I can't make an official alliance with me.

Cloudy with words, but that's what Warring Elder Ease said. I just don't hate my voice. Rather, there are emotions that neither give up nor grieve.

"... May I ask why?

So I listened calmly, too.

"We only take law and order… to hedge people's lives and hunt the dark ones"

"Such an alliance with His Highness the Wizard that respects order will only be detrimental to each other."

From the left and right of Ez Old, Old Karaon and Old Dilgiruo explained to me.

The content of the description itself is somewhat as I had also imagined.

"You... I have never made it clear to you that if we are demonists, we will slaughter and abandon women and children, nobles and clerics relentlessly. If you want to get in the way, so will the kid and his parents. Break the law, too. If the powerful were more of a dark worshipper (demonist), rely on the law to do this. … so we are on the outside of every law."

Camberlis also added with a dark face. Isn't it the first time he's talked for so long?

The rade sitting behind him was mouthless and faceless, as usual.

"Speaking of extremes, the aristocracy I used to kill might come at your castle for revenge. Still good?

"... I was aware of the problem"

I answer honestly.

It is clear that they are not rejecting the alliance out of mistrust or will towards me. And in fact, it's also true.

Perhaps, humanely speaking, we should strive to free them from five hundred years of tradition and live a human life. Less, I guess we should let him revisit the idea that it's okay to kill an innocent human being if it's to defeat the ghost, right?

But I was already half convinced of their words.

This is the first time I've felt like coming to this inn. They are not just pathetic barbarians tied to tradition.

"So I'm not going to say 'right now' alliance either.... In the meantime, what about in The Alliance Behind?



Three elders, a witch (Kanagi) and Campbellis also put their arms around my suggestion and tilted their necks.

From a realistic and common sense point of view, I did not make a stranger suggestion.

"We have nothing to lose to each other. In fact, it won't be the same as anything we've done before."

What I said to them was, in short, 'let's work together under the water instead of officially alliing'.

Specifically, we will allow warriors of the warring tribes to be stationed in the castle of Zitheas as before, we will contact each other and send reinforcements in case of emergency, we will share information about the dark, etc.

"But if you complain from somewhere, you look familiar?

"Well, don't"

It's now that warriors of the warring tribe are stationed, and we can make any excuse for staying in the vicinity while we investigate or whatever.

If we're a warrior, it's easy to stay in touch without leaving evidence.

"I don't know what to say... sigh..."

"Oh, my gosh, Ease."

The witch embarrassed old Ez, who roared with such a delicate face. Even so, it also said that I agree with the elf girl's haunting beauty.

When it comes to sighing, the people of the warring tribe are pure.... No, I knew it.

Their purity, their pride, makes our seco sad compared.

"I think I should take it"

While on patrol, the heavily laden voice stopped the atmosphere of the place that was leaning towards affirmation.


"I don't know the fine reason. But I can trust this guy... and I should."

Rade answered the witch's questionable call clearly.

What? Is that what Rade says here?

... don't be kind of hollow.

"Indeed, now that the outbreak of the Great Reproduction (Breed) is definitive, it would be foolish to cut the edge with the Wizard Lord..."

"... right"

The elders are also nodding.

A while later.

The three elders lay flat before the witch and proclaimed.

"As a token of the warring clan, we are forming an unofficial alliance with the Great Wizard Lord Margils."

The beautiful girl with the glossy dark hair smiled and nodded at the old men and told me.

"Please welcome my children."