"I'm really, really sorry..."

Harriet, crying, bowed her head in a corner of Vinreese's city.

The sunlight at dusk is beautiful on the blonde hair.

Leechee shook her head sideways in Harriet's fading apology.

"It's all right, Harriet-sama, don't worry about it."

"Oh no! Your Highness, I hope you will reflect on it."Since you said, "I want to go shopping in the city in the time until dinner," Leechee-san is hanging out with you.She said that she would prepare her own belongings, so if I was moved and entrusted to her...! "

The maid's chief, who had carved a cord between his eyebrows, sighed heavily.

"I can't believe I let a maid carry a bag of Fabranian gold coins instead of a bag of Galkhain gold coins..."


Harriet's way of sagging was as if there was a heavy stone on her head.

The maiden chief repeatedly said that he was going after such a master.

“With Fabrania gold, you can't shop at places like Galkhain.Although it was good because it was a city with a money exchange office..... "

“Yes! This is a city with bureaux de change, so there is no problem.”

Interrupting Harriet's conversation with the maid, Leechee smiled at Harriet.

"Harriet's maid has exchanged it for Galkhain gold."When you're done, enjoy shopping until dinner. ”

"U, ahh, thank you..."

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous words."Don't spoil it, Highness Harriet. "

While smiling bitterly at the harshness of the maid, Leechee glanced back.

The Leeches are waiting for their maids right next to the building where the exchange office is located.Even though it is in an unobstructed corner, it is probably because there are more than ten people in the general area that it attracts the attention of passers-by.

The reason for this was that there were about five Fabranian female knights accompanying them for shopping, saying that they were "recovering."

Of course, Raul's escort to Sigwell's country is nearby.In order to avoid standing out any more, the guard knight usually accompanying Leechee was left alone in the castle.

(The knights of Fabrania and Sigwell have no eye contact or conversation.)

Apparently, it's not about working together to protect Harriet, it's about individual missions.

(The Knights of Fablania are better trained than the Knights of Sigwell.Her Majesty the King of Fabrania has given his fiancé a firm escort.)

Leechee thought for a moment.

(King Fabrania said that he would give Harriet a lot of money and spend free time shopping in Galkhain.... and Harriet seems to be choosing the best of the few female knights to escort her.)

It was the words of King Fabrania that hurt young Harriet.

However, the current King Fabrania cannot be said to cherish Harriet only by deeds.


Feel your gaze and raise your face as you bother your head.

Then I saw Oliver standing in front of the exchange office, away from where Leechee was.

We can see each other's faces, but we're far enough away to have a conversation.Oliver smiled and gave a bow, so Leechee gave a bow as well.

(I wonder if Lord Oliver is using it for Lord Arnold?)

As expected, Oliver went into the exchange office.According to Arnold, there are only a few houses left to go around.

However, Arnold's work would have increased if Leechee had asked him to investigate.As a result, I felt sorry for Oliver because he would have been burdened.

(Speaking of which.....)

I remembered the conversation I had with Arnold on the beach.

Do you plan to change the currency of Galkhain to one with low gold and silver content?

... that's right.

At that time, I felt that it was a vague reply for Arnold.

Why on earth is that?Maybe Arnold still has a secret about this.

(Perhaps Lord Arnold......)

Such a voice was suddenly heard as I was circling such a thought.

Your Highness Harriet, don't be discouraged, you're a cat again.

”Hi, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Harriet, who replied with a flipped voice, stretched her spine in a panic.

But I can see that she's not deliberately rolling her back.

“Damn it, why would they take such a stance?Be majestic, as you always say. "

"Ahh, that..."

Instead of Harriet with a sad expression, Leechee opens her mouth.

Maid of honor, it's never a matter of the roots of your heart that your back turns round.

"...... you say?"

"It's Harriet's muscles that solve that problem!"

Harriet and the maid commander opened their mouths with a sigh of seriousness.

"Muscles... what did you say?"

"Keeping your spine straight is only after you've had a hard time, which means you need the strength to support your body.What Harriet lacks is not temper, but strength. ”

Leechee explains, touching her own stomach with her hands.

"First the abs, then the spine. When I checked Harriet's posture, it didn't seem to lead to any skeletal distortion, but it became more serious after the age of twenty.”

"But seriously..."

"Nowadays, Harriet can't support her body with her muscles, so her back and neck become rounded.It is the bones that are burdened, so as they grow older, they lead to pain in the neck, shoulders, and hips. "

If the symptoms progress to that point, it will affect my daily life.

“Dear Harriet, sitting alone can hurt your body and make reading difficult.”

"Hee...!? Well, how can we prevent that...?"

