There are things in this world that you can't understand, even if you know you have to.

Um, can I ask you again?

"So! The plan is that Oscar will hate me and will kill me, so Leanne and I are too dangerous..."

Oscar frowns when he talks about not getting Cecilia's guidelines.

This is the third time I have her explain the story of her previous life, but I can't understand it because her story is not organized.

No, I don't really understand.I understand what she's saying, and the line of words tells me what's in it.However, it is difficult to swallow without any help.I don't want to swallow it.

(Why am I destined to kill Cecilia...)

I didn't know what she meant by 'game', but I quickly understood that I could interpret it as knowing the future.However, I don't like the fact that the events of the future will make me the enemy of Cecilia.I have no idea how that future will end up.

Well, the last thing I know...

"That's why I decided to dress up as a man and go to college!"

The outcome of her story.

Oscar has a wrinkle between his eyebrows that he can't understand.

(But certainly, this is' unintelligible ')

When Gilbert noticed Cecilia's masculine outfit, he said, 'I don't understand Oscar' why she was wearing it.At that time, I thought I was being fooled, but I certainly don't understand this.

"So, I'd like you to help me get the [Sword of Selection] back from Prince Janice..."

Cecilia said so as to close her explanation.

After thinking for a moment, Oscar chooses a word.

"I don't mind that."There's a birthday ceremony to call, so that's fine, right?I was just about to invite Nortlach.If you name it with an appropriate reason, it will respond. "

But I'm begging you, won't you bother the King or Oscar?

I really need you to do me a favor.

Oscar's arms froze at Cecilia, who looked worried.

"Well, we'll manage around here."The [Sword of Selection] belongs to Torsch in the first place, and even if it is Prince Janis, it will be dark behind him, so even if something happens, it cannot be made public.Not to mention the fact that we can't protest. "

I see.

"The question is, what do we do after the call?"I think you know.Even if you negotiate, you're not the right person to respond to me.

Cecilia claps her chest confidently to the words.

"I have an idea!"

"I can't count on your thoughts."


"Not bad."

It is a gift of experience and (inverse) trust in her.

"For now, let's work out a plan with Gilbert."I don't know what I can do, but if that's the case, I'll help as much as I can. "

Thank you, Oscar!

In Cecilia's appearance, Cecil reacts.

Looking at her like that, she smiled naturally.

(This is really Cecil.)

I think so again.

It's so far from the Cecilia statue I imagined, but it's not so bad either.It's much better this way.

Without noticing Oscar's gaze, Cecilia stood up as if she were enthusiastic.It is the fist that is hoisted to the chest.

Oh dear! Once this happens, you'll have to put in your temper!

It's good to be enthusiastic, but before you do that, can you heal your wounds?

Yeah! It looks like you hit me pretty flashy on the stomach, it hurts.

That said, she rolled up her shirt.At that moment, Oscar screamed silently.

"You, now...!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! But Oscar is naked, and he's a naked man!"

I don't know what you're talking about.Perhaps she equates her exposure to the abdomen with Oscar's exposure to the abdomen.If so, it is a serious problem.

I'm not saying it's okay because I'm hungry.You can't have a stomach.

(Gilbert, it must have been tough.)

Looking at Cecilia laughing to hide her failure, she inadvertently feels sympathy.

If it were my sister-in-law and my contemplator, Oscar might have gone a little crazy.

After returning her shirt, Cecilia raised her face.

“Oscar, where's your shirt?It's just your jacket, isn't it? "

"Ah? Oh, it was under your head." Speaking of which,


Cecilia looked back vigorously.There is a folded shirt behind her.

I felt sorry for putting her to sleep on a rocky floor, so I laid it under her head...I thought about putting my jacket under her, but it was wet, and I thought I shouldn't lose my temperature, so I refrained from doing so.

"I'm sorry! I should have dried it right away!"

In a panic, Cecilia grabs her shirt.It wasn't exposed to the fire, but it was still wet.I should have squeezed it under her head, but I think it's wetter than when I put it on because I inhaled the moisture from her hair.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault.... it's cold, isn't it? "

"No, I'll wear my jacket when it's dry."

