Two years passed after Astaire was attacked by a dragon.

After that, every land in the Istward Kingdom became hypersensitive to dragon raids, and many nobles consolidated the protection of their territory, causing delays in the distribution of people and goods.

There was an economic impact there.

However, as the Kingdom quickly dispatched a Knights Corps to Astaire and spared no financial or human support, the anxiety of the local lords gradually disappeared, and the economic movement returned relatively quickly.

Now that Astelle has been completely rebuilt, it is as bustling as ever as a popular tourist destination for nobles.

In addition, since the dragons were about to go wild, there were more people to explore or stroll through the mountains.

Because after that raid, the scales of the blue dragon were auctioned off for a high price.

It was the royal family that dropped it, and the scaled armor was made and released.

The beauty was eye-catching, and those who were driven by the desire to get that much for themselves pushed Astaire, both noble civilians.

I thought that human desire was really easy to understand, but that was probably the Kingdom's ploy.

Even if the city of Astelle is rebuilt in terms of buildings, there are naturally fewer people who want to visit the city again.

However, Astaire's economy was in decline, and eventually the size of the city was shrinking.

It is a free city belonging to the Free Cities Union, and it is not a border with other countries or a militarily important land.

Therefore, even if Astelle shrinks, it won't be so much trouble for the Istward Kingdom.

However, if it becomes difficult to remain a free city as a result of the downsizing, it may be a situation that leaves the Free Cities Federation.

The Union of Free Cities has made a considerable economic and military contribution to the Kingdom, and it is painful for the Kingdom of Istward to have such a weaker connection with them.

That is why we dared to make armor on the scale of the Blue Dragon, and burned and visited the nobles and people that there was a seed of profit there, and took measures to make them drop the money.

As a result, the solution hit the picture, and nobody dares to evade Astelle anymore.

In the first place, Astelle is a very attractive land as a tourist destination, so if you actually go there and find that there is no problem, repeat visitors usually come.

The Kingdom succeeded in getting the people to take the first step.

That's why I don't have to worry about Astelle anymore, but I have a little problem.

It's been two years since then, but Black Dragon... Jill hasn't heard from me.

We were talking about coming to get the Dragon Crystal ....

After all, it seemed true that the dragon's sense of time was quite skewed.

Still, at least I want you to come while I'm alive.

When I returned to Astelle from Trud, I explained the situation to Fika, who gave it away, and obtained permission from the Black Dragon to give it away.

Of course, I was very worried about how far I should tell Fica, but from my attitude towards me, I had confidence that if I told him to keep it a secret, he would take it to the cemetery, so I decided to tell him all about it.

Then Fika told me that she would definitely give it to the Black Dragon if there were such circumstances, so I was relieved that I could give it to Jill when he arrived without any sadness.

Instead, Viktor, the head chef of the villa in the city of Astelle, gave Fica the right to dine at the shops that normally open in the city.

You have the right to a free meal whenever you go to the store.

You can eat as much as you want, or if you want to bring your family.

It is such a right.

If it's true, it's not enough for the price of Dragon Crystal, but when I asked Fika if she wanted anything, she asked me if I could give her some food.

I replied, of course, that I don't mind, but I nodded about it more than I thought I would ask for the necessary amount, and when I asked why, I said I wanted to cook it for the people living in the back town of Astaire.

Feca treated me as a saint, but I thought her heart was much more worthy of the saint, and decided to hold regular meetings about the cooking. The Duke of Farrence had the necessary expenses and hired Feca as the head.

I also discussed the assignment of work to the residents of Astelle's backtown because I thought that cooking alone would make the residents of the backtown feel bad.

And when I spent my days like that, Fika was also quite old and fearful of the possibility of being indifferent to her own meal, so I also gave her the right to eat at the store.

I still receive regular reports, and Astaire's back town is gradually shrinking.