The Wizard Raised Through TRPG is Still the Strongest in the Other World

The World With The Wizard Part One (Three Names)

About ten days after The Wizard's Speech, which will also appear in the history books of future generations, winter was coming to the Lewis region. It is two weeks away from the Festival of Creation, which celebrates the end and beginning of the year over two days.

There is snow in the sky, and the wind is stinging cold. By "Creation Festival," the earth would be completely white stained. However, this chill is believed to be the grace of the goddess Shguinea, who obstructs the actions of the darkness in the region of Lyus. In fact, so far in the winter months there have been few dark raids.

So in winter, you don't have to be afraid of the dark...... and the people of Leus, especially those living outside the city, were thinking. Although.

Forest close to Sylvas, the third city of Leus. There is a small village of those who live in the woods. At the house of one of the hunters, his eldest son, who was out hunting, jumped in and shouted.

"Father! Oh my God, it's a ghost, I saw a ghost!



The crude house had four hunter men and wives, a second son still young, and an eldest daughter. The air that was calm freezes. The hunter stunned but unconsciously took the bow in his hand, and his wife turned pale.

"It's around the old big tree to the east! There were five or six little ones! Maybe he hasn't noticed the village yet!

"Are you that close...!

Recently, his eldest son, who had grown up as an unbeatable hunter by his father, gave a shivering but accurate report. The ancient Great Tree is situated about a few moments from the village to the back of the woods with the foot of a hunter.

"Well, being around means you can't even find this village in a day or two."


Accuracy, I mean, was a hopeless report. There will never be five or six little ghosts. About twenty years ago, the hunter had been destroyed by a demon in the village where he lived at the time. Even then, very few of the first demons were found… the next day, more than a hundred herds surrounded the village. The man felt sick about his memory and predictions.

The four-year-old firstborn cried out frightened. The wife holding it has a similar look. This year, more than a thousand human beings have been killed by the dark in the Ryus region, and we all know that.

"Oh, no... let's get out of here!

My wife screamed. Sure, you'll be fine if you run to Sylbus, the capital, but to do that, you'll have to take the village kids and the old people and walk in the winter forest for two days. If the Dark One finds you in the meantime, it's over.

"Damn! I thought this time of year would be okay..."

"What are you gonna do, Dad!?"


The man eats up his teeth and circles his thoughts.

"I'll take out the Dark One!

"Don't be silly!

A nine-year-old second son turned his face bright red and shouted. My mother slaps me where I tried to get a hand axe for my salary cutter.

"Let's get out of here! Just hold what's important! You help me, too!

Mother trembles and begins to gather possessions and household possessions without.

"No, wait. Hurry up and get to Sylbus. I need to hear from you about this!

The man gave his eldest son a different order than his wife, who packed a small fortune in a bag.

If my oldest son runs, it's a day to Sylbus. Two days or more after that for Sylbus' army to arrive in the village. Three days... if only the devil hadn't discovered it. Otherwise, we have to rely on the village walls to protect them all.

However, just because the knights and soldiers of Sylbus made it doesn't necessarily mean they can beat the demons.

"You can't count on the Knights or the Army of Sylvas!? - Ah!

But now.

"It's not Sylbus's army you call"

"Yes, my wizard! Master Margils!

My oldest son's face glowed brightly. Their father and son were listening immediately to Gio's speech at the Lewis Grand Conference. In the great banquet that gave the city afterwards, it was about time that the two of them wept over the wizard and his companions' hero Tan, whom the bard sang out loud.

"The wizard... but are you sure you want to come? Wizard's country is all the way east, isn't it?

"Yeah yeah!

The wife embracing her eldest daughter said skeptically. In fact, it takes seven days to reach this village from the Land of the Wizard, no matter how hastily you use horses and ships.

He said, "If you grab it, you'll do it!

A second son, who was nagging, cried out with a red tide at his young face. He has yet to see 'The Wizard' straight away, but the hero Tan, whom my father and brother told me, is burning in the back of his brain.

Either way, we have to protect the village first.

The hunter declared in a firm voice holding back his own fright. In this world (Sedia), the walls are stretched out in preparation for the raids of the dark in any small village on the border. If the other guy is just a little ghost, he should be able to stand it for a few days even if he gets attacked by dozens of herds. But what if there are giant ghosts among the demons or a large number of little ghosts...? It could be enough, but that's why we don't have any other options.

"... it's okay, if you're a wizard, you can do something about it!... you go fast! I'll let the village chief know and we'll all protect the village!

"Oh, okay...... I'll definitely call the wizard soon! So wait for me!

The eldest son came to his face with determination. rush to acquire minimum gear or rush out. Until Sylvas, a day. But it may be a moment before the demons attack the village.

Silvas where the sun is about to set.

