The Wonderful Journey of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 685 Sophia is arrested

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Sodd has summoned armor.

When he rushed out of the small town, the huge impact took a disturbing breath.

He knows that it is the impact of the battle between the Devil's Rings and the Dark Knights. He has also experienced such a battle for some time.

But that's it, he raised a restlessness in his heart.

As an opponent, he is very clear that the strength of the Dark Knight.

The strongest Silver Knight is not walked, even if it is the last battle, it is just over the end of the wind.

Now, Reell is more than just a Dark Knight, and there is a large number of Hora, can he win?

At the moment of his thoughts, Zalba opened.

[Don't worry about him, now you have to focus on your eyes!

Sodo looked up.

Tens of car Hella is rushing.

It can be seen that after these Hora past a war, many vehicles have obvious traces that are burnt. This is Reelf's hand.

In the farther direction, it is filled with smoke and is unclear.

"Yes, if you don't even solve these things, you can go to see Jina without face."

[What is the relationship between these?


Zarba's vomiting did not get a response, and Soard pulled his own wolf sword.

In the past so many years, the gesture of the wolf sword has also happened many times, eventually become the present, more suitable for the appearance of Sode personal use.

The huge sword works with the body of So Deqiang's flesh to become the most powerful battlefield.

"Good, Zalba!"

[Big trouble!

Zalba opened a huge robot, just like Renuo Reell, these car Hora seems to be the fate of unparalleled mowers.

The process is similar to the past.

Soce and Zarba's perfect cooperation, let this broken Hole is more snow, and there is no five rounds, and the car Holle is under the sword of Sode for a bunch of wrecks.

"Call ~ warm-up exercise is over, then next ······"

Soard looked at the distance, the battle between Leelf and Dark Knights did not share the winning.

He intends to support.

As at this time, Zalba's voice suddenly sounded.

[Sode! There is a big guy at your feet!

The voice just fell, and the ground under the foot suddenly broke, and the three long-fold snakes were explored from the ground.

It is said that it is a snake head, but it can only be said that this word is comparable to the shape of the forefront.

There is no doubt that it is Hora.

It's like a giant body, almost invisible to the existence of your eyes, in order to occupy the entire head of more than half of the blood, the stinky mucus flows out of the mouth of Hora, dropped on the ground to joys the gratis.

[Another trouble guy.

"Let's solve it, no time and him."

Said, the locomotive accelerated and contained Sedo rushed to Hora.

- - -!

More tentacles extend from underground, toward Sodo sweeps.

Zarba opened the robot, hard-eracent the tentacles to take these tentacles, let it move, Sodo jumped off the bus, big step forward, all the tentacles were cut off.

Ho Le influenced threats, three blood bodies were opened at the same time, and the blue rays were sprayed in the mouth.

"Ah, ah -!"

Soard leaps and went straight to the sky.

Holla's attack is also followed.

However, from the sky, So 20 was smashed, and even the storm did not decrease, the whole Hole's body is divided into two.

Rumble -!

"There is only this extent."

After standing in the wreckage of Hora, Sod twisted the neck.

It was at this time that the west suddenly came out.


One of the vision of the front of Sode's eyes.

The huge impact will blow all the things that hinder the sight.

The amazing visual of the Rubber Rings makes Sodore locked the two under the night sky.

One gold is black.

The golden stay in the posture, and the body is still with a glistening, and black is lying on the ground, and the abdomen burns the cyan flame.

The wins have been divided.

Reelf looked at the dark knight on the ground, relieved armor.

The finale of this battle is destined, no matter which aspect, Reelf is far stronger than the most powerful silver knight.

The last hit, the Dark Knight condenses all the power.

However, Reselff, who has been more than him, is more stronger than him, and the huge magic is condensed in the box, and the blink of the dark knight's attack is blinded, and the hole wears his body.

The Dark Knight's life is also fixed at that moment.

"If you don't have fallen, Sodes should have a good partner."

Looking at the armored armor, Leff muttered.

When the soul steel became the moment of death, it represents the death of the knight, and the death of the knight also represents the armor ushered in destruction.

Perhaps, a certain day of the future, the strongest Silver Knight's armor will be re-casting glory.

But before this, this armor will no longer trace.

"The battle looks smooth, it is a wolf, hahaha."

Sod also lifted the armor, riding a locomotive to the front of Leff.

Looking at the corpse of the Dark Knight, it is quite emotional.

"Unfortunately, if I am with him, Hohla in the devil will not be so crazy."

"Don't emphasize the millennium, after all, the memory is just two or three years ago."

Reelf took the sword, waved, and the residual corpse was dusty, and the wind was dissipated.

"Talking, Holla is also good, the Dark Knight is good, it is the yin me from the human heart, but the yin of humanity is never eliminated."

"But isn't it our responsibility?"

Sode did not have any sad expressions, but revealed a smile.

"Let's go, they should be solved over there, and introduce you to a very reliable teammate, all aspects."


However, when they intended to return to the small town, the center of the small town, a purple light rushed to the sky, and the entire town was wrapped in an instant.

The light lasting time is very short, just a few seconds, when the radiance dissipates, the entire town has disappeared from the perspective of the two, and there is no trace of traces.

"This is the truncation launched ?!"

"It seems that the end of the transfer, the end is the golden country?"

Although two people are surprised, they are not worried.

They believe that their teammates, after the proven rings, they do what they do as the magic army.

It is estimated that they should now be with the residents of the town.

Others, a monk suddenly turned around in front of Leff.

Ama's news came above.

Reself's face turned.

Sophia was taken away. "