“You need to do a minimum of exercise first, but 'lengthen your spine' is also part of the exercise.It's not a courtesy, it's a health exercise, and you might want to build it up little by little every day. ”

Leechee then pointed to the large window embedded in the white wall of the exchange office.

“Dear Harriet, if you look at the windowpane, you will see yourself, right?”


Harriet's eyes shook as if she wasn't familiar with her figure.

Harriet, who was reflected there, was beautiful after all.However, the figure was a little catty, and the maid's chief probably cared about it.

"Try to lengthen your spine and lengthen your chest.... yes, you're good! "

"I-It's tough just being in this posture..."

“Maybe at first.But look at the window again. ”

Harriet's eyes, following Leechee's words, opened wide in surprise.


Harriet's hairstyle and dress there weren't changed a few minutes ago, of course.

However, there was a clear change.

The silhouette of the dress looks more beautiful and the body feels refreshed.Thanks to her chest up and face up, her face was bright, and the makeup she applied around her eyes sparkled.

“Just stretch your spine and lengthen your chest for a completely different impression?”

"Oh, really...?"

Leechee smiled at Harriet, who repeatedly blinked.

“Keeping a beautiful posture can be tough when you're not used to it.However, if you think that the dress you're wearing looks nice while you're in the mood, you'll feel like you can do your best just a little bit. "


Harriet seemed to bite Leechee's words, staring at herself in the glass of the window.

Then, looking down at the dress she wore, she smiled as if she had caught a glimpse of it.

"... yes..."


Seeing the smile, Leechee rushed to the maid's head.

"Master Maid, did you just see it...!?"Harriet-sama's grim smile is so lovely and adorable...! "

"N... I don't know, I'm not done yet!!"It's only natural that you should always be happy and loving in other countries...!! "

But it was nice, wasn't it?

"Well, well, that's not true...!!"

After the maid said so, he held down his mouth with his right hand as if he had taken it unknowingly.

Even so, I will not cancel the statement.Seeing Harriet and the maid in charge like that, Leechee fell into a mess.

(I'm glad that Harriet-sama seems to be having a little fun.It's sunset and I need to get back to the castle right away... but I want to make sure there are lots of places where Harriet will be happy.)

What kind of shop does Harriet like?

Leechee was excited to imagine the shopping that would follow.

Princess Harriet had a small bag in addition to her new dress.

I said I would prepare for shopping myself, so I prepared the bag.

Harriet turned her back on Leechee, who was talking to the maid, and opened the clasp of the bag and peered into it to avoid being seen.

"... money..."

Inside Harriet's bag are a few gold coins.

The inscription is a simplified design of the eagle, the national chapter of Galkhain.Harriet stroked the wings with her white finger.

"Galkhain's money.... money, money, money..."

And the bag closes quietly.

What she spins is a voice so small that it can hardly be called a breath.The sound of the sea breeze and the sound of the waves scratching away, bumps and murmurs.

"... this money gives me what I wanted..."

After browsing a few shops, Richet and Harriet returned to the castle using their carriages when sunset arrived.

The maid greets you as you enter the entrance hall and gives you a soft message.

"Welcome back, Mr. Leechee. As a matter of urgency, I received a message from Mr. Oliver saying that His Highness the Arnold would like to see you."

"Thank you, I'll come to the office soon."Well then, Harriet, I'll see you later. "

"Yes, yes, thank you...!!"

Break up with Harriet, who bows his head many times, and head to Arnold's office.

When I knocked on the door, Oliver welcomed me in.

"Excuse me, Your Highness Arnold."

"..... ahh"

Arnold, who is moving his pen, is changing into a black shirt.The button on the collar was removed and I usually saw the hidden scar.

Will you listen to me, Mr. Leechee?

Oliver, who came in after closing the door, shrugged his shoulders.

"If only I were you!"While I was looking away, it seemed like I was dressed and immersed in the sea for some reason..... "


Leechee stiffened herself and glanced back at Oliver.

"You won't even ask me what happened to you."I would definitely like you to take a breath, but I also want you to make a mess... "

"Ah, that Oliver!!" I'm not your Highness about that.... "

"... Leeche"

While Oliver wasn't looking, he put his index finger in front of Arnold's lips.

Perhaps it means "keep it a secret."


It's expressionless, but it's like a child after playing a prank.

If Arnold was scolded by Oliver, then Leechee needs to tell us what happened.

Even so, it was difficult to force them to do such a trick.

(I don't know why you want to keep it to yourself....... I must apologize to Lord Oliver for telling the truth in the absence of Lord Arnold.....)

Oliver called for Leechee.

"Mr. Leechee, please come to this couch."... my son too "


Arnold stands up and sits down on one of the couches with a low table between it.

She was prompted to sit next to her, and Leechee sat beside her.When Arnold signals Oliver, Oliver sits across from Leechee and Arnold after a bow.