The soldiers guarding Daimon worked busier than usual. Because a large number of merchants and peasants enter and leave Sylvas before the snow reaches full capacity. In the first place, I'm not just standing in front of the gate making a report on the takeover or tallying the toll with the clerk. Among other things, it was important to ensure that the gate was opened and closed at a set time.

"You rang the bell. All right, let's just close the gate and pull it up!

"Copy that!"

"I'm tired today..."

Within the city, time is separated by the sound of a bell rang by the temple. The soldiers, who heard the bell announce the night's visit, began to work stiflingly. The long-held Sylvas gate has both metal openings, and closing it is an intermediate force job.


"Hmm? What's up?

The gate I was about to close with a heavy noise. Mixed with the sound, the guard soldier called the captain.

"There's a guy approaching us! I'm alone!

"At this hour?

If I looked outside through the gap in the gate, I did see a shadow like a small dot. The captain secretly admired the skill of the watch when he said it was near sunset and he found out it was a person. There's so much distance. As it were, the shadow would be shut out across the gate.

"What do you want to do?

"Hmmm... pathetic but it's a rule..."

Even if my men ask, it's natural for the captain to stroke his jaw like he's in trouble.

In Sylbus, the criminal activities of the former Knights Commander have recently been uncovered and knights and soldiers have been harshly looked at by the inhabitants. We could not neglect the important task involved in the defense of the city of opening and closing Daimon.

"Do you want to keep it closed then? Oh, my God, it's a terrible errand."

"Sure, I would have just forgotten if I let in my father who had been desperately running before this..."

"Yes, Captain! But there's a new rule."


Another soldier's abrupt remarks. But the words tighten the atmosphere of the captain and the other soldiers at once. "The New Rules of the Example" means so much to them.

"Right, sometimes it's the thought of Ashghine. Hey! Just in case!


The nodded captain ordered loudly toward the watchtower.

"Hey there man! Stop!"

The soldier on the lookout stopped a loud, professionally trained shadow - at this time, he could already be seen to be a hunter-like young man. The shadow stops for good... and enters the navel.

"What can I do for Sylvas the Territorial Capital!? Wave twice if you want to be involved with the Dark One! Otherwise, once!

"The information involved in the emergence of the dark takes precedence over all tasks, rules and contacts Geo Margils and the Central Territorial Army" was one of the "new rules of the example".

"Ugh... ah...!

The worn out young man is, of course, the son of a hunter who has come to tell of the emergence of the dark. Even the foot of a trained hunter ran through a day's journey with half of it. He squeezed his last force and waved his arms loudly twice.

"Bring that man! Prepare for transmission, hurry!

A moment of amazement. But the soldiers were moving instantly.

"Captain! A small unit of the dark has emerged! Location is Nia Village Oriental! This is a sighting report of five or six children only!


It was at the headquarters of the Knights of Sylbus that the decree rushed first.

The successor to the former Knights Commander, who did all he could for injustice (well, not a mistake), was a middle-aged man who seemed honest. The chief of the Knights, who was in the reception room during the response of an important visitor, also abandoned the visitor and stood up.

"Inform the Good Civil Army immediately! Get the ship out of here!


"The squadron on standby will have you out in no time! The others are in a state of emergency!

"We still don't know the scale of the dark..."

"The information will come in later! Now he's going to use all the power he can move!


Sylbus' Baroness Filinee reflected on her HR failures at the former Knights Commander and had recruited competent knockout talent for the current Knights Commander. As the Baroness expects, she has raised the tension and sense of responsibility of being on the battlefield from the moment she receives the report. Naturally, however, the worst is assumed and the complexion is poor. enough to lose sight of leaving important visitors unattended.

"Thank you, Knights Leader"

The visitor, or Philinee, the new baroness of Sylvas, gave a soft voice to the Knights Commander who gave instructions while quickly equipping himself. He has an elegant grin on his round contoured face.

"Oh, excuse me, dear Philinese."

"No. Dealing with the dark is a top priority. Nothing's wrong. Have you just lost sight of what's important?

"Lost heart...... ah!

Filine has gathered immense support from the people of Sylvas as soon as possible with charity and wisdom. The look on the face of the knight captain, who was stuck, changed dramatically to the point from the baroness. At first, the upset over the failure in front of the lord, but the next thing that came to mind...

"Oh, yeah! To King Zitheias...... we must also inform Master Margils!

At a major conference the other day, all the cities of Lewis had officially signed the Zitheias, or Alliance against the Dark with Geo. Consultations between defence personnel after the Great Conference had also decided what to do if there was any information on the appearance of the dark. i.e..

"Then give me an example order!

"Yes, thank you"

Both the Knights Commander and the Baroness have been savored with despair many times by the Dark One. Because the fight against the dark only caused a great deal of damage, no matter how well it went.

But now it was the same emotions that came to my two faces as the hunters and the guards.

The emotional name is Hope.