"Sunny, sunny -!

"Replace wet firewood!

Until earlier the sky of our castle, covered by black clouds, was clear.

It deserves it, the bright voices of Mora and the servants.

The Philsand merchants, who were on the right and left trying to avoid the rain, are also stroking their chests down with relief.

Now they can have a hot lunch too, I thought.


"Ma, Lord Margils? Are you... are you free to stop the rain or let it fall?

"Because that's the kind of spell, this is"

Agbail youth had a blue face. My back is pulling.

Plus a few Philsands around him, slipping their hips and kneeling.

"You've also seen me drop meteorites, haven't you? Compared to that one, it's not a big deal, is it?

In fact, weather manipulation (weather control) is only a six-level spell. If you're a "D&B" wizard, you can use it from 12 levels.

Agbail should also be watching nine levels of meteorites (Meteo) and all kinds of monster creation (Creative All Monsters) in front of him......

"It would be a big deal!? Doesn't that mean if you are there will be no such thing as indestructibility!?


I see?

To date, things have already come out of common sense in this world to drop meteorites and create dragons.

Nevertheless, does manipulating the weather mean that it has a different kind of impact from such 'destructive activities'?

... Considering that, manipulating the weather is quite important.


I'm sorry to hear about this later, but I'm a TRPG geek.

"What happened to Master Agbail?

"Something about the wizard stopping the rain..."

"No way......"

At first, people who would not have thought it was my fault that the rain stopped seemed to have begun to guess the situation from our conversation.

"It's Geo...... thank you, sir!

"Thank the Lord of the Flow (Orli)!

The Mauras heard the noise, too.

Both Dark Elf sisters bow their heads to me with their eyes shining in pure favor.

Most of all (to my oddity) they got used to it, and they immediately turned their heels back to work.

I hope so.

"Stay, wizard!

"Yes, God of Creation (remader) grace the great Margils..."


The merchants and Schulz people surrounding me began to kneel down one after the other to give praise and prayer. Agbail, wandering in his mid back for some reason, is also trying to get on his knees to see how it goes.

This... what do you think?

Even if we try to hide it now, we won't be able to stop them from talking.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that information is spread to the public that I can manipulate the weather...?


Totally unexpected. I had no choice, so I decided to choose what seemed like my next best behavior.

"... you don't have to be so afraid"

"Yes, no, that's not true..."

"Because it's good, because it's good"

Approaching Agbail, who compares himself with me for a moment, puts his hand on his shoulder.


"Come on, stand up"

"Ha ha..."

Pulling Agbail's hand half forcefully changed the ambience as well.

"Whoa, Master Agbail."

"I care so much about the wizard..."

I don't know how this episode will affect the world. but you should try to make a good impact anyway.

First off, Agbail, you could have raised your stock.

I speak to the kneeling people with the shoulders of an annoying young man in my arms.

"You industrious and wise Philsand merchants. You are the first travelers to walk on our streets. I honored that step and was specially presented with clear weather with my magic"

"I knew this weather was wizard..."

"It's a miracle..."

"Although it is only a special response. I want you to remember that you were honored by the wizard Margils."


"Dear Margils!

"Keep your business safe!

Well, that's about it.

Either way, rumors should spread out of their mouths on their own.

Anyway, let the merchant who passes the castle advertise him as a friendly, storytelling wizard.

to the city of Lellis, where they are going, and the surroundings. And to the people who are trying to figure out who I am.

"... it seems you managed to dress up, but it's basically your fault?


It is my own room where I came back to have lunch.

Where I feel a little better, by way of example, the crawler has been showering cold water.

"As it were, sort of. I suppose this thing will raise Master Margils' reputation, won't it?

"That's right. We were all happy."

Ildo and Mora, my father and daughter gave me cover fire, but I'm sure Crawla's right.

"That's a theory of results. I (I) say that Margils has shown great power without thinking."

"Right. Think about using low-level spells in the future."

"And, low level..."

It's been a few days, but Crawla's graceful and cold point remains the same. That lack of forgiveness creeps me out, and I loosen my mouth.

She seemed more distracted by the statement than I honestly bowed my head.

In fact, weather manipulation (weather control) is low compared to an 8-level 9-level spell. There are further shortcomings, which require constant mental concentration in order to maintain effectiveness.

Even now I was working on controlling the energy of the spell in part of my consciousness. Naturally, no other spell can be used in this state.

"And anyway. You are now the Lord of four villages, including Castle Zitheas and three villages, and no Schulz villages. If you don't discipline yourself, you'll be in trouble.

"Oh, I'll be very careful."

"Master Wizard. Go ahead, go ahead. Put it away!

After lunch.

I was in the command room on the second floor of the main tower.

He rented the hall on the first floor to Agbail and key players in the caravan, so he took a temporary look at it.

Ildo's one step ahead, and Crawla's holding back behind him.

Lying flat behind Agbail on one knee is a merchant who leads a caravan.

He is a man who seems to be fattening his personal belly on a set with the Duke of Philsand, called a luxurious robe for good fat body and good waste.

Between me and them were leather bags filled with gold coins loaded by merchants.

"900 gold coins in trade for 30 carriages. 70 gold coins for a toll tax on 60 horses and 120 civilians. As a transit tax, we will pay 970 gold coins combined"

"One, less than the usual half tax rate, but ho, are you sure!? If you want, give me a gift..."

Agbail explains faintly as he puts fatigue on his face. In contrast, the merchant had a melancholy and cold sweat all over his face. It's a victorious attitude that doesn't suit the villain side.

"I don't mind. This is the tax rate we decided on our own. More than that, it will help if you continue to encourage trade and bring moisture to our territory."


Nevertheless, even when a caravan of that size arrives, this profit is less than a thousand gold coins? Not at all enough for a month of labor and maintenance costs (excluding Dwarves and workers) for Castle Zitheas.

I didn't think you were...

Originally, I sometimes consulted with Ill to make it a cheaper tax rate than anywhere else.

"Once the Battle Axe Township tunnel is complete, you can shorten the itinerary that is taking thirty days. If that happens, traders all over Philsand will be taken care of here. No doubt this castle will flourish."

"I hope so."

According to a report by Ildo, it was distant exotic rare incense trees and precious metals, high-quality oils and textiles and other luxury goods and preferences that the merchants of Filsand carried.

They sell such items in the city of Lellis, and on their way home they bring home equally luxurious items such as works of art and crafts, books and medicines made in the Kingdom of the North (Schrendal) and the Kingdom of the West (Rainddal).

Still, one carriage sells about 600 gold coins (round trip) at most. They would be thrilled if the itinerary would be two-thirds because it is in their interest to deduct personnel costs, necessary expenses, and purchase values for carriages, servants, and escorts from it.

(By the way, profits from that mean labor costs are cheap)

Nearly three months have passed since I thought of using Jeetaias Castle as a relay point for the deal.

In the meantime, I feel rewarded for my efforts. When I was working in Japan, I also had a sense of success in my work, but what I now feel is my feelings as the head of the organization.


I see. Don't exalt this.

Above all, it's the first money I've ever earned 'by some decent means', not my Inch Magic or anything.

I can't help but notice my face.


I felt a slight tremor coming from under a sturdy wooden chair and raised my gaze.

I squeezed my face like a castle owner because Crawla was smiling (...).