Cheng Huan pushed the fully loaded shopping cart back home with the stars, unloaded all the things, and went to return the car.

When he came back, Xingxing had already unpacked the doll. He held the doll in both hands and put it in front of the bed and talked to it.

"You have to be obedient, don't run."

Cheng Huan stood outside the door and laughed dumbly. She walked in to look at the doll lying on the pillow, and asked the star: "It sleeps here, where should I sleep?"

The bed provided by the landlord is quite big, measuring about one meter eight.There were two pillows on the bed, one for the mother and the child. The star put the doll on Cheng Huan's pillow and pushed the pillow to the center of the bed.

"Just let him sleep for a while." The little guy was cold and ruthless, patted the mattress and said to Cheng Huan: "When my mother sleeps, I will kick it off."

Cheng Huan: "..." Is it so cruel?

Xingxing didn't know that he had erected the image of a scumbag in his mother's heart. He decided the fate of the baby in the future. He held Cheng Huan's hand again: "Mom, let's make mooncakes."

Cheng Huan was sad for the baby for a moment. He glanced at the time and discussed with Xingxing: "Let’s make lunch first, and then make moon cakes after dinner, OK?"

"it is good!"

After eating breakfast late, Cheng Huan was not hungry now, so he made a one-person children's meal for Xingxing.

Xing Xing was worried about the moon cakes, and even the food was not delicious. He barely wrapped the last bite in his mouth. Before chewing, he jumped off the table and ran over: "Momo, I'm finished."

"Eat what's in your mouth first before talking." Cheng Huan poked the little guy's bulging face and said with a smile.

Xing Xing chewed the things in her mouth, Cheng Huan tidied up the dishes, and when she was done, she took out the flour, grabbed a bit and put it on the clean table, ready to make dough.

There are two types of skins for fresh meat mooncakes, dry pastry and watery oil skin.

You don't need to add water to make dry pastry. You only need to add a little lard to the all-purpose flour, rub the lard with the mouth of the tiger, and use the temperature of your palm to fuse the lard and flour to form a smooth dry pastry.

Make dry shortbread and then make water oily skin.Put the flour on the table and make a circle around the city, empty the center, put crushed lard, pour in hot water, still rub it with your hands, knead the dough into shape, cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit for 15 minutes.

During the waiting time, Cheng Huan began to make fillings. The pork used for the fillings was made from hind legs, three fat and seven lean, minced meat fillings, added salt, sugar, dark soy sauce, black pepper and sesame oil, and then added to the meat. Pour the green onion and ginger water into the filling in batches and stir while pouring to remove the fishy smell from the meat.

The minced meat absorbs all the water and needs to be beaten to increase the muscle strength. Cheng Huan held the minced meat in his hand and beat it down. Curious to see the stars, he had to try it himself.

"All right, here you are." Cheng Huan was not afraid of the children's spoilage anyway. She took the stars to wash her hands and let the little guy stand on the stool, pinching a small piece of meat and beating it.

Xing Xing is young and has little strength. When he broke the meat, Cheng Huan had already beaten the meat into a mass. The meat on Xing Xing's hands was still scattered, and many of them were stuck on the table.

He picked up the scattered minced meat with his hands, looked at Cheng Huan, who had finished his work next to him, and stared at the small mass of meat that was still loose, a little anxious: "Mom, wait for me."

"Well, don't worry, you can do it slowly." Cheng Huan put the prepared meat fillings in the refrigerator, took up the water and oily skins that had been proofed on the side, and wrapped them outside the dry shortbread.

The softness and hardness of the two types of dough needs to be about the same. After wrapping, use a rolling pin to roll the dough to a certain level. Pick up and fold it in half, and then continue rolling.

Rolling noodles is a very laborious task. Cheng Huan felt a little hot after doing it for a while. She stopped and took a breath. Seeing the stars looking over, she said to him, "Baby, I have no strength."

Xingxing quickly got off the stool and ran to the side anxiously: "Then mom, take a break!"

"You don't need to rest." Cheng Huan nodded the little guy's nose with a finger soaked in flour, "Just kiss me."

The star pressed his white nose, and nodded without thinking, "Mom, come down, so I can't kiss him."

Cheng Huan bent down and moved his face toward her. Xing Xing leaned forward and kissed her. The flour on her nose was rubbed back on her face.

The noodles are rolled into a thin and large square, and you can start to roll them up. Try to tighten them when you roll them.Roll the dough into long strips, pinch out a three-finger-wide agent, squeeze it, and put in the meat.

Xingxing failed to smash the meat before, and the pile of meat has been smashed. Now he wants to wrap moon cakes and is eager to try.

"Mom, I learned too!"

"Then you try it." Cheng Huan took a potion and handed it to him: "Squash it first, then put the meat in it."

"I remember!" The star looked like a bamboo in his chest, but he was dumbfounded in the actual operation. The dough that looked obedient under his mother's hands became extremely difficult to handle in his hands. After several shots, it didn't take much.

Xing Xing was taken aback and looked up at Cheng Huan. Cheng Huan was putting the fillings and didn't notice his sight.

The little guy pouted and thought for a while, retracted his gaze, turned the dough in his hand, and patted it several times, but the table was creaked by him.

The cake was finally taken, and the star seemed to have completed an amazing task. He exhaled and looked at the person next to him.

Okay, mom is still busy.

