The exact same thing, Hikaru thought, eating the kownuts.

It looks sunny and summer. Nikko Summer varieties have the name "Xiao Xia" so they are similar to the name.

I also decided not to think about this in depth because there may be coincidences if there were reincarnators or metastases in the past.

"Cownuts are delicious. That's justice."

Lavia seems to have liked the kownuts and has bought them a lot since she ate them once, when she saw them.

If you like it so much —— and Hikaru asked Alice to "buy me more kownuts," Alice has slowly put a wrinkle over the head of her nose and said "with a rejection" short no.

Because that face was funny, every time I see a kownut, I ask him to "Alice, buy me that one," but every time I say "with a rejection," Alice looks funny.

(Guess there's a reason)

I didn't mean to hate the kownuts themselves. For some other reason, Hikaru guessed that Alice couldn't buy the kownuts.

But every time I see you,

"Alice, get me some kownuts."

"With refusal"

continued the interaction. It's because Alice looks funny.

With such interaction, the carriage that finally carried the Hikars came to Gi-Quimbrand, the capital of the Imperial Quimbrand.

Hikaru has been here twice before.

The first time, Unken asked me to decide to die, to deliver a secret book to Emperor Kagley.

The second time, because Cagley called Silver Face on the discovery of the New World (...).

It took a while for Hikaru to realize the call because the way it was called was a surreal and novel method of "putting a silver mask on the castle gate".

"I hope this time we can have a proper sightseeing because it's kind of sweet when we come here..."

and when Hikaru crumbles with a bump,

"You know, when you say things like that, you get pretty busy."

and Paula reacted with ominous words.

"-- To His Majesty the Emperor, the guest?

And it was a brilliantly bald middle-aged man in the center of his head who responded with a grumpy voice.

The stunning eagle nose is dull, and red. Bring the handkerchief there. The man snapped his nose with Cheyne.

"Who, that's"

"I've been exploring it, but it seemed pretty secret, and I didn't get any information at all. May I, Count?"


The Earl -- the Earl of Zeppetta did the chin.

Though wearing brilliant aristocratic clothes, they don't look very good on you. Besides, the indoor dishes are also flashy, but it is not the flashy taste of the aristocrats, but the vase is framed with gold leaf and is kinky.

"Let's find out. It could be a reason to slap an old-fashioned man."

"Yes, sir."

When the butler leaves graciously, Count Zepetta returns to his desk. There are tons of reports and contracts in there, and, uh, breathe a sigh of breath before you tackle them.

There was a large plate on his desk, loaded with a pile of kownuts.

Behind Paula's predictions, the hotel's check-in was followed by tourism within the Imperial City. Alice ran for guidance, but Hikaru decided that her coworker's spy - perhaps a spy - was the girl who was somewhere quiet - was surprised to see Alice like that, and she was supposed to be willing to push one of the reports to her boss on that girl.

"Come on - let's go, Mr. Silsill!

When Alice left with a whim, she was left behind a girl with a laid-back face.

"... okay?

"What is it?

"No... well, no"

Hikaru just changed his mind because he was not interested in the circumstances of the Imperial Spy or anything else.

"So, where are you trying to be taken?

"Right away, right away!

The royal capital with its cobblestones is beautiful and has a stone township with a sense of history. In Central Square was placed a stone statue of the first emperor, with a sword on his right hand and a thick book on his left.

The area is surrounded by well-maintained flower beds, and the carriages, the merchants, the passers-by, the passers-by, the passers-by.


Sometimes, there are about five guard squads down the street. The security seemed good, and even the reign of Emperor Kagli was well, the police force was easily voiced by the people on the road.

Peace is a good thing.

Alice chose a boarding carriage, and she has the role of a community bus going around the Imperial City.

The ride price is cheap because a few copper coins —— about 100 yen in Japanese yen.

Still, around the carriage not being full, I guess not everyone lives a rich life, not to mention the Imperial Capital.

This way, sir.

When I got out of the carriage, in front of me -- there was a five-story building. The exterior walls are painted gray, so it's like a reinforced concrete building.

However, if the ceiling on the ground floor were high, the entrance, which would remain open at all times, would not be in the reinforced building.

"That's a lot bigger...... here, the Adventurer Guild (...), isn't it?


"No, anybody would think that if they saw armed rough men in and out"

When Hikaru and Alice said that at the entrance, Lavia, who came later,

"... a massive new adventurer's guild to visit. From veteran adventurers to newcomers, there's a rough baptism."

"Ko, you're scared......!

It was scaring Paula.

You don't, I don't think so... but Hikaru went inside with Alice without saying anything because it seemed interesting to have happened.

"Ooh... modern"

The counter and waiting space are separated, and the notice board on which the request is affixed is in the back. There was something like a lobby where adventurers could rather be, but it was very bright with a demon guide lamp, and none of the air was like some kind of glimmer (...) in an approximate guild.

"This is the guild of the proud adventurers of our Quimbrand Empire. What a continent in terms of average processing speed, processing number and success rate of requests."

"I'm sorry I'm so uptight, but the guild is an independent organization, so it's not something you can be proud of because you belong in the country"

"Damn, that's okay, it's important that it's in the Imperial Capital."

"Oh, yeah..."

Hikaru, who almost said that at that time,

Behind the counter, I sensed special signs from the stairs going upstairs.

"Wow, Mr. Silsill, you're lucky! I can't believe I can see that one (...)!

Alice's words pass her ears.

The woman comes down the stairs in a relaxed gait. It's nothing if that's all, but Hikaru couldn't turn a blind eye.

Just like Hikaru, there was a glimpse of an adventurer staring at her —— just like Hikaru, they may also have "intuitive" skills.

"That one belongs to the Imperial Capital Guild. As an adventurer, I'd say top of the list! Whatever. She's --"

Alice said. Words that support Hikaru's "intuition."

"-- because I'm a Rank S adventurer, that there are only two people on this continent."