The Wizard Raised Through TRPG is Still the Strongest in the Other World

Lauris Recapture Battle Part II (Three Names)

"Raulis Recapture Battle" had begun. At least, for mankind - the Lewis Allies.

At the southern end of the Red Dragon, around the border between the mountains and the flatlands.

In a basin surrounded by sparse mountains, the 'Abandoned Capital Lauris' exists.

The city stretches along a snoring lake in the centre of the basin. Castel Lauris was built on the slopes of a mountain bordering the north bank of the lake.

The giant tree that runs through the centre of Castle Lauris and stretches out to heaven......

The 'sacred tree', called the greatest grace given to mankind by the Creating God (remader), which creates infinite magic. One of them, called the 'Mother of Mercy of Lauris', should have been half-dead, with only trunks and branches.

"Oh, oh... and the sacred tree... the 'Mother of Mercy of Lauris'..."

"Really... resurrected, being... how beautiful..."

The golden-haired princess and the dark-haired sorcerer Guild Branch Manager mutter. There were tears of emotion in their eyes.

Yes, "Mother of Mercy of Lauris" was back.

The scratches on the trunks and branches are fully healed, and the green leaves cover the castle and the city like a lid. From the trunk and leaves, from time to time, some shining particles blow up and dance in the wind. It's intense enough magic to visualize.

"... our Mother of Mercy..."

"I wanted to show these sights to my fathers too..."

"Did Master Margils really get us this far... Master Margils is the savior"

Naturally, Lauris prostitutes, including the Lyle youth who follow the princess, are also in tears.

They have all spent a decade being attacked by a suddenly emergent army of demons (Legion), deprived of their homes and families and forced to live miserably as refugees. Many of the same refugees have given up returning to Lauris and become residents of another city or village.

Without the struggle of the princess and the leadership, including Lyle, so many soldiers would not even have been able to assemble for recapture.

I can get out of that situation...... that definite feeling of reality was giving them so much fighting will that their whole bodies trembled.

"... I knew... It's amazing how you actually look at it."

Crawla, who stands side by side with the princess and the branch manager to gaze at the 'Mother of Mercy', is also flabbergasted. In her case, half of it is an emotion for Geo's magical power.

Flagged by Princess Laetitia, the "Allied Coalition Corps" had a formation on a rock about a kilometre from Lauris. Even so far away, the majesty of the Mother of Mercy is sufficiently visible.

The units are composed of thirty Lauris prostitutes, two hundred Lelis mercenaries, six Lyushuk branch magicians, and Crawla and Reykha.

Normally, he would have been spotted and raided by scouts' little ghosts and wide-ranging wing ghosts before approaching this point.

They were traveling without being discovered in the dark by Geo's spell [Superior Transparency (Greater Invisibility)]. He has also succeeded in laying down large shields and piling them and using rocks that roll around him to build impromptu bases.

The effect of the spell has now expired. But even observing the city of Lauris in the distance, the occasional wandering demons didn't seem to have noticed this one yet.

That is why the princesses and prostitutes who look up to the Mother of Mercy from behind the defense can also afford to weep.

"Come on... it's time to get started"


Princess Latia, who wiped her tears, called out to Lyle. It is a delicately decorated, lightweight piece of armor that showcases the former glory of the Royal family Lauris. On the back, an arrow barrel on an equally graceful long bow. Exactly, the decadent beauty was also tight.


As Lyle raised one hand, the prostitutes and mercenaries set their posture right and turned their gaze to the princess.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the brave warriors of the Lellis mercenary corps. And fellow (and more) citizens of Lauris. From now on, our Allied Coalition forces will launch an attack on the Dark One as a precursor to Operation Lauris Retrieval."

The princess's voice sounded as beautiful as the sound of ease. Enough to reach all the soldiers guarding the long defense bases. For the first time since childhood, the vocalization exercised on the raising parent is really useful.

"To all the Lauris prostitutes, I would like to say something in particular. Completely accomplishing this task is your duty to Margils, the great benefactor, who gathered for Lauris."

"... cum"


To the words of Princess Raitier, the Lauris Prostitutes nod with a serious face. Some of them, once again, even wept.

Lauris recapture that I thought was impossible, and return. From the time I heard that the 'Great Wizard', who had no brother-in-law whatsoever, was at the forefront of it, the refugees in Lauris felt immensely beneficial to Geo. And now, in reality, we have made our homeland present, and moreover, the symbol of our homeland, the Mother of Mercy, is resurrected.

Now there's no way their minds won't roll.

"What matters in the mission is how many demons can be drawn. I hereby declare - in case anyone retreats before me, think I will be shot in the back."


"For Princess Latia! For Lauris!

The words of a fierce and extreme princess. But it had inspired the Lauris Prostitutes from the bottom of their hearts.

"Attack...... Start!