I'm sorry to have to follow Cecilia.

Then she curled up with a blanket on her shoulder.

"Well then, at least use this?"I'm fine now. "

"You can use it." I'm fine, too. "


It's only natural that you won't dry your clothes, right?

You can take off your Oscar, but she won't go either.You know that wet clothes take away the body heat of young children.

"Yes, but..." Cecilia was lost for a while, then spread the blanket over her shoulder.At that moment, her shirt stuck to her skin as it got wet.

Well then, shall we use it together?

Pardon me, but the back of my head hit the rock wall.

(What are you talking about, this is......)

The emotions are closer to anger than confusion, more than awe.

I sat next to a thinker in a wet shirt whose skin was so white that it could be seen through, covered with the same blanket, and I wasn't dead enough to pretend to be plain.So, if you're talking about withering or not withering, it's high season.In the midst of puberty.

Oscar unexpectedly distances himself from her.

It's okay! Don't worry about it!


But don't! Don't come over here!

I didn't expect to use the words "Don't come over here" against her.

Cecilia comes to us with a blanket with a pure, worrying face.

But it's cold, isn't it?

"It's so hot right now, don't worry!"

"You don't have to be so careful..."

"You watch out for me!"

When I was careful, I stood up and took my distance from Cecilia.The rock wall that hits my back is cold, but my body is hotter than that.

She's getting cocky, too. She gets up and walks up to us.

You're going to get killed in so many ways.

She tilted her head with a cute face.



"I said, 'I'll take care of it!'"

It was a few tens of minutes ago.

Please, I want you to take care of the person you like as much as possible.

Why does she take it for granted to put raw meat at the tip of the hungry beast's nose?So, there is no beast here in her, and there is no raw meat?I see. Then we may not be able to find out.

But there are beasts here, and there's raw meat.

The reason of the beast is an iron wall, and the raw meat is only unconscious.

"Oscar, what have you been talking about?"

"I'll return the exact words to you."What are you talking about?! "

Um, let's go in with the blanket?

"So, what are you really saying!"

"Come on, don't hold back!"

I don't know why, but if I find out, I'm cornered by the wall.

"You're going to catch a cold." "I'm tilting my neck, but it's better to catch a cold than to go in."



I shake off her arm as she offers me a blanket.

But at that moment...


My arm hit Cecilia's body with a lot of strength.

Cecilia falls backwards.

Oscar grabs her by the arm.


The moment I held her back, she fell off her knee.Your body collapses in front of you.

Painful palms. Hot knees. The back of her hand, which held her head, felt like sand.

"Um, I'm sorry..."

“How's it going?

When he opened his eyes with Cecilia's apology, Oscar pushed Cecilia down.


I can't breathe in too much of a state.His lips trembled and his fingertips trembled.

At the same time as I think I've done it, I also feel that it's too bad.


Her heart was about to explode when she heard her voice nearby.

Oscar bites his back teeth.

That's enough, isn't it?I've had enough of advising her, and I've been patient.I'm telling her too much, and she doesn't hate it.

Whatever happens here, I'm sure she's responsible.

That's when the demon's whisper almost rocked.

The rustle and trees outside the cave swayed.

Cecilia's body twitched as she sat in her arms at the sound.

Oh, Oscar?

"It's okay."

In an instant, Oscar regains his coolness and kills his breath on the spot.

And then--

"Cecil, Your Highness, here--"

"..... ah"

“How's it going?

Ah, Gil!

It was Cecilia who made a bouncing voice.

Meanwhile, Oscar, with Cecilia pushed down, turns his face blue.

Gilbert's expression disappeared when he finally found the two of them.

Only Cecilia, who did not understand their feelings at all, rushed to Gilbert under Oscar's arm with a happy face.

"Gil! Thank you for picking me up!"Um, Oscar found out about the men's clothes.... "

"That's fine now..."

When Gilbert puts his jacket on her shoulder, the two of them try to sneak behind the cave.

Oscar, who had crawled on all fours, stopped in a hurry.

"Gilbert! This is different! You know-"

"This scrap...!"

Gilbert's face was more terrifying than any he had ever seen.