Cheng Huan's mouth was suffocated with a smile, seeming to be busy with something in his hands, but in fact, his gaze is always on the side.

The stars wanted to ask for praise but didn't ask for it, and there was a little disappointment in his heart.This emotion came and went quickly. He watched Cheng Huan wrap another moon cake, and hurriedly took a spoon and spread minced meat on the dough.

He hadn't done this before, and he didn't know how to start. There was a high layer of meat on the dough. The little guy stared at the movements of Cheng Huan's hands, while drawing the gourd and drawing the dough together.

He put too much meat and his hands were small. When he was kneading the dough, the meat kept falling down. The stars looked anxious, and he wanted to pinch the meat into it when it fell.

"It's alright, let me wrap it." Cheng Huan finally couldn't stand it when Xing Xing was about to bend over to pick up minced meat on the ground. She took the stuff from Xing Xing's hand and removed some of the stuffing. He closed the dough.

Pressing down the wrapped moon cake with his hand, Cheng Huan handed the things to Xingxing: "Look, it's wrapped."

Xingxing took the mooncakes and looked at them over and over again. They liked it very much.

He wrapped the mooncake in his hand and took a mouthful of saliva: "Mom, can you eat this?"

"Not yet, now the mooncakes are raw, you have to bake them before you can eat them." Cheng Huan wrapped the best one, and took out the tortured mooncake in the little guy's hand and put it on the plate.

The star looked particularly reluctant, and his gaze kept following the path of the mooncakes. He walked to the kitchen next to Cheng Huan and said, "I made that one."

"Yes, it's star-wrapped. I'll give it to you when it's cooked."

However, Xingxing shook his head when he heard the words, and said crisply, "Give it to mom."

Cheng Huan looked down at him, feeling a little moved. She opened the oven door, put the things in, set the time and temperature, closed the door, bent over and pulled the star’s little hand: "Okay, mooncakes made of stars are for mom to eat. Mom made it for the stars."

The mooncakes need to be baked for 20 minutes, and they have to be turned once every ten minutes. The mooncakes just out of the pan are steaming and the crust is soft and sweet, and the delicious soup will flow out after a bite.

Xingxing likes the taste very much, and it is still not enough after eating one.

"Mom, I still want to eat."

"You've already eaten one, and you can't eat more." Cheng Huan held the plate, and nodded at him with his chin: "If you don't believe me, touch your stomach."

Xing Xing really stretched out his hand to touch his belly. He hadn't digested his meal after lunch. Now he ate a large moon cake, and his belly was bulging.

He patted his belly and put down his clothes, his expression was a bit melancholy: "I'm full."

Fresh meat mooncakes are the best when they are just out of the pan, they won’t work when they are cold.Cheng Huan made eight mooncakes and delivered half of them to the opposite door. He ate one by himself, and put the remaining two in the refrigerator to eat when the stars wanted.

The reheated mooncakes were not as popular as they were originally. After eating half of the mooncakes at night, he didn’t want to eat them anymore. He put the remaining mooncakes on the plate and climbed onto the sofa to lie in his arms: "Mom, why is this bad? have eaten?"

"The freshly made food is the best, and it will become more and more unpalatable in the future. Think about it if you save the lunch for the evening, is it also unpalatable?"

The little guy thought for a while and nodded. He ate leftovers and it was really unpalatable.

"Then mom, when shall we make mooncakes again?" He was a little expectant.

It’s fun to make mooncakes.

Cheng Huan held him and changed the channel with the remote control. The Mid-Autumn Festival was playing on TV, and a well-known singer was singing on the stage.

The full moon hung outside the house and the moonlight was clear. Cheng Huan looked back and said to the star: "Wait for the next Mid-Autumn Festival."

Xing Xing didn't know how long to wait for the next Mid-Autumn Festival, he hugged Cheng Huan's neck, hummed, expecting the day to come sooner.

The next day, Cheng Huan was going to work again.

Xingxing didn't go to school, and the family next door went abroad for a trip. Cheng Huan was worried about leaving the little guy at home alone, so he took him to the stall.

During the National Day holiday, C city, as a famous tourist city, attracted a large number of foreign guests, and her small barbecue stall was busier than ever.

Cheng Huan’s current stall is twice as large as it was originally. The shop next to her was not good at cooking. After Cheng Huan set up the stall, the business got worse and worse. The stall owner once came over for a fight and reported Prohibited items were added to her barbecue. People from the Food Administration came over and found nothing from her. Instead, they found spoiled meat next door.

The stall next door was ordered to rectify and was closed for a period of time. After a few days, someone moved all the tables and chairs, leaving an empty space.

Cheng Huan took advantage of the opportunity to rent the place next door, and hired another person. Now there are four temporary workers in her small booth, plus five people with her.

In this night market, it is also considered a big business.

There are so many things to be busy at night, and Cheng Huan can't always be with the stars. Fortunately, the little guy is also used to it and can have fun alone.

He was sitting on a table by the door, writing and drawing on paper with reference to the moon in the sky.

These days, the painting skills of stars have improved a lot, and now the moon painted is quite round.

He lowered his head to paint the moon, and only halfway through it, he was blocked by the light.

The Xingxing raised his head dissatisfiedly, and the person who came with his light on his back, could not see clearly, only to see that he was tall.

He looked up for a long time, his neck was a little sore, the man still didn't get out of his position, the star slumped, and he said angrily: "Uncle, you blocked me."