The Princess's decree sounds. As we could not wait, numerous arrows were released from bows erected by prostitutes and relis mercenaries.

Nevertheless, it is not a range of bows and arrows from the base to the town of Lauris. The main thrust of the first attack is….

"Hexagonal eutectic! Prepare!"

"Copy that!"

Perryshra, the magician Guildreushk Branch Manager, and his five high brothers.

The magicians hang their canes around the branch manager of the glasses on the dark hair. A rainbow ray connected the six canes and painted a giant magical letter in the air.

"Echocrystallography Gigafire Arrow!

A surgical name that would have probably had some disrespect if Geo had listened. But the power was certain. It produces a flame sphere the size of a private house and makes it land in the city of Lauris.



A few unlucky little boys walking along the edge of the city were burned down by direct fire balls. The relentlessly spreading flames burn up the surrounding little ghosts and houses. The power itself did not extend far to Geo's [fireball (fireball)], but the offensive range was considerable.



Exactly, the demons also noticed the defense bases built away from the city and the humans forming there.

In that case, that's the dark one.

I don't think about anything later, and I run out screaming. To the humans, of course.

"Here they come! Go for it! Go for it!

The little ghosts emerge from all over the city and storm in small groups with three, five. The first shooter was the Lellis Mercenary Squad.

Mercenary Captain Hooli's orders. Shows brilliant simulation.



Several of the arrows poured almost straight down the line shoot through the little ghost.

In a mass battle, the main point of an attack by a bow or arrow is not the hit rate of each arrow, etc. How many arrows can be dropped within the range specified by the Commander?

Hooli had an accurate idea of the range and skill of the mercenaries' long bows, and had set a line called 'When the demons get around here, shoot'. The mercenary archers faithfully carry out their orders and continue to release arrows to the point designated by Hooli.

The Lauris prostitutes also unleash arrows with a skill above that of something that has no greater control than the mercenaries.

"This is... That's brilliant."

"People don't see it."

It was Princess Laitia with her graceful bow that Crola and Perryshra turned their praiseworthy gaze. The princess's strong bow, unsuitable for the dazzling appearance, was shooting through the chest and forehead of a thrusting little ghost accurately.

This is also the result of the training received by the princess in the refugee camps.

"Great skill, I'm ready.... both of you."

Crawla is undoubtedly at the top of the list in the Sedia world, both as a mage and as a nobleman. But Perryshra and Leitia are the real culmination of their respective fields (albeit limited to the Ryus region).

Crawla, who had recently been anxious about her role in the castle of Zytheas, gently bites her lips.

For the first time in almost my life, Crawla remembered her feelings of jealousy towards the same sex. In those ears, the roar of the men echoed.

"Don't lose to the princess!

"Show me the pride of Lauris!

If the princess struggles, so do the men's morale.

"Destroy the devil!

"Fuck you!

Reaching the defensive base, the mercenaries and the prostitutes spear the little ghosts trying to crawl up, grinding away with swords.

"It's always the case that the devils are disorderly. But I've never had a clump like this before."

"... you're right"

Perry Shra whispers to Crawla, who was slightly retreating from the defense base and watching the battlefield.

It was just a group of lone or a handful of little ghosts jumping out of Lauris Street earlier and heading for base defense.

It would be convenient to think only of the scene of this battle, but then we cannot fulfil the task of Troop "luring the Dark Squad out of Lauris".

The anxiety that arose between the two of them was, however, fogged with the voice of a mercenary watchman.

"There's a lot of wing ghosts up there! And a giant ghost from the city... a rock ghost!

"You did."


Standing on the stepping stone set behind the defense, the princess shrugged. At the end of his gaze, a few giant ghosts emerged from the shadows of the city and a rock ghost wondering if it would be double. Each giant ghost follows dozens of little ghosts. Behind the giant body of a rock ghost, there seems to be a further multitude of little and giant ghosts.

And in the sky, spread a triangular skin membrane, a shadow of a winged ghost dancing through the universe. It's a number I don't even want to count.

"Echocrystallography Spreadfire Arrow!

Perryshra's voice echoed from behind, and countless arrows of flames rushed up into the air.



Magic flames pierce winged ghosts one after the other and wrap them in flames.

I guess it's less durable in exchange for its ability to fly, the attacked wing ghost screams and crashes. Still, many black shadows are still overhead.

"That's it.... Captain! Master Perry Shra! Lord Crawler! Step back!"


The mercenary captain nodded at the princess's signal and signaled the mercenaries to retreat.

The eutectic technique, which is the center of the unit's firepower, cannot be used many times a day. In this mission, once Perryshra used the eutectic technique twice, all troops were planning to retreat immediately.

But the proselytizing soldiers tie up new arrows, and do not begin to set up spears and prepare to retreat.

"What are you doing? Back off, now!

Crawla stuffed the princess, who shot through the giant ghost's eyeballs and connected a new arrow to the slowly approaching rock ghost.

