The Wonderful Journey of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 618: A White Figure Suddenly Appearing

You can search "The Knights of the Ring's Wonderful Journey Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"If Tugong needs it, I'm happy to help change the bandage."

The teacher's smile appeared in front of Kagura again.

Before tonight, this smile made Kagura feel joyful and happy, but now, it only brought her endless despair and pain.

The blood-filled head stared at her blankly. The twelve-year-old girl huddled her head in her hands, shivering in the corner.

"sorry Sorry·····"

Kagura could only repeat such words numbly, and a gap appeared in the girl's mind.

Even if he knew that this was a manipulative corpse, even if he knew that he would die if he didn't kill the classmate behind her, but even so, Kagura still couldn't forgive himself.

The sudden emergence of flaws caused the sudden emergence of evil to surround her.

Seeing that evil energy was about to swallow Kagura, a golden light suddenly flashed, and the knight dressed in white stood in front of Kagura.


The magical force exploded, and the resisted evil exploded instantly, as if it could not resist this force.

"It looks like a lot of things have happened."

Ralph, who rushed to the scene, glanced at the scene and roughly understood what was going on. At the same time, he also understood the current situation of Kagura. However, Ralph's attention was focused on the enemy in front of him.


[Well, it is indeed the taste of Hora, but it seems that because of being possessed by the monster, the taste has changed a little, and it is the handwriting of the bishop.

"From this point of view, he has been committed to fusing the power of this world with the power of the demon world."

At the core of the Dragon Man appeared a killing stone unique to this world. Now, Hora is also possessed by the demon. It is almost certain that the bishop, Hora, who also comes from another world, has been working on this The power of the world on one side is combined with the power of the local area to obtain a stronger power.

Thinking about it this way, the escaping evil spirits condensed and formed again, turning into Hora's appearance.


It was a body that seemed to be composed of countless spheres. The dark red body glowed with frightening light. In the center of the body, a Hora's head was embedded in it, which seemed a little unnatural.

After showing the truth, Hora opened her mouth and spit out, a group of dark purple magic bullets blurted out, and went straight to Ralph.


The Lord of the Rings sword suddenly cut down, cutting the magic bullet from the middle without any muddle.


Before hitting the target, the magic bullet burst.

Ignoring the blazing heat coming, Ralph felt the power contained in it, and slightly let go of his heart.

Even though it is a combination of Hora and the demon, the Hora in front of him is not strong enough. In the magic bullet just now, although there are two powers of Hora and the demon, it is not difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, Ralph's body moved.


The body turned into a flash of light, and appeared in front of Hora the next moment. The Lord of the Rings sword directly hit the opponent's body, bursting out sparks. Obviously, Hora did not react, and his body flew out unexpectedly. .

Ralph took advantage of the victory and pursued, immediately lit the magic fire, and cut it out cleanly.

The cyan sword light suddenly appeared, and instantly approached Hora's body.

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

At the moment Jianmang was about to hit Hora's body, Hora's body suddenly split.Today's Literature Network


This scene was beyond Ralph's expectation, the dark red body of the beast quickly turned into red balls of flesh, spreading towards the surroundings, and escaped the blow.

[I haven't seen Hora, Lei with this kind of power, this may be the power of the monster possessed by it.

"Well, depending on this situation, it should be the power that controls the corpse to become a puppet..."

Looking at the dismembered female corpse on the ground, Ralph roughly guessed the opponent's ability, which is not surprising, and then he made a countermeasure against it-took out the magic pistol.

Da Da Da Da Da Da —!

The magic pistol fired, and a magic bullet shot from the muzzle.

Ralph’s marksmanship has been improving. At the beginning, when he used guns for the first time in the Blade of Demon Slayer, he could only shoot with the experience of using crossbows in Valianti, and later he specialized in the dark bullet world. Afterwards, due to the improvement of his strength, the role of magical firearms also weakened, but his skills have not fallen.

He is now, not to mention a hundred shots, but he is able to deal with this situation with ease.

Boom-boom-boom-boom -!

A round of magic bullets accurately hit the dancing ball of flesh. If it were Hola assembled into one body, this kind of damage would only cause some trouble for it at best, but now, it is divided into countless individuals, and it will also invisibly destroy itself. The resistance has dropped to the lowest point, for it, this bullet is enough to harvest its life.

However, Hora was not stupid, and when he noticed something was wrong, he immediately mobilized most of the meatballs and pounced on Ralph.

The remaining few, while Ralph's sight was blocked, rushed towards Kagura who had lost his combat power and the two girls in the closet behind her.

"Think beautiful!"

Ralph sensed its intention.

Facing the meatballs that gathered to rush towards him, he casually took a sword flower in his hand, and the Lord of the Rings sword slammed out, cutting the meatballs one by one.

Don't forget, his strongest is swordsmanship, a large number of meatballs gathered together, it is easier for him.

In an instant, the field of vision in front of him was empty, and Ralph did not hesitate, and he raised his hand to the only meat ball and pulled the trigger.

But at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded.



What followed was the sound of glass shattering, and a white shadow suddenly broke through the window, broke in here, and came to Hora in a thunderous manner, swallowing it in one go.


Ralph saw the appearance of the white shadow clearly. It was a white creature similar to a wolf or a dog. The whole body was pure white, without a trace of variegated color, but the body was exaggeratedly long, just like a giant snake.

The body is still surrounded by chains to bind it, and the chains are also mixed with obvious sealing power.

But even so, there was a shuddering aura in front of this white creature. This aura was not at the same level as the monsters Ralph had seen before.

This is of course.

Ralph knew what this thing was, and he had seen it before he came.

Of course, it is just a picture, not the body.

But the one in front of me should be the body.

"Bai Rui?!"

Ralph called out its name.

That's right, the strongest spirit beast that the Tugong family has mastered for generations-the dog god Bai Rui!