(These guys, they do live blindly for the king. So even if you're being friendly like this, if you think it's for the king, you'll betray him right away)

Like Deena.

"So, can you cure the king?

I wonder how much of a question you wanted to hear, you're getting yourself on board.

"There are things that recovery magic can and cannot do. What state is the king in?

"Very bad. Sleeping all the time. Can't get up, can't eat"


It's heavy. It doesn't look like it would be a relaxing boat ride.

Human beings, eating is very important in life. When you can't eat this —— there won't be infusions or anything, so you'll get thinner and thinner.

"Possible poison?

"No. I just want to say, I don't know"

"What kind of magic?

Duinkler shook his head sideways. It was a stupid question. It wouldn't make sense to doubt magic because they can't use any spiritual magic.

"Change the question. Do monsters use magic?

"The monster? I don't use it. Magic other than magic props, I've never seen"

"You have magic props, you have magic..."

"So, can you fix it?

"... I'll have to try restorative magic. I hope I can identify the cause, but if the doctor says he doesn't know either, I can't help it. I'll tell you in advance, restorative magic is ineffective when it comes to viral diseases"

"Virus? What?

"Uh... right, a little hard to explain, but it's called a disease"

"Sick, my king. That's what the doctors all said."


"... can't you fix it?

He still looked like he was going to cry and was clearly disappointed. But then I got over there and I said, "It's not gonna help me get sick, okay? I'd rather say it before I do."

"As much as the symptoms are alleviated, it may be Kannon Mountain. —— Have you lost your mind to take me?

"... Still, I'll take him. There's no other hand."

Doinkler had a sense of sadness.

(I mean, if you'd died by the time you got over there, you wouldn't have an ex or a kid. Besides... I think this attitude goes too far to clean up with the word "loyalty")

He should have been the kind of man who would have taken his child and wouldn't have quit the rough stuff either, Duinkler said. Hikaru sees his men threatening Deena.

That makes him look like a child about to cry.

"Why is the king so important? Are there a lot of guys like you, for dreammakers?

"Will Silverface not swear allegiance to the king of his own country?

I don't swear. I mean, I don't have a country to belong to in the first place.

In retrospect of where I was in Japan, there was nothing like swearing allegiance to someone or risking my life, and that was the usual thing.

"Generally, some people swear allegiance, but you guys are way past it."

"Right. Maybe so. We, live in the Grand Dream Continent. The King is very important."

"... are you relying on just one?

"I am not alone in the king. But the king knows best. About the kings of earlier generations that inspired DreamMakers to flourish."

And Duinkler said.

"About Lady Eich."

Hikaru, who returned to the rooms, joined Lavia and Paula, who had already returned. Deena is not here, so Koo is also out and relaxing.

"How'd it go?

Lavia asks with a face of curiosity about what Hikaru has been talking about with Duinkler.

"... you surprised me"

Removing his mask and hooded cape, Hikaru sighed out of his mouth for a long time as he lowered his hips to the chair.

"No way here, when the Japanese (...) come out..."

Here's what Duinkler taught me in a terrible language.

Eich —— A man named Yuichi was picked up on the Grand Dream continent (...) and was a brunette, dark-eyed man.

At first, the words didn't make sense, but a few years later, he could usually speak, and already in his late 30s, he indulged in research as if he was possessed of something.

Its research results enriched the lives of dreammakers and significantly reduced mortality.

As Hikaru speculates, a man named Yuichi is a teacher. The breadth of knowledge is shallow and wide. I didn't specialize and dig, but I brought science and inventions to DreamMaker to help me with my life.

First of all, firearms such as artillery, plus basics such as warships. These helped a lot in the fight against monsters. It is also significant that the nitrous stones and sulphur that make up the powder material could be collected near the city.

Next is the concept of hygiene and nutrition. Originally a native of the Grand Dream Continent who was racially stubborn, his diet was poor.

Boiling and disinfection of water, maintenance of wells and enlightening of a balanced diet. Especially since they didn't have a lot of entertainment. They used to make and drink alcohol, but this wasn't a good idea. Hikaru's guess is he seemed to have weak liver function and would get drunk soon. In fact, Duinkler also said, "Alcohol makes you feel better with one glass".

When the sea was near and salt was picked, a meal with a strong flavour was preferred. There is no way to stay healthy.

He also created card and board games and provided entertainment.

The importance of discipline was preached to the heads of the nine families by developing the law.

Although there has been a lot of rebellion, the knowledge he brings is no longer the case where the invention is rebelling when it is accepted.

And Prosperity One was finally pushed by the Nine Families to the King, and he assumed the first throne of the Dreammaker —— although he did not have the luxury, he said, to live a qualitative life until his death.

"I didn't know someone was doing interworld reincarnation, interior affairs stuff..."

"Home affairs stuff?

"Oh, no. Forget that word."

Yuichi married in front of 50 and had only one child, and that is the father of the present king.

He made many inventions but still didn't have enough time, and he left many "ideas" behind. Just before death, he told his subordinates the idea, even in the hospital bed, and made them write it down --.

—— Because one day, someone will show up who can understand this content.


As a matter of fact, it also seemed to be in Glory's Idea Note about "Optical Camouflage," and the current king was able to make it happen. It's just that prosperity was based only on "science," but the current king developed it as a demonic prop.

By the way, the current king's name is Doriarch. I had a feeling there was a misreading at the time when "prosperity ichi" was pronounced "ache," but it seems the King's clan is supposed to take over the name of the pronunciation "ache".

I wasn't sure if I should correct that unfortunate mistake, but don't tell me because if Hikaru spoke out, it would reward the other side that Hikaru was also a "prosperous and familiar reincarnator".

"I mean, the same Japanese guy as Hikaru, you're treating him like a savior over there..."

"That sort of thing. So, my grandson, Doriarch, has succeeded in creating some things that could not be invented by prosperity, and is so popular among the people, he said. I'm sure he believes he'll bring about as much as Prosperity One... he's still like in his 30s and he's young"

"Well, Master Doriarch's not feeling well, is he? What state is it in? Is that a wound?

"Unfortunately, Paula, I'm sick"


Paula squirms. As for her, she probably wanted to "help me if I could" at the time I heard her talk so far.

(For once, he's the one who could be the enemy, and he's the one who grabbed Paula. Ma, is that the good thing about Paula)

I want to save if I have a life I can save. Hikaru thinks that's definitely a good thing about Paula.

That's fine if they say that's sweet.

It is Hikaru's job to solve the problems caused by sweetness.