For one or two, households, wealth, and power are important, and anything else has come second to third.

That was me, Elaine Farrence, the Duchess of the Duke of Farrence family.

Still, there was no fondness for my husband or for my children, and that's why I did all sorts of things thinking that they could certainly get what I care about.

For example, the eldest son sent bribes, grabbed weaknesses, and sometimes used his own beauty to manipulate to make connections with various nobles so that he could emerge as a nobleman.

The eldest daughter let him play with the princes from a young age to marry the royal family, and he manipulated the favors of the children well and set them up to tell the princes that they wanted to marry their eldest daughter.

The second son had the hope of becoming a swordsman, so the money spent searching is tremendously large so that well-known swordsmen and martial artists can give him immediate guidance.

The second daughter had a rare talent as a magician, so all of them went up to the court magic master, and at the end of the day, there was no shortage of attention to the various faculties to advance to the school director of the School of Magic.

None of this would be a bad thing.

As a mother, as Duchess, I wonder if it would be a truly normal and loving act.

... I thought so from my heart.

But now I was faced with a situation that I had to change about its purpose.

"Mother... no longer, give up"

In the burning mansion, it is my second daughter, Lily, who stares at this one with a rinsy look as she sets up her wand.

Wearing powerful sorcery and growing up as the next court sorcerer, as I expected, she is somehow pointing that wand, that weapon against me.

I tell Lily.

"Hey, what are you giving up? What did I do..."

I realize that my voice is a lot drawn as I say it.

I do know that we should give up already.

But I won't admit that my pride that I've come this far is to admit my mistakes now.

Lily stares at me like that with sad eyes.

Not the eyes that look at the parents.

It's just an eye for criminals......

"Mother is the one who knows best what she did. It's you. Your father has already been executed. My brothers too...... All that's left is your mother and... me."

"Well, then! Let's both get out of here! If you go to your neighbor, Ledart Holy Country, you'll be hiding! Because that country has my mother's home..."

Lily shook her neck to the side when she said it badly.

"That country won't accept my" filthy "home... Isn't that enough, Mother? If you look at this red-burning mansion, you'll see, right? My house has come to a point where I can no longer be saved. Accept it and disappear neatly at the end."

Saying, powerful magic gathers ahead of Lily's wand.

I'm also a pretty high ranking mage in this country, but not far from Lily.

She has the arms of a hero class who can defeat even Golden King demons by herself.

It doesn't matter to me how I can only deal with an exquisite goldsmith demon...

"Come on, it's goodbye, Mother. Don't worry. I will follow you later, too, and with a blow, I will bury you painlessly... so that our sins aimed at the replacement of the royal family, the overthrow of the state, will also be snowed, and everything will be forgotten..."

"Stop... stop...!

Me I told you to scream.

But when Lily didn't hear such a word, she unleashed a powerful, existential extinction magic from the tip of that wand.

Instead of being a court magician, they say you can only use magic as a superb hero. That, by extension, is to me, my mother...

Oh, are you dying here?

That's what I had to understand about boulders, too.

And if you understand...

I could be honest about all my regrets.

I was wrong.

The Duke of Farrence family aimed until the overthrow of the state.

The beginning of that sin is all mine.

I drove my whole family to death, and I became the feather of letting my real daughter, Lily, wipe that ass because I wanted everything I shouldn't have wanted.

Oh, if this is going to happen.

If this were to happen...... I should have tried more carefully and lived happily ever after.

But it was too late to have such regrets.

My presence with the last regret was thus completely wiped out by Lily's sorcery.

... it was supposed to be.

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆


There he is, yes......

My stomach... my lower abdomen, it hurts to death...!

What the hell is this... this, only about four times in my life...!!

The moment I thought so, the sight in front of me opened.

"Come on! Elaine! Almost, almost...! The healer and the midwife are right here! I'm here too......! So come on......!

It was a strong encouraging voice.

Good luck, huh?

What the hell...

Yeah, but somehow I feel like I have to instinctively work hard.

Yes, I need to put some effort into my stomach......

Hold your breath...... yes, because some birth women...... birth women?

What, could I... I'm about to give birth now...?

I thought so, and I looked around, and that was certainly the mansion room where I gave birth before.

I mean, in my room, there are healers and midwives around it, plus the helpful maids walking around busily.

Speaking of myself, I had a tight stomach in a sweaty state and was obviously in labor from a physical condition.

Besides, there's a strange certainty that you'll be born soon.

Is it because the four of you have had children, or are you starting to see that...

No way, Fifth?

No, no, I didn't die in the first place...... why, all of a sudden, I'm in labor.

I wanted to think so calmly and slowly, but my belly child wouldn't wait for me to do that.

... Well, for now, shall we think about it after we give birth?

That's what I thought, I decided to focus on my abdomen and have a baby first.