"I'm sorry. This is the will of our people in Lauris."

"... what the hell!?"

The princess narrowed her eyes with a loose eye and said resolutely. Lyle snorts in tears next door.

"We have received too many favors from Lord Margils and from all of you at Lewis. So, as the people of Lauris, we have to make the most sacrifices in this recapture operation (...)."

"If we don't do this, we can't face Master Margils. And realistically... 'I had Lauris reclaimed without any sacrifice (...)' So how much of a negative effect would there be on post-recapture diplomacy"

Lyle supplements the princess's words.

In the battle for the recapture of Lauris, Lauris refugees will create a great deal of 'borrowing' from other forces in Lius. Let's do everything we can to make that repayment right now.

It would have been their sincerity to return the favor to Geo. But more than that, they had chosen to be the 'honorable sacrifice' of the Raulis retrieval as a countermeasure to a realistic problem.

"... of royal descent, so I thought you were a sweet lady... but I've reviewed it."

"Even the incompetent royal family only wants to live up to their responsibilities"

Perry Shra, who stood in front of the princess late to Crawla, was impressed. Slap a firearrow into the face of a giant ghost with his hands on the defense base and he turns around.

"I retreat!

"Come on, Master Crawler, hurry up. After Lauris, I'm asking my sister and Lyle's people..."

"Do something stupid! Whether you survive here or destroy it, it won't affect a lot of people at all!? Such a futile death... Margils will never be pleased!

Meanwhile, Crawla was furious with Willow Eyebrows upside down crisp. I grabbed the princess's shoulder and shook it, but the princess also hoisted her.

"Here's the thing! If you don't! How harsh a takeover (...) Lauris will get later!" The princess fought with a weapon until she died, "Lauris needs it!

"It would be diplomacy to make sure that doesn't happen! And neither Lellis nor Margils will ever abandon Lauris!

"Where is such a guarantee! Lord Margils is my son-in-law in the royal family... I wish you would have made me your concubine for anything!

It would have been a rare sight for two beautiful women, who would also be close to the top in the Lius Alliance, to argue so close to their faces as to bump their noses.

Nevertheless, we are in battle now.




The screams of the little and giant ghosts echo from their immediate feet, and the giants of the rock ghosts are almost there.

I guess we talked from the Lauris side beforehand, the mercenaries looking sorry but retreating quickly. The Lauris Prostitutes, of course, showed their readiness to fight to the end with a face full of determination.

"... ugh"

Crawla nodded heavily. In its hands, the Great Wizard's Wand (Wizardry Stuff) is held. I don't plan on using it on this mission, but Gio gave it to her just in case.

"That's all I can say about your readiness, brilliant. No matter how many words you overlap, it seems impossible to overshadow your resolve."

"Oh, thank you. To Master Margils, go ahead... heb!?"

The princess could not speak a word of gratitude to the end.

Because suddenly the Great Wizard wand (Wizardry Stuff), which Crawla bungled around, hit that head directly.



Reykha, lurking in the shadows, caught the body of a princess who was swept up with her helmet and bled out of her head to fall in.

Keep going backwards...... run out lightly in the direction of the Allied Forces HQ.

"Hey, huh? Les, Lady Raitier!?"

Crawla, who bears the Great Wizard's Wand (Wizardry Stuff) on her shoulder with a flat face, and the princess, who was taken away by a dark elf who emerged from somewhere.

To a sight beyond imagination, Lyle and Lauris prostitutes black-and-white their eyes.

"If the words don't make sense, there's no other way."

Crawla said flatly as she slapped her shoulder with the Great Wizard's Wand (Wizardry Stuff). The wand swirls and is directed towards the rock ghost, which will reach the base in a few more steps.

"... Lightning (Lightning)!


A lightning bolt fired from the wand blew the giant rock ghost into the wood dust. The Great Wizard's Wand (Wizardry Stuff), once a magic item created by Geo, fills me with three to five levels of spells and makes them available to even Sedia's sorcerers.

To be clear, even one of these canes is enough substitute to name Sedia the strongest.


"That's the power of Master Margilus's wand."

"The rock ghost said in one shot... it's too much"

Rock ghosts and countless little ghosts blasted away by blue and white thunderlights. Yet another thunder shoots at the brave prostitutes who have been drained by the sight. Crawler's sharp fury.

"Don't think of it as the wrath of the Allied Lord Margils! On top of this, if you disobey the operation, I (I) will kill you on behalf of the Alliance Lord!?... All armies, retreat!

Withdraw first if danger looms.

If it doesn't go through negotiation and intimidation, it ends with violence.

My experience as an adventurer, not a nobleman or a magician, was letting Crawla choose the best response.

[Lightning (Lightning)] 's power and Crawla's words and deeds, it goes without saying that the prostitutes, completely broken by their burning fighting spirit and sense of purpose, followed her and retreated.